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Jul 2, 2007

by FactsAreUseless

psymonkey posted:

In all seriousness my (Romanian) wife bought an apartment in Hungary for about 40k that she rents out (we live in America). She had it from before we were married, it's gone pretty smoothly so far. She has a sister that lives close to it so that probably helps a lot, but it's a nice $500 extra a month.

How much for the Romanian wife though?


Jul 2, 2007

by FactsAreUseless
Flip high-end star citizen ships.

Jul 2, 2007

by FactsAreUseless

Agean90 posted:

u realize that if you do any kind of money lending it's a matter when, not if, you have to repo and liqidate someone's life work when it turns out they're too incompetent to make it profitable?

Actually P2P Lending companies do the leg-breaking for you. Some are better than others at collecting, but you will never know exactly who you are lending to and can't reclaim your money yourself.

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