Combed Thunderclap posted:Toddrick's a Kickstarter fraud and all-around basic YouTuber. I'd bet he's going to soon run into trouble with Bravo & WoW after he starts pulling larger scams under their good name. Which I sort of like him for in that "Duh, I'm a scorpion" way of going through the world.
# ¿ Aug 25, 2016 06:29 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 07:10 |
I am glad to have Alaska's crazy vocal fry back. That was a good episode. Season should be good as well.
# ¿ Aug 26, 2016 09:23 |
Tatiana's Arianna Grande was so incredibly bad I had no sympathy during the teary begging to stay bit about how much she had to show. I'm glad Alaska didn't fall for it either. Its goddamn Snatch game. You have time to prepare and are guaranteed not to be tied to anyone else when its time to perform. And I'm glad Adore is gone too. Don't need 4 more episodes worth of being a bummer and unable to cope with criticism on a show built around it. Michelle is powerless this season! Blatantly disregard her advice and creatively, gloriously defy her early 90's self-written drag laws! This was a chance to build an even stronger "Adore" character. See how upset you can make Michelle each week with minimal makeup a body reverse-padded for maximum hogness. Wasted opportunity all around.
# ¿ Sep 2, 2016 14:18 |
Chaotic Flame posted:I have no idea why he's there. Sex. With Ru. He does it well enough to get that coveted gig. Which is kind of impressive.
# ¿ Sep 2, 2016 20:38 |
Michelle is the same way about tap water. Professional drag judge is so high on the evolutionary ladder of crazy professions that the mind cannot help but rupture open with conspiracies when confronted with such indulgence.
# ¿ Sep 2, 2016 22:22 |
Santino's FauxQueen Showcase should be the next spinoff. Khloe Kardashian as the Michelle Visage. $1,000 grand prize furnished by A NON GMO COTTON FEMININE PRODUCTS COMPANY!!!!
# ¿ Sep 5, 2016 07:42 |
Leave Ru alone. You people took airplay of her song "Tranny Chaser" away from her. She spent minutes, minutes writing that and it was on the verge of going mainstream.
# ¿ Sep 5, 2016 18:06 |
Someone made a magic eye puzzle where if you sort of cross your eyes and look 'through' it you can sometimes see Willam.
# ¿ Sep 8, 2016 19:12 |
Yodzilla posted:Also Detox should have won.
# ¿ Sep 10, 2016 05:11 |
Todrick continues to forge new depths of uselessness. Ru needs to start coughing during her stock intro of him.
# ¿ Sep 16, 2016 06:19 |
The Berzerker posted:That episode was one of the greatest of all time hands down Yeah that could not have gone any better as a mid-season climactic ending sequence. What a wonderfully messy, scattered exit from Phi Phi to cap it off. The indignity of it all that must have been for her to sit alone in that 12 seater van back to the hotel and realize people saw more potential left in Tosha Salad than you.
# ¿ Sep 23, 2016 05:29 |
Alaska & Alyssa's routine was uncreative and overall unfunny, (And I like them both as performers) so count me among the "not like it camp" but it was strategically very smart as it was unlikely to bomb entirely and put them on the bottom. Detox and Tatiana at least tried to do something with a creative spark to it, which somehow survived Dextox's terrible speaking voice choices.
# ¿ Sep 23, 2016 23:38 |
Untucked should be the eliminated queens bored out of their minds and griping about things back at the hotel.
# ¿ Sep 25, 2016 16:51 |
Phi Phi's main problem was thinking she can strong-arm people into following her very tactical agenda to use Ru's perceived critique as the only elimination decision criteria and subsequently thinking she is somehow owed or slighted or victimized when she feels people don't follow her self-imposed rules If she could have kept that out of her mind she might have been able to maintain the veneer of niceness long enough to not provide a bitchy footage buffet for the editors. I've not read any spoilers but at this point it would be nice if Tatiana wins given the plight of the average early season queen.
# ¿ Sep 26, 2016 19:22 |
Troposphere posted:girl needs to take a break from the internet needs to go back to just posting photos to her 365 days of drag project that was winning her fans and goodwill on the daily.
# ¿ Sep 26, 2016 20:22 |
There is a silver lining in that Tatiana now has a wonderful career ahead of her as the Chad Michaels of T-Boz.
# ¿ Sep 30, 2016 21:05 |
Todrick is going to win Miss C.
# ¿ Oct 2, 2016 01:47 |
Did Detox at least get the $10k from Alaska's paypal? What a mess of an episode.Whathername judge celeb girl was as useless as todrick once she delivered her one line. Hopefully Katya's rabid fanbase can break up Rolaskatox. People are living her her "party" quip right now.
# ¿ Oct 7, 2016 09:19 |
I hope Roxxy wins so the fanbase can riot.
# ¿ Oct 9, 2016 07:01 |
I dont understand Santino's Flu Shot. Is the point to live in terror of mild ailments for 330 days a year outside of flu season by ingesting a daily $20 fear-cocktail?
# ¿ Oct 11, 2016 09:31 |
Still, would rather have him back on the show than Todrick.
# ¿ Nov 4, 2016 06:30 |
Todrick got hired as Taylor Swift's black friend after the thing with Serena Williams didn't pan out. Hopefully because Serena has a life with better things to do than spend her Thanksgiving weekend... https://www.instagram.com/p/BNNwuDUhET2/ ...doing spontaneous organic yet weeks-late choreographed social media things together. The upside here is that we know through Willam that Todrick is two faced as gently caress and Taylor's beans are going to get spilled if he feels his paying day job as RPDR judge is threatened and needs to generate buzz to keep it. Bless you Todrick.
# ¿ Nov 26, 2016 03:11 |
Chaotic Flame posted:Can you expound for us uninformed goons? Willam said the he knew RuPaul hated him because he was at Todrick's house while RuPaul was on the phone talking to poo poo to Todrick and T-Rod-Dick made it clear exactly what mama Ru was saying. I forget how I know this but I assure you it is true and not another of my many Cast-of-RPDR-fever-dreams. edit: Here you go shadow puppet of a fucked around with this message at 04:45 on Nov 26, 2016 |
# ¿ Nov 26, 2016 03:57 |
Nostalgia4Infinity posted:Tangentially related but did anyone else see Not Today Bianca? What the hell was that? Did Logo forget they spend all their money on the rights to Mama's House and needed holiday programming so they fished an aborted pilot out of the trash? Watching ep1 now and it is as terrible as you describe but I did like watching Tori Spelling faultlessly deliver her punchlines about her career going to poo poo after her dad died.
# ¿ Dec 20, 2016 07:45 |
Mourn gawd damnit!
# ¿ Jan 26, 2017 20:58 |
I'd have better believed and forgave it if he blamed his state of psychosis on daily consumption of Santino's Flu Shot from the accumulation of turmeric in his system. A little too much medicine as thy food.
# ¿ Feb 1, 2017 08:16 |
Pan Dulce posted:Man, I love all these Queens. This season better not come out in September or some; I want it now. It said March on logo's website Farrah Moan is a pretty great name. Charlie Hides seems great and hopefully will rise above old queen curse of eliminations and ability to wear thin quickly. I'm starved for new catchphrases in my life but I'd not mind at all if someone said to Nina Bo'Nina "Girl, look how lavender you fuckin' look girl."
# ¿ Feb 3, 2017 01:10 |
onwatchseries.to is the fastest I've found to post the episode after airing if you don't want to suffer through fans running periscopes and fb live feeds off their phones. When that domain is inevitable taken down, the first google hit for "watch series" will typically do you right.
# ¿ Feb 5, 2017 23:33 |
I see dragrace reddit is rushing to praise Nina Bo'Nina Brown for recent instagrams and youtubes where she calls out jeffree star for saying rude and tasteless things in a video she opens by dubbing herself "Osama Bin Laden". I am glad of this. I detest an excess of self awareness dragging down a season of dragrace.
# ¿ Feb 12, 2017 10:22 |
I woulda replaced one of those "Cathy's" with a big Gollum horking noise. But my drag wouldn't know much artistic restraint.
# ¿ Feb 17, 2017 06:58 |
Some poor sap at Logo now has the job of trying to fill the void left by RPDR. I bet they were crushed when 'Not Today Bianca" utterly flopped. That's really funny, probably the funniest thing to do with that show.
# ¿ Mar 1, 2017 19:33 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 07:10 |
Drag Race is fine, its not at any risk of cancellation. It just got promoted up a tier in the Viacom hierarchy, even with that iffy Friday timeslot. But LogoTV the channel is going to be hard up if VH1 has full ownership of the Drag Race franchise.
# ¿ Mar 1, 2017 19:56 |