You awaken a TV genie who gives you one TV wish. It can effect just one show or channel or genre, or all TV everywhere. What do you use your one wish on? Here's mine: No television show will ever again feature a scene where an adult who has lost track of a child wanders around yelling that child's name.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 03:36 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 20:04 |
A complete version of Deadwood as the writers intended.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 03:59 |
No TV show will ever again use a plot that hinges on two characters making wild assumptions about each other rather than just clearing everything up with a simple, two-minute conversation.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 06:20 |
I want to be able to watch the Houston Astros play baseball on my TV, no matter what channel they're on.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 06:23 |
Just... maybe... don't make an "Uncle Buck" series.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 06:27 |
No more narration ever.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 11:11 |
For Buffy the Vampire Slayer to have basically never ended. e: Comics don't count, sneaky genie.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 11:14 |
Not Operator posted:For Buffy the Vampire Slayer to have basically never ended. This but Angel instead
# ? Jun 2, 2016 11:23 |
For HBO to bring back Carnivale.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 11:40 |
I wish that Sinbad would get another tv show
# ? Jun 2, 2016 12:21 |
Ein cooler Typ posted:I wish that Sinbad would get another tv show An Always Sunny Spinoff would be nice
# ? Jun 2, 2016 12:23 |
An HBO remake of Lost that lasts 3 seasons.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 12:54 |
I wish that all shows must be allowed to have resolutions to all storylines when they are cancelled no matter how long they've been on the air.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 14:16 |
David Milch gets unlimited money and all the actors come back for as much Deadwood as the cast/crew wants to produce. I'd probably give up a decade of my post-50's life to have this happen.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 14:25 |
Timothy Omundson becomes my best friend and we go on adventures. This can be a TV show or real life tbh, I'm not picky.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 14:43 |
I wish for all of Bryan Fuller's shows to be brought back to me, alive and intact.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 15:27 |
Nobody on any TV show is allowed to ever drag out a will they / won't they get together plot for one season, or more than is plausible when assuming that both characters have a greater intelligence than God gave pistachio nuts.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 15:33 |
full penetration
# ? Jun 2, 2016 16:11 |
One more season of Firefly, that pretends the movie never happened. Runner up, for all celebrity reality TV to go away forever.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 16:13 |
All reality TV goes away forever. No mid season breaks. The olympics don't gently caress tv up for a bunch of sports no one gives a gently caress about.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 16:16 |
Arrgytehpirate posted:All reality TV goes away forever. I like curling
# ? Jun 2, 2016 16:18 |
I wish there was a Summer NFL that wasn't terrible. Wait no I would never get anything done.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 18:37 |
A ratings system that isn't older than my parents and a reasonably priced business model that allows me to watch whatever I want, when I want. Just drag everyone into the 21st century, even if it is kicking and screaming the whole way.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 20:11 |
More historical shows on HBO about some of the more obscure stuff instead of the things that have been retreaded to much. Like the wars of the Diadochi, Punic wars, great migrations, thirty years war, 1848 revolutions etc.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 20:12 |
All serialized shows must follow an established continuity. No "it was a dream" bullshit, either (Newhart excluded). Any writer who strays gets kicked in the nuts.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 22:18 |
John From Cincinnati gets a second season
# ? Jun 2, 2016 22:23 |
When the show Gummi Bears comes on , your tv dispense actual Gummi Bears and/or Gummi berry juice for the super strength.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 22:24 |
Ein cooler Typ posted:I wish that Sinbad would get another tv show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orPcPUNdjxE A new season of Hannibal.
# ? Jun 2, 2016 23:04 |
I wish that CW would take its progressive agenda and toss it with the 1,300 other nukes that suddenly went on coffee break during Arrow.
# ? Jun 3, 2016 05:52 |
a second season of clone high.
# ? Jun 3, 2016 07:18 |
All shows that attempt any sort of series long plotline must have that plotline written out in advance of the show starting. And networks can't cancel shows before said plotline is resolved. And shows end after said plotline is resolved, instead of limping on into eternity. Cable channels have to revert to showing what their special interest is. No more Ancient Aliens, Ghost Hunters, or bullshit conspiracy theory/reality tv shows. The Mole comes back for at least a few more seasons.
# ? Jun 3, 2016 14:20 |
Tiggum posted:No TV show will ever again use a plot that hinges on two characters making wild assumptions about each other rather than just clearing everything up with a simple, two-minute conversation. I'm adding to this that it especially applies to situations where one character asks for an explanation and the other says "It's complicated", because it never is. Just loving explain it.
# ? Jun 3, 2016 17:09 |
Full six season run of Limitless on either USA or Hulu, no budget cuts. This assumes that Person of Interest doesn't "drop the mic" with an edgy "bad guys win" ending.
# ? Jun 3, 2016 17:44 |
Nuclear launch button that destroys the person responsible for whatever terrible commercial you are currently watching. Go ahead and add some ironic consequence like it costs $10,000 a press, still worth it
# ? Jun 3, 2016 18:03 |
One of these for my personal use.
# ? Jun 3, 2016 18:15 |
IRQ posted:One of these for my personal use. If it means I have an unlimited supply of fresh salmon for my grill, I would like one too
# ? Jun 3, 2016 18:20 |
- That CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News cease to be TV channels. - No more corporate sponsorship on PBS. Heck, have multiple publicly funded channels. - That TV producers slow down and give everyone a chance to catch up on their television backlog. - Don't have a talk show's social media strategy start dictating the content of the show. - Everyone shuts up about Firefly once and for all. - Shows be good from the start so goons stop asking how many episodes or seasons they should skip. - Shows stop trolling the "fan theory" crowd because they're so obnoxious. - That vehicles for comedians aren't automatically treated as "prestige" content. They haven't earned it yet! - You know what? Get rid of SNL. Let's see what happens.
# ? Jun 3, 2016 18:22 |
I just want all shows to start 2 minutes after the DVR scheduled start, and end 2 minutes before the DVR scheduled end. (Not counting live events). The 2 minutes can be used for titles/credits/recaps/previews, but no new content. I chose 2 minutes to avoid clock issues, rounding errors and satellite + cable routing delays.
# ? Jun 3, 2016 18:22 |
Season 20 of the original Law & Order, as NBC originally promised Dick Wolf.
# ? Jun 3, 2016 18:55 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 20:04 |
that I get to be in charge of it
# ? Jun 3, 2016 19:22 |