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Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe


Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
gently caress. Wish Bautista had been facing O'Day.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe

Walked posted:

At least Bautista isnt going to walk it off. That's one small concession I guess

Odds are this is going to the tenth.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Told you.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Two perfect scoring opportunities blown. Jays don't deserve to win.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Jays 4-9 in extras this year.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Dear Jebus, please heal your best friend Roberto Osuna. Amen.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
He might hit a dinger.

But he'll probably strike out swinging.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe

RBC posted:

who did smoke get put in for

Upton Jr.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Who could possibly have predicted that?

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Hope fading.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Jimenez in.


Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Please Josh Donaldson be Josh Donaldson.


Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Go Blue Jays. Pleeeeeease.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Orioles I'm sorry you had to lose for the Jays to win.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe

Poque posted:

imagine being ubaldo jimenez in the clubhouse right now

maybe one or two people come up to him and say "it wasn't your fault" with no emotion in their words or their eyes

everybody else just staring into space

you did this

Have you seen the documentary Knuckleball? There's footage of Tim Wakefield in the clubhouse after the 2003 ALCS. No other player dared even go near him. What could they say?

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Hazel Mae scores an interview with the shyest man in baseball.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Roberto Osuna spotted.

Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe
Osuna was pulled for "shoulder tightness".


Dec 12, 2004

You tried to destroy it once before, Commodore.
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew.
Fun Shoe

LonesomeCrowdedWest posted:

So is this like labrum tear bad or day to day bad?

They were treating it like a cramp or something so fingers crossed.

  • Locked thread