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Binary Logic
Dec 28, 2000

Fun Shoe
In many tv series there is a 'tone meeting' with the showrunners, writers, directors and they go through the script line by line.
This group must just say for every scene, "What can we do to make it more intense?!"

raditts posted:

For me it all seemed plausible except for "IT'S DECOMPRESSING TOO FAST OUR SYSTEMS CAN'T HANDLE IT!" *hardware sparks, catches fire*

Is there something legit to that part or was that :techno:

One time I had an overclocked AMD CPU overheat and all I saw was a sad, little puff of smoke.


Binary Logic
Dec 28, 2000

Fun Shoe
I've really seen much more Shaw being tortured and abused than I needed.

Binary Logic
Dec 28, 2000

Fun Shoe

Sub Rosa posted:

I'm sure a trained audio engineer can clean up audio, but it was literally two sliders marked Vocal Track and Background Noise.

Sorry you guys missed the obviously intentional joke in the lighthearted comedy episode.

As for tonight's episodes, my suspension of disbelief is sort of strained by the need for Team Machine to figure out why they are being sent somewhere. I have been looking forward to the Machine to be an open system since season 1, but still this element of here is a number and that is all you are getting is coexisting with this is the exact makeup of the supervirus and where to find the antidote.

It just seems like the Machine could have said, hey, this guy has the flu and Samaritan is going to create a super virus by injecting him with another virus that was switched with the antiviral they are going to treat him with. This one guy who works there is in on it. Oh and that humble house painter I sent you to is now a Samaritan operative in case he shows up.

Denoise app:
A magic tool to remove background noise from your videos. This app will help your videos to stand out, with professional sound and without distracting background noises. As an extra, availability as an app extension makes the process almost immediate.

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