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Sep 27, 2001

Yams Fan
I'm so happy this is almost back, it's been forever. Although also sad it's the last season.


Sep 27, 2001

Yams Fan
As soon as I saw the PS3s I started cracking up. Somewhere, someone at Sony who was a big proponent of the Cell processor is just madly fist pumping and screaming.

Sep 27, 2001

Yams Fan
One thing I'm not clear on is why they are all basically okay to walk around in the open again and sort of back to normal numbers operations just because the Machine is back online. And this may just be me not remembering something fully or the answer may be "it's a TV show don't think too much."

I remember for awhile they were safe from Samaritan because Root had installed that virus that made the facial recognition decide they were unimportant. But I don't really remember how that got wiped out while the Machine was down or why it's now safe again. Is it just that the Machine maintains their cover identities? That would make sense for Root, but it seems like John's cop cover is fully blown by now. Or was Samaritan manually tracking them all this time and the Machine interrupts that? But then the tracking should have been gone once they got in a dark area like the underground? Or is the facial recognition virus that Root installed into Samaritan somehow dependent on the Machine?

Am I just thinking too much?

Sep 27, 2001

Yams Fan

Zaggitz posted:

The virus is still there, in the premiere Samaritan had to track them manually using stuff like the briefcase and the shotgun root was carrying because they were still effectively invisible to it once they got out of sight and manual tracking lost them.

So then why was Root unable to go outside while the Machine was down? Is she just a particularly identifiable target without the Machine because it's been doing rotating identities on her for so long or something?

Sep 27, 2001

Yams Fan

Zaggitz posted:

The machine maintained her covers exclusively, because they were fluid. the rest are all hardwired into the samaritan virus.

I think it's because he machine is is in a centralized location samaritan isn't aware of now, instead of being spread all across the power grid like it used to be. Not 100% sure though.

Okay, that makes sense. Thanks.

Sep 27, 2001

Yams Fan

JossiRossi posted:

I can understand them not wanting to tell Fusco. It is the difference between him bumbling into danger, and having a crosshair on his forehead. Samaritan has been very good at working out if someone knows about it.

I don't know, at this point he's just actively walking into/investigating Samaritan stuff and he's at risk to get assassinated without Team Machine even knowing what is going on since they've alienated him so much. If they'd just take him down in the subway and read him in on what is going on, he could keep up his cop cover same as John is doing and bring any Samaritan related stuff to the team rather than getting his fingers all in it alone. Like it made sense to keep him in the dark up until now, but once he's basically investigating Samaritan and divorcing himself from the group, it's probably time to bring him in.

override367 posted:

The audio app fusco used is obviously created by Samaritan explaining it's whiz bang magical capabilities, just like every other piece of consumer software in the POI universe at this point

This is basically what I assumed, especially since the title bar had it listed as some sort of special NYPD program. Seems like a Samaritan thing dumbed down to be point and click for the cops (and probably letting Samaritan listen in).

I just got caught up last night in a marathon from episode 4 to current, and man this show is good :unsmith: I missed Shaw.

Sep 27, 2001

Yams Fan
That was really good and now I'm really sad. Going to go drink some whiskey in honor of John.

I haven't been this bummed about a show ending since Justified.


Sep 27, 2001

Yams Fan

docbeard posted:

Also, as it turned out, both Samaritan and the Machine did have copies out there. (Samaritan's in the Federal Reserve vault, the Machine's in the subway that came online at the end of the episode, plus the one that Harold was carrying around).

What, in retrospect, would have been cool was, after ICE-9 wiped out all electronic traces of both Samaritan and the Machine, a shot of a bunch of clerks at Thornhill Industries typing in a bunch of code from printouts.

I'm still not really sure why just destroying the antenna before Samaritan could transmit itself to the satellite wouldn't have been fine, but (a) maybe they figured that if it went to the satellite they knew where the last functional copy was and could keep it isolated there until the Machine could (hopefully) destroy it, whereas if they destroyed that antenna it could have fled anywhere and (b) it's just a show, I should really just relax.

Yeah, I assumed (a). If you destroy the antenna maybe it just reroutes itself somewhere else and they might not be able to track it since they aren't directly tracing it like they were in the bank vault. Having it fire the last copy of itself off into space and sending The Machine after it while it is presumably blind and more vulnerable than normal and can be surprised made some sense to me. As much as any of this pseudo-tech basis of this show does. You have to suspend disbelief here and there, but gently caress it, it's still better than 95% of what is on TV.

Or I should say, was better :smith:

berzerkmonkey posted:

He did sacrifice himself - for Finch. It felt like less because there was the long discussion prior to it happening, rather than a "Look out, sir!" moment. But yeah, the way the past five years have gone, he should have been able to take all of those guys out, while maybe getting a flesh wound. He spent five years consistently hitting kneecaps at range and while on the move, yet could barely hit the Samaritan guys from a static position.

The problem was that he was stuck in a position with no cover and couldn't really be on the move because he had to protect the uploading laptop. Plus maybe he wasn't as careful as he normally would have been since he knew the whole roof was going to be hit by a missile in a few seconds anyway. If he was going to die regardless, might as well catch a few bullets with his torso that might otherwise have hit the laptop and hosed things up.

StarkRavingMad fucked around with this message at 04:35 on Jun 24, 2016

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