What happened to Bear
# ¿ Apr 25, 2016 07:28 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2024 21:26 |
Stabbey_the_Clown posted:It's actually not a terrible idea. You kill someone, they're dead. You cripple them, and then the enemy needs to spend resources to take care of and rehabilitate them. (Or if they kill them themselves then that blood is on their hands and not the heroes.) They probably get a text message: Samaritan posted:KILL YOURSELF
# ¿ May 5, 2016 02:34 |
Humbug Scoolbus posted:I hope Beale returns I want him to realize that Greer is bad news and we get him and Reese shooting up Samaritan agents
# ¿ May 11, 2016 06:48 |
Basically waiting to watch them back to back. My heart can't take it otherwise
# ¿ May 17, 2016 02:52 |
I went into the Shaw episode spoiled thanks to the Internet and this thread, and while I'm not complaining about spoilers (I'm a grown-rear end adult who can deal), gently caress that episode was depressing to watch when I had foreknowledge of what was actually going on
# ¿ May 18, 2016 06:59 |
Zaggitz posted:Tonight's episode, "The Day the World Went Away" is the 100th episode of the show! It's also the beginning of what is presumably a 4 part series finale, so get hype. My heart can't take this
# ¿ May 31, 2016 16:41 |
So it's not a trick? She's really gone, for good
# ¿ Jun 1, 2016 05:38 |
Reese is thing to ruin everything by pulling Finch back from the edge, isn't he
# ¿ Jun 4, 2016 18:48 |
Final scene is a Mad Max-style wasteland, Bear and Reese peering off into the distance.
# ¿ Jun 8, 2016 22:24 |
Senjuro posted:A little handwavey? It makes about as much sense as the virus in Independence Day (and let's even include the explanation from the deleted scene to be generous). It's the definition of deus ex machina . I'd blame it on the short season if the writers didn't waste half of it on number of the week crap instead of setting up a proper ending to the main conflict of the show. I think this is a pretty weird time to suddenly start demanding realism
# ¿ Jun 16, 2016 06:19 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2024 21:26 |
raditts posted:Pretty much everything involving the machine fighting Samaritan was a lot of "tell" and exactly zero "show" which is why I hated whenever they even mentioned them battling. Out of genuine curiousity and zero sarcasm, what do you think would work in terms of "tell" for a battle between two computer programs? A few goons above suggested using the kid, but I feel like assaulting a child wouldn't play well on TV.
# ¿ Jul 31, 2016 20:23 |