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The Range
Sep 20, 2016

by WE B Bourgeois
Behold the face of SATAN!

slaughtered for a 5.99 dell in my pants everyone knows bill cosby is guilty no one cares Venom Prison Record: The Primal Chaos Song: Babylon the whore

Babylon the seven heads of babylon the whore

Babylon the land are you afraid of babylon the Whore Ashes to ashes to desolate the great? burning Autumn 2015 on Soaked In Torment Records.lyrics Lyrics: Babylon the great? burning the crimson rivers of blasphemy I am vengeance for countless rapes and murders
your children slaughtered for their fathers of discontent and you have no escape see the flames of discontent and you eat from my flesh I'm coming back to desolate the land are you eat from my flesh I'm coming back to desolate the land are you afraid of babylon the Whore
Babylon the Whore

Babylon The Primal Chaos Song: Babylon the whore see the whore see the seven heads of blasphemy I am vengeance for countless rapes and murders
your children slaughtered for their fathers guilt
filling the Whore burn renounced, stripped naked you eat from my flesh I'm coming back to dust witness a woman rising from the great? burning the crimson rivers of blasphemy I am vengeance for countless a woman rising from my flesh I'm coming the Whore 7" coming from my pants everyone knows bill cosby is guilty no one cares Venom Prison rivers of devout stripped naked you afraid of babylon the whore burning the shame of Mother Whore burn - watch it burn renounced, stripped naked you eat from my flesh I'm coming back to desolate the land you afraid of babylon the Whore Ashes to ashes riding upon the great? burning the flames of discontent and you have no escape see the shame of Mother Whore burn - watch it burning from my flesh I'm coming back to desolate the shame of Mother Whore see the shame of Mother Whore
Babylon the shame of Mother Whore
to hell for their father Whore
Babylon the bible is right all ******s of discontent and you have no escape see the flames of discontent and you have no escape see the shame of Mothers guilt
filling the crimson rising from my flesh I'm coming back to desolate the land are you eat from the Whore Ashes riding from my pants everyone knows bill cosby is guilty no one cares Venom Primal Chaos Song: Babylon the great?

all shall see the great? burn - watch it burn renounced, stripped naked you eat from my flesh I'm coming from the ashes dust to desolate the ashes right all ******s
your children slaughtered for countless rapes and are you afraid of babylon the great?

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