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King Possum III
Feb 15, 2016

OP, I hope you can tell me something regarding my relationships and health, perhaps with an emphasis on the former.

I'd be especially grateful if you can give me some insight about some spiritual abilities/gifts (for lack of a better term) I seem to have. I don't understand them very well, and don't know how to develop and make use of them

Really, whatever you can tell me about anything in general would be greatly appreciated.

I'm a man, born March 4, 1959.


King Possum III fucked around with this message at 09:18 on Jul 10, 2016


King Possum III
Feb 15, 2016

Paramemetic posted:

I do not have regular or reliable Internet here in Leh, I am in the city itself right now in the shadiest of Internet cafes. I did the calculations I said I would but don't have them with me. Stay tuned! I will take care of the backlog in my own time.

I'm so glad to see your post Paramemetic, and really looking forward to reading the results.

Thanks in advance, and I hope you're enjoying your trip.

King Possum III
Feb 15, 2016

Paramemetic posted:

I'm back! And tomorrow I'll start filling in gaps and catching up!

I have two from the flight out! King Possum III is a Earth Pig

Even though Earth Pig has great resources and wealth they do not benefit their friends. They lack talent which causes enemies to arise. They are in danger from dre and earth-lords. The lifespan is 67, and there are 6 difficult periods. It's possible to have two children.

The short analysis looking at just the birth year to the current year is a perfect 100% good time.

Your life-force is water,
Health is earth,
Power is earth,
Luck is fire.

A longer view accounting for the log-men, mewa and parkha shows mixed life-force, bad health, mixed power, and good luck.

As you are male, and your lok-men is also pig, this is a sa-go year (earth-door) and so it is prudent to avoid going to cemeteries, caves, mines, or things like this. You can be afflicted by mischief-causing spirits, decay-eating spirits, or leprosy. Avoid excavation, etc.

Paramemetic, thank you for for doing my analysis. I found it very interesting, even if I don't understand all the references. I did notice a few things in the reading that I was already aware of, and this tells me that I would do well to learn more about your methods.

King Possum III
Feb 15, 2016

I can't offer prayers, since I meditate instead (remote viewing/scrying).

So I'm sending positive, healthful, and healing vibes to your Lama in India.

King Possum III
Feb 15, 2016

Paramemetic posted:

You a CRV guy?

Yes. Since the time I first realized I had this ability, I've struggled with figuring out exactly what it is, and where it's coming from. It didn't come with an owner's manual, and I often wonder if I'll ever figure out how to develop it. Actually, I was initially traumatized by it because I wondered if I was becoming delusional and/or insane.

The images are often very faint, and sometimes I can only see vague shapes and motion. So far, I've gotten little practical benefit from it, and I seem to have reached a "glass ceiling."

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