Zaggitz posted:One interesting BTS note: Episode 4: 6,741 was originally slated to be the 7th ep of the season, but was pushed forward a few slots. PoI never goes out of production order but in this case the producers have said the format and structure means it can essentially work anywhere in the season. Jonah Nolan has also been teasing this particular episode as one of his favorite eps in the entire show since late last summer. Yeah, that was my thought once I saw the episode title as well. The other idea I had based on the producers' comments was that it might be an episode that delves into younger Reese's past, since we've had "child" episodes for all the other main characters now, yet his backstory prior to the Army has been more or less unexplored. Hoping waaaaay more that it's a Shaw episode though. Apart from S3 of Hannibal this is the only time a show has ever held my interest enough for me to be SUPER drat HYPE about its final season. I really trust the POI team to be able to pull off a satisfying finale and I actually wonder if the condensed season might even be better in some ways given there were always a few annoying/silly filler episodes. I'm daring to have high hopes for this.
# ¿ Apr 26, 2016 11:02 |
# ¿ Sep 8, 2024 20:13 |
Caviezel is killing it this season. Reese is even Reese-ier than usual. When we've watched these last two episodes we've found ourselves laughing at the delivery of a majority of his lines, he's just got that weird dude line delivery down perfectly. It's a joy to watch. I admit I used to think he was the weak link in a show full of otherwise fabulous actors but I was totally wrong.
# ¿ May 12, 2016 00:20 |
buddhanc posted:loving brutal episode in a crazy enthralling and terrifying way. My heart was POUNDING. Excellent use of lighting to just make the entire episode feel hosed up and awful. Shaw shot herself 6700+ times to avoid hurting Root. I CAN'T. I CAN'TTTTTT.
# ¿ May 16, 2016 10:43 |
THESE LAST TWO EPISODES HAVE JUST KILLED IT. god drat. I was so afraid S5 would feel rushed and/or be lovely due to how short it was, but I'm thrilled so far. Really loved Garvin's character, Fusco was great, Elias is not only back but BEAR HAS BEEN LOOKING AFTER HIM, bless.
# ¿ May 18, 2016 07:14 |
buddhanc posted:Awesome episode. Love me some fusco. Anyone think there's some potential for Blackwell to become a double agent? He seems pretty adamant on doing the right thing. Yeah, we were discussing this in my house earlier. Potential for him to be a double agent or even a triple agent, i.e. the team gets him on their side but in the end he betrays them and sets up a Bad Ending by defaulting back to Samaritan. This is one of the only shows where I am picturing a triple-cross plot and not wanting to smack one of the writers up the head. I have faith they could do either really well.
# ¿ May 18, 2016 07:26 |
Yeah, I feel like they're setting up Reese for a death arc the way this season has been dredging up his old demons. However, I now find I don't want him to die because he's grown on me so dang much. I could almost see them subverting that redemption-into-death-arc style plot though because Reese's thing for most of the show has always been that he was willing to die for the cause. Maybe the end of his arc culminates in him discovering he doesn't have to. I could go either way on that.
# ¿ May 19, 2016 00:28 |
Zaggitz posted:The finale ends with Reese finally KNOWING his body. You are being watched. The government has a secret system, a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know because I built it. This is a way of men. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror but it sees everything. Violent crimes involving ordinary people, people like Ted Cobbler. Crimes the government considered "irrelevant." They wouldn't act, so I decided I would. But I needed a partner, someone with the skills to intervene. Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. You'll never find us, but victim or perpetrator, if your number's up... we'll find you. For that is the way of the true buckaroo.
# ¿ Jun 12, 2016 19:11 |
I'm not ready for this.
# ¿ Jun 21, 2016 10:27 |
# ¿ Sep 8, 2024 20:13 |
Thinking about Root's missiles/missile silo that went nowhere, I have a theory: The way John's death scene is shot/cut doesn't definitively kill him right up until the final wide-angle shot where the Samaritan ops close in and fire simultaneously. He's wounded, sure. But he's killing a lot of dudes up there and we've seen him get out of worse. The final shot of him actually dying is a later cut. It's possible the scene was originally shot in such a way that they wanted John's death to be ambiguous. The bulk of footage in the episode could be used for a 'John lives' or a 'John dies' cut and changing that would require comparably very little editing versus if main characters had been present for his death, if it had been shot in a different way, etc. Perhaps at the time of filming they still thought they had a chance of a spinoff series or the show being picked up by another network, then as that became less and less likely they decided to kill him for sure in the narrative because it would best suit narrative closure if this was the last episode ever. If the show had gotten picked up elsewhere after all and they had kept the death scene ambiguous, I could easily see the missiles Root targeted coming into play in the opening episodes of a potential next season. Film the finale only slightly differently (remove that final split-second scene where John actually dies, remove references to the explosion, or change the explosion scenes slightly) and everything can stay as-is: everyone assumes John and Harold died, they might even bury a body assumed to be John's, but in the end we see that Root had her missiles intercept the submarine's missiles and instead of the building getting obliterated, there was a midair collision or some vaguely handwavey poo poo. A few minor changes could have made the ending SUPER open-ended without having to retcon anything ala Glenn in Walking Dead. Or I'm just reading too much into the way certain scenes were edited because I work in broadcasting and my editors and I love to nitpick this poo poo to death. Anomalous Blowout fucked around with this message at 05:13 on Jun 23, 2016 |
# ¿ Jun 23, 2016 02:25 |