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Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
I have a desire to run a quick standard 7 person mafia game.

So here we are, I have the most standard of setups, with a hidden twist.

2 Mafia Goons
3 Vanilla Townies
1 Cop
1 Doctor

This is going to be a small game with no flavor for people who want to play mafia for its own sake.

2.Propaganda Machine

That's it, not much explanation needed.

CapitalistPig fucked around with this message at 02:25 on Sep 10, 2016


May 9, 2010

I will sign up for this game only if people agree to put effort into this. I will be super pissed if people lurk!!

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!

Spiros posted:

I will sign up for this game only if people agree to put effort into this. I will be super pissed if people lurk!!

This brings me to my next point.

This is exactly what I made this game for and I am going to be harassing lurkers.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

This is a good-looking thought exercise. I'll play.

100 degrees Calcium
Jan 22, 2011

I hate twists but I love mafia.

Wait I hate mafia too.

gently caress it, I'm in!

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
I hate everything but I want to play a really effort game.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
Can we have short deadlines please.

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!

Asiina posted:

Can we have short deadlines please.


Oct 13, 2010

Game's over, and fuck you Jimson. It's not my fault that you guys couldn't get your shit together by deadline. No one gets access to docs because I don't fucking care anymore, I hope you all enjoyed ruining my game, and there won't be another.
Me also I wanna be inuyasha

May 9, 2010

JimsonTheBetrayer posted:

Me also I wanna be inuyasha

Please no :(

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

Spiros posted:

Please no :(

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!

JimsonTheBetrayer posted:

Me also I wanna be inuyasha

This may not be your kinda game jimson.

Feb 14, 2009

if he's inuyasha then i DEFINITELY get to be miroku. glad to finally see some anime around here!

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
Somber, is that a signup?

Also, I don't mind if Jimson joins but I don't want to have him joining cost two people unjoining.

So Jimson, I will let you in with the caveat that you put in effort and treat the game like you did in Shine 2.

Feb 14, 2009


CapitalistPig posted:

Somber, is that a signup?

Also, I don't mind if Jimson joins but I don't want to have him joining cost two people unjoining.

So Jimson, I will let you in with the caveat that you put in effort and treat the game like you did in Shine 2.


Oct 13, 2010

Game's over, and fuck you Jimson. It's not my fault that you guys couldn't get your shit together by deadline. No one gets access to docs because I don't fucking care anymore, I hope you all enjoyed ruining my game, and there won't be another.

CapitalistPig posted:

Somber, is that a signup?

Also, I don't mind if Jimson joins but I don't want to have him joining cost two people unjoining.

So Jimson, I will let you in with the caveat that you put in effort and treat the game like you did in Shine 2.

I will treat it like I am my current games windowless and blue smash with the utmost respect and posting ability. Nothing can best shine 2.

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!

JimsonTheBetrayer posted:

I will treat it like I am my current games windowless and blue smash with the utmost respect and posting ability. Nothing can best shine 2.

fair enough

May 9, 2010

It's not that I'm going to unsign up, it's that Jimson has never once displayed to me any ability to play mafia and I will probably want to hang him d1 no matter what in a 2 day game.

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!

Spiros posted:

It's not that I'm going to unsign up, it's that Jimson has never once displayed to me any ability to play mafia and I will probably want to hang him d1 no matter what in a 2 day game.

well, he does sometimes try. He is more tryhard than imgay and harold krell.

Feb 14, 2009


JimsonTheBetrayer posted:

I will treat it like I am my current games windowless and blue smash with the utmost respect and posting ability. Nothing can best shine 2.

i was going to throw some shade but you do have more posts than at least two players in windowless!

Oct 13, 2010

Game's over, and fuck you Jimson. It's not my fault that you guys couldn't get your shit together by deadline. No one gets access to docs because I don't fucking care anymore, I hope you all enjoyed ruining my game, and there won't be another.

Spiros posted:

It's not that I'm going to unsign up, it's that Jimson has never once displayed to me any ability to play mafia and I will probably want to hang him d1 no matter what in a 2 day game.

No need to get mad that you are a bad mafia player and are not operating on the same wave length as I good mafia extraordinaire are operate . In on.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

CapitalistPig posted:

well, he does sometimes try. He is more tryhard than imgay and harold krell.

That's not a high bar.

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back
Clicked expecting ff2. Disappointed.

Oct 13, 2010

Game's over, and fuck you Jimson. It's not my fault that you guys couldn't get your shit together by deadline. No one gets access to docs because I don't fucking care anymore, I hope you all enjoyed ruining my game, and there won't be another.
I'll have you all know there are people who look forward to games with me.

May 9, 2010

JimsonTheBetrayer posted:

I'll have you all know there are people who look forward to games with me.

I look forward to you proving me wrong!

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!

AnonymousNarcotics posted:

Clicked expecting ff2. Disappointed.

I have to wait for votefinder on that.

Also waiting for soldiers game to be done.

Oct 13, 2010

Game's over, and fuck you Jimson. It's not my fault that you guys couldn't get your shit together by deadline. No one gets access to docs because I don't fucking care anymore, I hope you all enjoyed ruining my game, and there won't be another.
Where dem roles at tho?

Feb 14, 2009

so what inuyasha character is everyone. inuyasha and miroku have already been taken but there are still a lot of great options!

May 9, 2010

I'm more of a Sango

Feb 14, 2009


Spiros posted:

I'm more of a Sango

i seriously almost posted that earlier.

confirming this is my first game of mafia in a year(???)

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
Roles are out

it is now Day 1.


Oct 13, 2010

Game's over, and fuck you Jimson. It's not my fault that you guys couldn't get your shit together by deadline. No one gets access to docs because I don't fucking care anymore, I hope you all enjoyed ruining my game, and there won't be another.
So guys. Let's talk about who that scum is. As if we don't already know its asiina. (cpig accidentally sent me the role list)

May 9, 2010

Hello, I am a self aligned Hypercharger. Good luck.

100 degrees Calcium
Jan 22, 2011

Spiros posted:

Hello, I am a self aligned Hypercharger. Good luck.

I can't access the wiki at work. What is this?

Feb 14, 2009


Spiros posted:

Hello, I am a self aligned Hypercharger. Good luck.

##vote spiros scumclaim.

May 9, 2010

Hypercharger, or the Superhero, made his first (and so far only) appearance in MAFIA XIII.2: Armageddon.. A Native Youth empowered by a mysterious force, Hypercharger combined the powers of the Cop, Doctor, and Vigilante into a single, nigh-unstoppable force. Hypercharger also had the power to anonymously communicate with other players, fake his own death in event of being lynched or killed in the night, and act both during the day and night. His only vulnerability was his Secret Love, a single Vanilla Townie that he had to keep alive at all cost.

Oct 13, 2010

Game's over, and fuck you Jimson. It's not my fault that you guys couldn't get your shit together by deadline. No one gets access to docs because I don't fucking care anymore, I hope you all enjoyed ruining my game, and there won't be another.
##vote asiina

Cuz I already kno who scum is.

Feb 14, 2009


GlitchThief posted:

I can't access the wiki at work. What is this?

some dumb bullshit grondemar did a million years ago, it doesn't matter.

100 degrees Calcium
Jan 22, 2011

Jesus, it sounds awful.


Feb 14, 2009


GlitchThief posted:

Jesus, it sounds awful.

grondemar made bad games with cool flavor but it was in the early days of mafia.

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