Well doesthedogdie.com spoiled me on Bear's fate
# ¿ Apr 30, 2016 04:37 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2024 13:24 |
My friend was right and Michael Emerson is a delightful man He crushed my legs the other night at a small off-broadway play and was so apologetic about it and we had a little back and forth apologetic conversation as the two of us were trying to fix the seats (think bolt-on row seats like you find at a ballpark) so he could sit without pushing the row back and into my shins again. My internal monologue was just "omgomgomgomgomg" the whole time, of course.
# ¿ May 9, 2016 14:46 |
I wonder if my reaction to meeting Emerson would have been any different had it been after I saw this episode instead of at the beginning of the season. I've never seen LOST so I can't draw the Ben Linus parallels but that monologue was amazing. I finally caught up now and I'm stunned.
# ¿ Jun 2, 2016 02:11 |
less laughter posted:I'm confused, can someone explain how POTUS can be an irrelevant number? Shaw mentioned it very briefly but it still didn't explain much. "But to it, you are all irrelevant"
# ¿ Jun 8, 2016 23:59 |
LentThem posted:I enjoy trying to figure out when they do or don't need to slap themselves in the ear before talking to each other, or when it's an open channel and they're just listening to what's going on around the other person I figured it's just a concession for TV to remind the viewer that they're going to be speaking directly with each other over the phone. They've established more than once that they're always listening, but you need a visual reminder for TV that like "Okay, Reese is now going to stop talking to the person in front of him and start talking to Finch directly" so the viewer doesn't go "wait what why is he saying that to ohhhhhhh he's talking to Finch now".
# ¿ Jun 10, 2016 13:53 |
muscles like this? posted:I'm just wondering if by the end of the series we'll learn John's real name. We won't. But if the show ever gets revived it will be a new team and there might be a cameo by another mysterious agent named...Iroquois Reese
# ¿ Jun 11, 2016 20:18 |
Harold's first 40 iterations of the machine:
# ¿ Jun 14, 2016 13:47 |
Spergatory posted:Fun fact: fellow Hamilton cast member and Tony nominee Chris Jackson was also in this show! He played a security guard in the episode with the Asian acrobat thief. And just about every Tony nominee was an extra/minor character on Law&Order at some point. Some multiple times
# ¿ Jun 17, 2016 18:50 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2024 13:24 |
I don't remember the last time I watched a show, as it aired, straight through to the series finale, but I have to say I was not emotionally ready for this.
# ¿ Jun 22, 2016 03:26 |