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Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

Hello, and welcome to my home my beautiful darlings! All are welcome here to stay for a short while or live with me forever. I will feed you and take care of you, and if you're extra good I will give you treats! I do have one rule though, no fighting! If I catch you fighting, you'll need to leave. We all need to get along here. Of course why would you ever fight when I love you all so much. Now who wants some pets?

Welcome to Cat Lady Mafia, a role madness game for 13 players.

Some notes about this game: This is an unusual game. There are some normal roles but also a lot of variants on roles and some new roles. I did try to balance it, but it's been tricky so I make no promises. That said, this game is a direct response to Somber's Cloaks game. While it's not necessary for you to read that game or have played in it, I do suggest you read this post since it's what inspired me to make this game. Don't worry though, I'm not a total monster, there will be no death millers.

In addition to the regular vote there will also be a secondary vote each day wherein you try to win the favour of the Cat Lady who will give you a treat. To vote someone you make a ##treat vote. If you want to remove your treat vote then ##untreat. The treat vote is plurality and whoever has the most treat votes at the end of the day (or whenever someone is lynched) will get a treat. Treats are good! You want them and you want your team to get them! You may vote for yourself if you are a selfish cat.

Mafia Rules

  • Days will be 48 hours, Nights will be 24 hours.
  • Hangings will be majority (days can end in a no hang)
  • Thread will be closed at night
  • No fake day actions
  • No posting after hammer
  • No posting mod PMs
  • No editing posts
  • No outside communication unless your role says you're allowed
  • Don't lurk!!!!!!!!
  • Once the game starts I won't answer any questions in thread. PM me if you have questions.

  1. Anomalous Amalgam
  2. BottleKnight
  3. CapitalistPig
  4. derp
  5. Flying Leatherman
  6. Infinitum
  7. Jimmy Hats
  8. JimsonTheBetrayer
  9. King Burgundy
  10. Retro Futurist
  11. Somberbrero
  12. this is a stickup
  13. Tired Moritz


Asiina fucked around with this message at 19:41 on Oct 31, 2016


Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
So this is a fairly serious game where I expect people to actually try. If you guys are planning to just shitpost or lurk please do not sign up.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
I mean, if you have to ask whether that applies to you...

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

Somberbrero posted:

i still can't believe you wrote a game in response to cloaks.

Your idea and what you were trying to do was good, I want to try my own take on it.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

JimsonTheBetrayer posted:

I don't see myself in the list. A travesty of the highest order.

You should answer my PM then.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

AnonymousNarcotics posted:

Is there room for me?

Sorry, we're just full. I was waiting for a response back from Jimson and he got it in.

I'll put you down as a replacement though.

With that we're full. Expect role PMs in a few hours.

As a note, I will be cracking down hard on lurking and people getting around lurking by contentless shitposting. I'm not going to wait until D3 to start prodding people.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
I got distracted by work and writing role PMs took longer than expected and now everything is ready but I don't want to start at night, so tomorrow morning this will start!

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer


Lynea surveys the house. Her little darlings are all around her. They're playing with toys, eating from some of the many food dishes, some are grooming each other (adorable!) and a great many are lazing around sleeping. She love cats and all the wonderful things they do. It has always been her dream to have a home where cats could live and not have to worry about anything. Now her dream is a reality! It's not easy though, with so many little fluffybutts there are bound to be some...conflicts. She does her very best to keep that to a minimum though, even if it does unfortunately sometimes mean a cat has to go. Usually a spritzer bottle will do though.

There's no time for such negative thoughts on such a wonderful cat filled day! She is in such a good mood she thinks she will hand out a treat today. Now, which cat should it go to...

Day 1 of Cat Lady Mafia starts now

Remember there is an ongoing treat mechanic. You can cast your treat vote using ##treat <player>. If you want to remove your vote without placing it on someone else you can ##untreat. Whoever has the most treat votes at the end of the day gets a treat!

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
Treat Vote

Flying Leatherman (3) - Anomalous Amalgam, Flying Leatherman, this is a stickup
Capitalist Pig (1) - Capitalist Pig
King Burgundy (1) - King Burgundy
Jimmy Hats (1) - Tired Moritz

I will post periodic treat vote updates, but since it's plurality and reaching a majority doesn't end the vote, it won't be too often outside of around deadline.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
Treat Vote

King Burgundy (2) - King Burgundy, Retro Futurist
Capitalist Pig (1) - Capitalist Pig
Jimmy Hats (1) - Tired Moritz
derp (1) - Flying Leatherman
this is a stickup (1) - this is a stickup

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
Treat Vote

King Burgundy (3) - King Burgundy, Retro Futurist, Infinitum
derp (2) - Flying Leatherman, JimsonTheBetrayer
Capitalist Pig (1) - Capitalist Pig
Jimmy Hats (1) - Tired Moritz
this is a stickup (1) - this is a stickup
Flying Leatherman (1) - Somberbrero

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer


Lynea looks at all of her precious, precious kitties! What adorable and kind darlings they are! She's so happy that they are all getting along so well. She even was able to hand out a treat to one of her beautiful darlings, how fantastic. That is until dinner time comes around and instead of everyone going to their individual bowls as usual she's noticed that a whole group of cats are hissing at one other cat.

"Oh no! Not fighting!" she yells out, but these cats just really seem to hate this one cat for some reason.

"Well, if you all hate this cat, he must have done something wrong. I'm sorry little kitty. I love you very much, but you have to go!"

She picks up the adorable fluffy perfect little cat and unceremoniously boots him out into the wilderness where he will be sad and alone forever. Nah j/k he's fine he's a cat he'll probably murder some birds.

JimsonTheBetrayer, Bobble, town-aligned Tracker Mason was kicked out D1.

Treat Vote

King Burgundy (3) - King Burgundy, Retro Futurist, Infinitum
derp (2) - Flying Leatherman, JimsonTheBetrayer
Capitalist Pig (1) - Capitalist Pig
Jimmy Hats (1) - Tired Moritz
this is a stickup (1) - this is a stickup
Flying Leatherman (1) - Somberbrero

King Burgundy gets a treat!

Actions in 24 hours please!

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer


It's another beautiful day in your lovely home full of lovely cats. A shame you had to get rid of one of them for fighting, but you're sure it was for the best. They will all be much nicer now. You're so sure that they are going to be such good behaving little boys and girls that you're going to give out another treat. Perhaps a wooden treat this time! Yes, I think they will like that very much! Speaking of treats, where is the one that you gave a treat to yesterday? You can't seem to find him anywhere. Oh well, I'm sure he's just hiding under a bed or something. It's not like he could have gotten out on his own!

King Burgundy, Simon, Town-aligned Mod Annoyer was kicked out N1.

It is now D2.

Today's treat is a wooden treat.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
Treat Vote

CapitalistPig (3) - Anomalous Amalgam, CapitalistPig, Jimmy Hats
Infinitum (2) - Infinitum, Retro Futurist
derp (1) - Somberbrero

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer


It's a lazy Sunday afternoon for the cats. It's cold outside, but indoors with the sun shining in, most of the cats are fast asleep in various pools of light around the house. That is, except a couple of cats who are just super agitated, each sure that the other has wronged them. Slowly the commotion wakes the other cats who choose sides in the fight. Finally Lynea has to get up off her couch where she's been watching reruns of Grey's Anatomy and trying to knit a Christmas present and settle the argument. She picks up one of the cats.

"Didn't I get rid of you yesterday? No matter, it's time for you to go!"

She puts the cat outside in the cold. He immediately goes and jumps in a pile of leaves chasing a squirrel, oblivious to his homelessness. Lynea returns to watching TV.

Anomalous Amalgam, Bubble, Town-aligned Tracker Mason was kicked out D2.

Treat Vote

CapitalistPig (3) - Anomalous Amalgam, CapitalistPig, Jimmy Hats
Infinitum (2) - Infinitum, Retro Futurist
derp (1) - Somberbrero
Somberbrero (1) - Tired Moritz

CapitalistPig gets a treat!

Actions in 24 hours please.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
Don't forget to submit actions, you terrible, terrible cats.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

Sorry folks, feeling kinda sick and I gotta get up early in the morning so lack of flavour. Let's just say that Lynea loves all her fluffy fluffy kitties and you're all wonderful.

Well one of you isn't. one of you was kicked out in the middle of the night.

Flying Leatherman, Mittens, Town-aligned Lie Detector was kicked out N2.

It is now D3.

Today's treat is a moldy treat!

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
If people would like an extension because of depression, I would be fine with that. I will take any votes for or against extension for 52 minutes (until 7PM) then it's final.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
So after an hour I got no votes, and so I'm going to use my vote to decide and because I don't really feel like writing up flavour and flip and dealing with that poo poo tonight, 1 day extension. Don't waste it, garbage cats.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer


"Ahem, gentlemen, gentlemen. You must be making some mistake. I am no ruffian, but a simple proper housecat." A stupid cat wearing some paper glasses like an idiot speaks to the approaching crowd of cats. His old timey phrases hold no sway on them however, and they attack him. When the rest of the cats hear Lynea coming they quickly move away and the roughed up gentleman cat looks like is the only one who has been fighting.

"Well, how awful! I expected better of you Professor Fluffybutt! Out you go!"

She unceremoniously kicks the cat outside, throwing his paper glasses out after him, but of course they just sorta float to the ground because paper doesn't throw very well.

Jimmy Hats, Professor Fluffybutt, Town-aligned Peeping JOAT was kicked out D3.

Treat Vote

Retro Futurist (1) - Somberbrero

Retro Futurist gets a treat!


It is evening time in the cat sanctuary. Lynea thinks about going to bed but decides to give one more treat out to one of her fluffy kitties. She chooses a cat that hasn't had one of her lovely treats before and the cat eats it right up. Surveying her surroundings, she is filled with love and friendship with all her lovely cats who because of her wonderful treats all love her so much. She knows she doesn't need to buy their love anymore and decides to put the treats away. She doesn't want them getting hooked on the treats afterall. Not good for their little kitty tummies!

Somberbrero, Lynea, 3P Treat Giver has won and absconded from the game.


With Lynea gone to bed three cats stalk the house. Garfield, Missy, and Smokey find their target, the innocent kitten Tiger. He's chasing that dot again, so he's easy to find. Smokey guards the room. Garfield grabs the laser pointer and uses his little paws to move the dot towards the patio door. Tiger, single minded as he is, chases it without noticing the direction. It's not until he's outside on the grass that he's realized that Missy has slammed the door behind him. The three cats turn and leave him outside in the cold. Now, with Lynea gone to bed and the other cats no match for their cooperation, they can get anything they want. This cat sanctuary is theirs forever!

BottleKnight, Tiger, Town-aligned Escalating Rolecop was kicked out N3.

Which means that...

derp, Buttercup, Town-aligned White Mage

Infinitum, Comet, Town-aligned Self-watching bodyguard


Retro Futurist, Maru, Town-aligned Lynchbomb

have been endgamed!!

Scum have won!

Tired Moritz, Garfield, Scum-aligned Rolecopping Roleblocker

this is a stickup, Missy, Scum-aligned Thief


CapitalistPig, Smokey, Scum-aligned Smokescreen

Writeup about the setup in a moment.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
What the gently caress is wrong with you, Asiina?!

So this is my answer to Somber's game, Cloaks, which was a role madness game that couldn't be traditionally solved by night actions.

There were 3 scum:

Rolecopping Roleblocker - Rolecopped whoever he blocked
Thief - Could steal treats
Smokescreen - Made whoever they targeted have watchers who watched them see nothing and trackers who tracked someone to them see no movement

The scum also had a different mechanic. Instead of performing their own actions, they could act together on the nightkill.

One scum doing the NK was a regular NK. Two scum it was a ninja NK. Three scum it was an unblockable ninja NK.

If a scum died their spirit would be still helping with the NK so after one scum was dead all NKs will be ninja and after two scum were dead they'd all be ninja and unblockable. The point of this was so the scum kill would get stronger the longer the game continued and the more scum were dead.

There was 1 3P:

Somber was a treat giver and could set the treats for the day (he had a list but didn't know what each one did specifically) and also give treats at night. He won when half of all players (living or dead) had been given a treat.

There were 9 town:

2 mason trackers who would have been given each other's results. I'm sad this didn't happen
1 Peeping JOAT - Exactly what Jimmy claimed, had a 1-shot of watcher, tracker, follower, and Voyeur.
1 White Mage - protects someone for two nights
1 self-watching bodyguard
1 Lie Detector (couldn't use on alignment statements)
1 Lynchbomb
1 Mod Annoyer. This role would get to ask about town, scum, or general and I would have given them information about the setup. Eventually culminating in telling them the entire mechanics. A very powerful role, but would take a lot of nights to get all the information.


So did it work? Did all your dreams come true?

Kinda. I liked some things and not others. I did find it funny that in a game that said in no uncertain terms that following night actions would be bad, that people relied on night actions. Scum were quite strong, but I also liked that in a game with a lot of movement and 4 people with some sort of movement tracking role, that having 3 people not being seen could be a bit of a downside if scum wanted to 3-man into the kill every night. I do still really like the smokescreen role. I feel like there aren't a lot of negative utility roles for scum, and since cops are rarer these days, it's nice to give them something to combat the mass watcher/trackers other than a roleblock.

Somber's role was probably too easy but not being able to control the treat vote during the day meant that if people decided to stack treats on someone, there's not a lot he could do about it and I wanted the 3P to have some say in whether they won or not.

I'm sad that the tracker mason pair and the mod annoyer never really got to do their thing, I think that would have made a difference, but honestly town really phoned it in a lot so I don't think it was terribly unbalanced in the end.

BTW the game technically should have gone into N3 because Somber still had to give another treat, but the scumteam had said they were going to juggernaut kill BK earlier in the day and Somber was obviously going to give to someone new, so I didn't want to wait around for that and called it slightly early. Especially when BK and Opop were mostly absent and probably shouldn't have signed up even though I gave full warning for them to not join if they were going to lurk.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
I do think the scum might have been a little too strong. I think if I did something like that again I'd just do the second part where once a scum died they empowered the NK.

I wanted the idea that relying on night actions, especially in later days when role madness games become more about being logic puzzles, would just simply not work. I think it's a mechanic I'll keep in my pocket and maybe try again in another game a long time from now.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

Retro Futurist posted:

Well I guess that's why you don't rely too much on night actions

Well I guess that's why I shouldn't have let you sign up.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

Somberbrero posted:

the aa push still makes no sense to me.

Also yeah, AA had a great point. Like the idea that he as scum somehow knew what Inf was and who his target was going to be is just crazy.


Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

You had 5 more posts than I did and significantly less than KB who died N1.

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