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Dec 7, 2015
Eagerly waiting to see how many people turn vegetarian.

Btw the experience the wife goes through was very similar to my own, and I really connected with it on that level. Then it got weird.

Obviously I think the vegetarianism is merely a plot device, a symptom of a larger problem, but one through which we can enter the pain of the main character more easily.

Fun fact it was actually Under the Skin that turned me vegan.


Dec 7, 2015
Ebook has been on special...

Dec 7, 2015
^ bang on.

Dec 7, 2015

chopbustabrown posted:

As a butcher, I would like to read this book this month. Need to buy it in Australia. Is it in common bookshops? I'm sick of asking for poo poo they don't have and is out of print etc.

Most good inner city independent book stores will have it (I saw it at Better Read Than Dead in Newtown and Kinokuniya in the city)

Dec 7, 2015

chopbustabrown posted:

Ah thanks- I'm going to order it from the book depository because it is on special on there! I am quite excited to read this. Got some good reviews around the place.

As someone who works in the Australian publishing industry, this offends me. Deeply.


Dec 7, 2015
Wow best botm ever

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