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misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit
There's a lot of strange forums out there. Some of them are even still active. Let's find some.

This is a self-scored game and the points mean nothing, but you can have them if you want. If you think you should get points for other things, that's cool too. Maybe I will edit this OP and make them OFFICIAL RULES

1. Only forums not in any way related to SA.
2. If the forum has open registration (you could sign up right now if you wanted) -1 point
3. If the forum has posts in it from the last 15 days - 2 points
4. If the forum is about something truly weird or funny - 3 points
5. Congratulations, you found a forum! - 1 feel-good point

For example:

Vaccum cleaner forum:

Open Reg: 1 point
Forum has posts in it from last 15 days: 2 point
Not really that weird or funny: 0 points
Feel good - 1 point
Total: 4 points

SBG Sword Forum off-topic forum:

Open reg: 1 point
Forum has posts in it from last 15 days: 2 point
Weird or funny (I think a sticky in the off-topic sword forum entitled WARNING: Hostility Will NOT be Tolerated is funny. Also some of the user AVs are funny like ): 3 points
Feel good - 1 point
Total: 7 points

I have 11 points now.



Chill Berserker Dude
Adult Babies forum...

1) Not SA Related
2) I honestly didn't check for open reg, I rather not be on that forum.
3) Not only posts within last 15 days... a ton of posts within the last few hours!
4) Weird. Real Weird.
5) I am scared.

<3 <3 Vanisher

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

free Trapt CD

I've got plenty of java
and Chesterfield Kings

i guess stuff that's been on Weekend Web is off-limits? e: also suggesting a 'don;t touch the poop' proviso


misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit

Heartbroken 2Twice posted:

i guess stuff that's been on Weekend Web is off-limits? e: also suggesting a 'don;t touch the poop' proviso

I'm not going to tell anyone else how to live their lives but for me the fun in life is in finding stuff for yourself and not being a jerk to other people.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit
I'm LOLing for real about that guy in full armor in what looks like a warehouse though. It's ok because he will never know.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

free Trapt CD

I've got plenty of java
and Chesterfield Kings


misty mountaintop posted:

I'm LOLing for real about that guy in full armor in what looks like a warehouse though. It's ok because he will never know.

it's incredible. like he's LARPing in reverse


free Trapt CD

I've got plenty of java
and Chesterfield Kings

at first glance seems like a mild-mannered blog devoted to conway's game of life - a maths thing - but beyond that front lies a forums, and in those forums a 'sandbox', where users talk about what they get up to when they're not watching lights turn on and off.

other hot topics: 'what is "sesame oil"?', 'English translate to Chinese (language)", 你好,除夕快乐!', "THE TIME FRAME FOR POST... HOW TO CHANGE ???", "Conway life spaceships as real spaceships"


misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit
Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest Forum

1. Open reg: 1 point
2. No posts in last 15 days :(
3. Not exactly weird or funny but you should check out the dioramas, which make me sad in a special way
4. feel good point: 1 point

Total: 2 points

I have 13 points now, ain't I lucky!

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit

Heartbroken 2Twice posted:

at first glance seems like a mild-mannered blog devoted to conway's game of life - a maths thing - but beyond that front lies a forums, and in those forums a 'sandbox', where users talk about what they get up to when they're not watching lights turn on and off.

other hot topics: 'what is "sesame oil"?', 'English translate to Chinese (language)", 你好,除夕快乐!', "THE TIME FRAME FOR POST... HOW TO CHANGE ???", "Conway life spaceships as real spaceships"

I wonder if anyone has ever tried to post about Milton Bradley's Game of Life in there.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

free Trapt CD

I've got plenty of java
and Chesterfield Kings


misty mountaintop posted:

Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest Forum

1. Open reg: 1 point
2. No posts in last 15 days :(
3. Not exactly weird or funny but you should check out the dioramas, which make me sad in a special way
4. feel good point: 1 point

Total: 2 points

I have 13 points now, ain't I lucky!

they're posting in other parts of the Dinosaur Toy Forum in the last 15 days though. there's a 4th of july thread. also they call it the DTF forum and i'm really not sure they know what that means


misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit

Heartbroken 2Twice posted:

also they call it the DTF forum

Now THAT's funny.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!


I know its obvious, but if you haven't looked at it, Freep*/index

Open registration, recent posts, everyone there is possibly insane, I found a forum!!!

Piso Mojado

lol. misti what's your handle (or hilt, if you prefer)


Chill Berserker Dude
His name is Hiltler.

<3 <3 Vanisher

super mario batali

Dice-a the Mushroom

This is a forum that identifies fonts used on the web and IRL

December Octopodes

Christmas is coming
the squid is getting fat!
there is an occult forum, they post about skeletons I think


Piso Mojado posted: says that they only have 3 members online, but you know there's like 30 of them crammed in there.

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit

December Octopodes posted:

there is an occult forum, they post about skeletons I think

Good find. You can go down the rabbit hole on that one. I ended up here: which is loving wild. Love this thread:

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit
The live streams on this website are wild. No forums unfortunately.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit
I was looking for pictures of bunnies using computer for this thread and came across bunspace, the forum for bunny lovers. They have a subforum called "Rainbow Bridge" for bunnies who have passed on and it's sad.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit

misty mountaintop posted:

I was looking for pictures of bunnies using computer for this thread and came across bunspace, the forum for bunny lovers. They have a subforum called "Rainbow Bridge" for bunnies who have passed on and it's sad.

This is a person who gimmickposts as a bunny:

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

City of Glompton

registration is open, and people are posting about popcorn machines as recently as yesterday.

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!


I love this contest but can't really participate right now bc at work, phone posting


A site for puppets likely ran by puppets. Still active! Lots of spooky puppet pictures too

Interesting thread about Japanese ghost babies

Darkman Fanpage
the clown forum fyad found that one time


Pozzo's Hat
The "Horological Books" subforum of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors Message Board:

lmbo calrissian

i'm into fashion
men are my passion
support forums for my weird skin conditions count as weird right

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit

HighwireAct posted:

The "Horological Books" subforum of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors Message Board:

It's too bad when forums like this don't have an off-topic subforum. I want to know what else these people are into.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

treasure bear

nobody has said as a funny joke, im very proud of you


Pozzo's Hat

misty mountaintop posted:

It's too bad when forums like this don't have an off-topic subforum. I want to know what else these people are into.

they can't afford to waste time like that

bare bottom pancakes

Production: Complete
my mother was part of a Robert Smith fan forum calld dedicated2robert. seems the url has since been made to lead to a japanese site, so no points for me.

this does, however, mean that my earliest internet posts are now inaccessible to people that don't want to lurk through internet archives so I don't have to think about them anymore. :toot:

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit

DraconicImpulse posted:

my mother was part of a Robert Smith fan forum calld dedicated2robert. seems the url has since been made to lead to a japanese site, so no points for me.

this does, however, mean that my earliest internet posts are now inaccessible to people that don't want to lurk through internet archives so I don't have to think about them anymore. :toot:

Your earliest internet posts were on a Robert Smith fan forum that your mom posted on?

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!


misty mountaintop posted:

Your earliest internet posts were on a Robert Smith fan forum that your mom posted on?

"bsjf km hdhdijbbbjjjjkkkk

oops sorry my 11 month old just crawled over my keyboard"

misty mountaintop

by Hand Knit
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone has found the CURE for Colic? My baby boy has been keeping me up all night and I feel JUST LIKE HAVIN' a meltdown.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Pot Smoke Phoenix

Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em!
Pumpkins, you carve 'em up and for Halloween and make pies out of them or just have them hanging around the house looking cool for Fall, right?

WRONG! You build a machine to LOB THEM GREAT DISTANCES!

You can use ALL SORTS OF MACHINES to lob your fruit! Or is it a vegetable? It's a gourd, and these good 'ol boys will do whatever it takes to prove to you that they are clean out of theirs!

I have been to two of them. It's... well, it's something


bare bottom pancakes

Production: Complete

misty mountaintop posted:

Your earliest internet posts were on a Robert Smith fan forum that your mom posted on?

she wanted me to make an account because i liked the band. weird woman, weird site. shame the posts i looked for weren't archived, some people were really, really obsessed with their old, crazy goth man.

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