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So what is Lucas Hood's real name anyway?
Ace O'Riordan
Dennis Mitchell
Guggenheim McFrankenbutt
Hood Lucas
Norman Krasner
This poll is stupid and undermines the thematic point being made by keeping Lucas Hood's real name a secret.
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Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling

DivisionPost posted:

Yeah, Gordon was killed, Job got kidnapped by the people Hood used to work for, and Hood surrendered the badge to Brock -- getting Kai's attention.

I thought Job was kidnapped by the hardass Colonel's IT henchman? Or by "people Hood used to work for" did you just mean the US military in general


Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling
So the way Bunker left the porno dudes file on the hood of Carries car he knows she's the towns Batman?

Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling
The serial killer is probably Burton

Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling
The serial killer is Deva, whoever posted that got it right, it feels perfect

Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling
Yeah that's what did it for me too

Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling
Bunker is a cool character but the neo Nazi plotline is really dumb, his brother is a stupid TV villain and I wish they would focus on Kai instead

Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling
Man the final season is only 8 eps long I don't have time for this satanist and neo nazi family drama bullshit

Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling
the only other thing I've seen her in was in Bring it On and it was a good movie and good performance

Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling
its just so lame that Neo Nazis and Satanists are 80% of the plot in the final season. And they decided not to flesh out any more of Hood's military back story, which is fine I guess, but this show kinda feels like a R-rated Sons of Anarchy lately

Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling

Iseeyouseemeseeyou posted:

poo poo, I'd been wondering this, thanks!

He's also Frank Underwood's original Secret Service bodyguard in House of Cards


Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling
Brocks acting was sooooo bad in the Hood revelation scene. The way he kept twisting his head around going "no, can't be" was super loving lame and I was loling

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