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Aug 19, 2006
Well that sure was dumb. A virus? That's all that's been needed to defeat Samaritan this whole time? You're going to out-code a computer super intelligence? And why would it kill the Machine too? Can't she cut off her internet access while it's executed? Couldn't Greer just shoot Harold in the head instead of triggering some Bond villain death trap? This is all so incredibly lazy and rushed.


Aug 19, 2006
It's like something you'd expect to see back in the 90's when most people didn't know much about computers. A virus is simply a program that uses security exploits to do what it was designed for. What exploit is Harold's doomsday virus going to use that Samaritan, a being literary a million times smarter than him, hasn't already found and closed?

Aug 19, 2006

SpookyLizard posted:

Have some of the people in this thread not read Cat's Cradle and as such have no understanding of Ice-9? In short, in Vonnegut's novel, Ice-9 is a polymorph of water that has a freezing point of 45.8 degrees celsius, as opposed to regular water's zero degrees celsius. When Ice-9 is introduced into liquid water, it basically cause the entire body to rapidly solidify and 'freeze' and require melting to above to 45.8 degrees celsius to return to normal water. Ice-9 was invented by the Manhattan to help Marines and other soldiers have to stop dealing with mud. It was never used because it could A) freeze the poo poo out of people and B) possibly end all life on earth if it touched an serious amount of water. Oh, did I mention it can kill people? Yeah, that will happen if it makes contact with the liquid portion of your body.

The Ice-9.exe Finch stole is presumably similar. It's a weaponized super-virus, and it's named after a tiny crystal that can end the world if a sliver ends up in a river that lets out to the ocean. It can kill a person if it touches the inside of their mouth or their eyes. While I suspect it may be to a certain degree a little handwavey as to how it fucks the world's poo poo up, but whatever it's going to do I'm guessing will have a similar Snowball effect to Ice-9. It may leave all currently existing devices unusable AND possibly functioning as means of redistribution afterwards. I'm expecting it will end up altering some fundamental level of computers, that will leave Samaritan thinking about how 2+2=5, and how it needs scissors! 61!

A little handwavey? It makes about as much sense as the virus in Independence Day (and let's even include the explanation from the deleted scene to be generous). It's the definition of deus ex machina . I'd blame it on the short season if the writers didn't waste half of it on number of the week crap instead of setting up a proper ending to the main conflict of the show.

Aug 19, 2006

Chasiubao posted:

I think this is a pretty weird time to suddenly start demanding realism :v:

Yeah I suppose but the worst part isn't how unrealistic it is, it's that it's so obviously a last minute asspull and one that is used to defeat the primary villain of the show no less.

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