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Mar 30, 2016
Tell me what to do with 100,000USD.
Or tell me what you'd do with it.

I need a business idea!


The Belgian
Oct 28, 2008
Give it to me, OP.

Mar 30, 2016

The Belgian posted:

Give it to me, OP.

...and what would you do with it?

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer
You don't need a business idea. You need to invest it and go back to work. 100k is poo poo money tbh

Sep 29, 2003

Area 51. You heard of it, right?

Fallen Rib
Yeap, $100,000 is like, "okay money to kind of have in reserve somewhere." Invest in a blue chip and work a normal job, but with some dividends that add up over a year to a decent vacation package.

Like, $100,000 isn't even really useful business seed money. Do you want a store front? Okay welp that's about 8 months of rent. Do you want offices? 4 months. Hire some workers? 4 minimum wage workers for just under 3 months. All that's assuming you're using all of it.

So, yeah, buy some blue chip stocks that pay good dividends, and enjoy your $1200 or so a year in "oh, nice" supplemental income.

Nov 21, 2008
Buy some cheap housing and live your dreams of being a slum lord.

Mar 30, 2016
Interesting, keep it coming.

Any suggestion on this Blu chip poo poo?

Sep 9, 2001


I would pay off my student loans, well, part of them.

J/k I'd buy a car and invest the rest in a mutual fund or something.

System Metternich
Feb 28, 2010

But what did he mean by that?

hookers and blow op, hookers and blow

Jun 28, 2008

Look op, I shouldn't be telling you this but I'm actually a Prince in a middle eastern country. I have a lot of cash that I need to unload offshore before ISIS gets a hold of it, but I need 100000 dollars to cover the fees. If you lend it to me, I can pay you back tenfold within the month

Jan 7, 2008

just chillin' in the club
Lipstick Apathy
Invest it and retire 10 years earlier (assuming you're still young)

Ham Equity
Apr 16, 2013

The first thing we do, let's kill all the cars.
Grimey Drawer
If you live someplace lovely, use it as a down payment on a house.

If you don't live someplace lovely, use it as part of a down payment on a house.

Teriyaki Hairpiece
Dec 29, 2006

I'm nae the voice o' the darkened thistle, but th' darkened thistle cannae bear the sight o' our Bonnie Prince Bernie nae mair.
Yeah buy a house or put it in an index fund.

Mar 30, 2016

Agean90 posted:

Look op, I shouldn't be telling you this but I'm actually a Prince in a middle eastern country. I have a lot of cash that I need to unload offshore before ISIS gets a hold of it, but I need 100000 dollars to cover the fees. If you lend it to me, I can pay you back tenfold within the month

drat, I already gave some to a Nigerian banker who's...oh wait...

Mar 30, 2016

cheerfullydrab posted:

Yeah buy a house or put it in an index fund.

My wife's on with that; she wants to buy a flat in Russia and get some rent off that...

I still think there's something better that can be done.

C'mon guys, help!...there's people that starts empires with much less and I can't start a boiled egg!

Sep 13, 2004
Mr and Mrs Duck go and stay in a nice hotel.

One night they call room service for some condoms as things are heating up.

The guy arrives and says "do you want me to put it on your bill"

Mr Duck says "what kind of pervert do you think I am?!

if you happen to be in the UK, matched betting. Can't be done anywhere else though. You should make $1000/week with that kind of money but you'd have to do it full time.

Sep 9, 2001



My wife's on with that; she wants to buy a flat in Russia and get some rent off that...

What could go wrong with owning property in Russia!

Aug 7, 2012


Interesting, keep it coming.

Any suggestion on this Blu chip poo poo?

Dont do blue chip poo poo. If you really have this kind of windfall, go to BFC and ask.

The answer is going to be Vangaurd Funds.

Apr 13, 2010

Too much fuckin' eggnog

is this $100,000 pre tax or post tax

Apr 19, 2003
No more blinkies! Yay!
College Slice
Pay off mortgage and do a bunch of upgrades to make the place as maintenance free as possible.
Maybe take care of some medical stuff I should get done.
Throw whatever remains of it it into a CD or MM account.

Nov 27, 2005

by sebmojo
Any interest in game development or publishing?
100k can pay for a pretty decent indie game. My partner and I (whom are mercenary veteran game developers and have been for the last 5yrs ) make games that range from $5k to $50k for clients, usually mobile games for iOS and Android, Steam(PC) and smaller types of HTML5 casual games. About 70% of the cost is just salary for the two of us to do all the design, code, art and audio...etc and the other 30% is usually for assets. $50k gets you about 6~7mos of development time.

Shoot me an email if you have any interest in hearing more.
pritchard -dot- jerry -at- gmail

Caped Cruiser
Sep 25, 2006
man, meet monkey

Slayerjerman posted:

Any interest in game development or publishing?
100k can pay for a pretty decent indie game. My partner and I (whom are mercenary veteran game developers and have been for the last 5yrs ) make games that range from $5k to $50k for clients, usually mobile games for iOS and Android, Steam(PC) and smaller types of HTML5 casual games. About 70% of the cost is just salary for the two of us to do all the design, code, art and audio...etc and the other 30% is usually for assets. $50k gets you about 6~7mos of development time.

Shoot me an email if you have any interest in hearing more.
pritchard -dot- jerry -at- gmail

you are getting so much loving spam about dick on butt sex

Mar 19, 2009
I'll sell you a kidney for $100k.

N. Senada
May 17, 2011

My kidneys are busted

kells posted:

I'll sell you a kidney for $100k.

Please responsd to my PMs, this is time-sensitive tia

Dec 31, 2007

by astral
Pay off debts that have the highest interest first, then put the rest in some mutual funds with low/no bullshit "management fees", they'll probably average out around 5-8% a year or so. Compounding, that's a nice retirement savings.

Apr 16, 2007

the magnetorotational instability turns me on

cheerfullydrab posted:

Yeah buy a house or put it in an index fund.
Do this, idiot.

Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006

Enjoy every sandwich.

Two chicks at once, OP.

Jan 1, 2005

When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons, and make super lemons.

Dinosaur Gum


C'mon guys, help!...there's people that starts empires with much less and I can't start a boiled egg!

Pay for egg boiling lessons

Dec 23, 2008

Congratulations on not getting fit in 2011!
Pay off student debts. Take road trip across the US. Take whatever is left (probably around $5-10k) and put in a savings account.

e. coke and hookers are obviously part of the US road trip.

Dec 3, 2005
Index fund or down payment on on a property that you can then rent out to cover a mortgage. You aren't going to set the world on fire with 100k but dumping it into a fund at a young age can yield a very big future number. Remember, interest compounds so if in year 0 you have 100k earning 10 percent, then in year 1 you have 110k, year 2 you have 30 years you have 1.75 million 40 years you have over 4.5million.

Not the sexiest investment but a good, low risk, hands off "watching money grow" thing.

May 22, 2006

This post is full of pretty awesome holes. I like all the holes in this post.

IRQ posted:

What could go wrong with owning property in Russia!

In all seriousness my (Romanian) wife bought an apartment in Hungary for about 40k that she rents out (we live in America). She had it from before we were married, it's gone pretty smoothly so far. She has a sister that lives close to it so that probably helps a lot, but it's a nice $500 extra a month.

Apr 15, 2003

Yeah, great at getting us into Wawa.


Tell me what to do with 100,000USD.
Or tell me what you'd do with it.

I need a business idea!

Put it in a savings account with my credit union.

Talk to the bank about how to protect the interest from being taxed by investing it.

Add to it every month, whether it's $10 or $500.

Watch it grow.

Nov 27, 2003

Master of the high hat!
Put your money into index funds as recommended by jlcollinsnh's blog. Congratulations, you can officially retire in some countries! Go get a part time job teaching English in Thailand or South America or somewhere that normally doesn't pay well but with the passive income you can live comfortably and with some security. Some countries pay very well and will pay for your housing if you know where to look. Invest as much as you can from your part time job(s) into the index fund for a few years, say 5-10, and you'll have financial independence viable in much of the world. Go pursue your dreams of art, traveling, whatever floats your boat.

Mr Shiny Pants
Nov 12, 2012
Do this:

Jul 2, 2007

by FactsAreUseless

psymonkey posted:

In all seriousness my (Romanian) wife bought an apartment in Hungary for about 40k that she rents out (we live in America). She had it from before we were married, it's gone pretty smoothly so far. She has a sister that lives close to it so that probably helps a lot, but it's a nice $500 extra a month.

How much for the Romanian wife though?

Mar 30, 2016
Guys, among the jokes, some good ideas.
Keep them coming.

Oh, no student loan, I'm well past "student years" and it's net, no tax to be deducted.

Really appreciate the ideas...

Dec 31, 2007

by astral
Really, anything other than stashing it in an Index fund and forgetting about it until you retire is going to be either risky or unprofitable.

Positive Optimyst
Oct 25, 2010

by FactsAreUseless


Tell me what to do with 100,000USD.
Or tell me what you'd do with it.

I need a business idea!

Put it in a credit union, IMO think of business ideas and meet with people and possible partners.

Do you want a partner?

When it comes to a business idea, going slowly and surely is a good way to approach it IMO. I know a couple of folks who lost almost all of their inheritance in business startups that went bust.

Best of luck!

Sep 13, 2005

Now, I know what you're thinking...

Slayerjerman posted:

Any interest in game development or publishing?
100k can pay for a pretty decent indie game. My partner and I

LOL gently caress no.

Pixelboy fucked around with this message at 01:28 on Sep 23, 2016


Jun 30, 2005

by exmarx
Broken Cake
If you're young dump it all into a high-risk stock market index and let it ride for a few decades. when you're in your mid-40s to 50s wait until you're in the breakroom and notice robo-Cramer yelling about how unbelievably high the market is and tell yourself 'oh alright gonna cash out and throw it into bonds now' and don't look back at the extra fractions you could have squeezed out of it.

If you're middle-aged to older dump it into safer index funds like bonds and don't touch it.

This is all assuming you have no debt. Any debt you have over 7% pay it off now.

If you want to live a little take 10 grand and just be stupid as gently caress with it to get it out of your system and invest the remaining 90k

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