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Jun 28, 2008

Look op, I shouldn't be telling you this but I'm actually a Prince in a middle eastern country. I have a lot of cash that I need to unload offshore before ISIS gets a hold of it, but I need 100000 dollars to cover the fees. If you lend it to me, I can pay you back tenfold within the month


Jun 28, 2008

Jeff Sichoe posted:

This is something I've been getting into recently;

there should be an equivalent peer to peer lending service in your country?

about 12% return and if you get some good feels from helping folks out well that's just a happy little bonus isn't it :)

u realize that if you do any kind of money lending it's a matter when, not if, you have to repo and liqidate someone's life work when it turns out they're too incompetent to make it profitable?

Jun 28, 2008

Oh okay. I didn't know they kept both ends confidential. yeah if the investment thing works out for you op that's a good way to use any excess income

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