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  • Locked thread
Oct 30, 2008

i;m gay

They call themselves "Grey Wolves". For months, the irony bros running the politics/comedy podcast CHAPO TRAP HOUSE have been converting impressionable followers to this cult, and for what? To support their number 21-ranked Patreon.

There are thousands of these Grey Wolves, and they're making you uncomfortable like when Michael Barbaro sees a homeless guy in a subway station. Calling out your milquetoast liberalism. Rousing troll squads in your Twitter mentions. Questioning the smoothness of your brain.

It's but a matter of time before this CIA / AKP psy-op is activated, destroying any hopes you had for civility in The Discourse :discourse:

Now an unlikely alliance of Tankies, conservatives, traditional Catholics, Hillary boosters and Lin Miranda fanatics have have joined forces for an assault on the CIA-funded Park Slope mansion that is the Chapo Trap House. But who can you really trust? Grey Wolves are everywhere.

Are you on the Road to Soavedom, or is today the Dawn of Justice and Development?

Welcome to Assault on Chapo Trap House, a mafia game for 15 players with flavour based on the greatest podcast.

C H A P O T R A P H O U S E: Overview
Chapo (@chapotraphouse) is a twice-weekly podcast hosted by Will Menaker (@willmenaker), Matt Christman (@cushbomb) and Felix Biederman (@ByYourLogic) which can be inelegantly described as what happens when leftist politics meets weird Twitter. The episodes are around an hour in length and deviate wildly between intelligent, well-read people sharing their considered views or interviewing subject experts to mercilessly satirising self-important blowhards from across the political spectrum. Generous doses of ironic snark are doled out. A trope which may be important for this game is that very early on the hosts declared their loyalty to Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in about Episode 2, I think it started as a bit but has become so much more.

How does this translate to mafia?
The Chapo hosts spend a lot of time crudely and hilariously insulting a range of people including conservative columnists who feign outrage over what bathrooms people use, war hawks urging greater US support for Saudi brutality, milquetoast liberals who enable their proclaimed opponents to disenfranchise minorities, batshit crazy Tankies, and people who enjoy the musical Hamilton. The Chapo hosts also regularly engage in Twitter beefs with these and others, earning them a lot of internet enemies. Through callbacks and regular inside jokes Chapo has essentially developed a canon of these people - most of you will play these people who are trying to eliminate the Chapos, and the hosts will be doing their best to ensure that Justice and Development continues to reign supreme.

Should I play?
New players are certainly welcome. The setup is not overly complex and everyone will have to rely on their wits much more than role wizardry.

While many of the themes and subjects Chapo deals with are serious, it features fast paced conversation and savagely funny satire, and I'm hoping that this game will too. If you hate fun, this may not be the game for you.

:siren:GAME RULES:siren:
  • Days are at least 24 hours long, starting and ending around 12pm AEDT (~9pm US Eastern)
  • Don't intentionally post between hammer and flip unless it's a great post in which case do it
  • Votes will be a majority of players to hammer (days can end in a no-dunk).
  • Having said that, I am likely to ensure that Day 1 ends in a lynch. D1 no-lynches suck and are a function of player laziness rather than strategy.
  • This game has a mix of roles and vanilla characters.
  • Because I am a competent mod, there are no stupid twists which will make one side win or lose the game.
  • Non-town players may have been given fake flavour.
  • No editing posts. Make a clarification in a new post.
  • Deadposts are okay as long as they are not game related. If you're dead but have a Chapo-worthy ironic burn to share, post it!
  • Don't directly quote mod PMs. If you have any questions throughout the game, PM me.


Oct 30, 2008

i;m gay
  1. Bifauxnen
  2. bowmore
  3. CCKeane
  4. derp
  5. dongsbot9000
  6. got some chores tonight
  7. iajanus
  8. Kashuno
  9. Moatillata
  10. Retro Futurist
  11. SirSamVimes
  12. The Narrator

birdstrike fucked around with this message at 01:52 on Nov 14, 2016

Aug 11, 2010

Curses! Foiled again!

I am literally listening to my first episode of this right now. In!

The Narrator
Aug 11, 2011

bernie would have won
I claim Volcel

The Narrator
Aug 11, 2011

bernie would have won
Oh and biebstrike I don't have PMs so you can email thenarratorsa at Gmail dot come

Aug 8, 2007



Dec 11, 2013

Alfrything is only the ghost of a memory...
i am a tankie and i wanna play this

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer
Playing a birb game

Oct 6, 2008


Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer
Get people in this game w t f

Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

In to stop trump.

Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

But as a heads up I absolutely hate fun.

got some chores tonight
Feb 18, 2012

honk honk whats for lunch...

Oct 30, 2008

i;m gay

sorry Narrator, chores is the ultimate Caleb

The Narrator
Aug 11, 2011

bernie would have won

Birdstrike posted:

sorry Narrator, chores is the ultimate Caleb

my sweet boy chores, what happened to you?

got some chores tonight
Feb 18, 2012

honk honk whats for lunch...
i dont know what these words mean

The Narrator
Aug 11, 2011

bernie would have won

got some chores tonight posted:

i dont know what these words mean

Aug 17, 2004


yes please

Dec 13, 2006

I am ready to burn it all down

Spitting acid like a xenomorph hooker

Nov 9, 2016

No child soldier in poverty by 1990
i WILL PLAY this mytsterios game

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy

Nov 9, 2016

No child soldier in poverty by 1990
lmaok mod done got homerlf a ban

i WILL RUN this mysetiors game

Nov 9, 2016

No child soldier in poverty by 1990
I KNIw all the chapos: guzman, gomez, fwlix bonerman, alexis Texas

The Narrator
Aug 11, 2011

bernie would have won
Bstrij picked me as the most ideologically correct of his syccessord

Jul 21, 2008

The sky is full of words you've gifted me.

I'll play a birb game

Aug 17, 2004


SirSamVimes posted:

I'll play a birb game

Birb game = the most dangerous game

Nov 9, 2016

No child soldier in poverty by 1990

iajanus posted:

Birb game = the most dangerous game


Oct 30, 2008

i;m gay


lmaok mod done got homerlf a ban

i WILL RUN this mysetiors game

more like


Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
im in the game

Oct 30, 2008

i;m gay

derp posted:

im in the game

I know I have you haha

problem is I'm out of the game, I'm going to call this one off

thanks everyone for trying to support what I hope would have been a good game I will post setup soon

The Narrator
Aug 11, 2011

bernie would have won

Birdstrike posted:

I know I have you haha

problem is I'm out of the game, I'm going to call this one off

thanks everyone for trying to support what I hope would have been a good game I will post setup soon

the aristocrats

Oct 30, 2008

i;m gay
As this is the second game in a row I've tried to run which hasn't managed to get players while multiple games which started after mine filled up, it's kinda clear at this point that people don't want to join my games so I'm calling this off.

The overall idea for this one was to build on some earlier ideas about a game which appears to be role heavy but is actually kind of vanilla, as you will see:

Overall setup: 15 players: 11 town, 3 scum, 1 3P

  • 6 Vanilla Town
  • Enabler: target player cannot be roleblocked that night
  • Miller: investigates as not-town
  • Mailperson: can send mod 140 character message, mod delivers to target
  • Bodyguard: dies in place of their target
  • 2-shot Post Restriction Giver: the next day their target would have to post in either Democrat Hillary Voice ("I MAY NOT BE, a Trump supporter, BUT I AM, voting for scum") or Michael Mason @porfirio style ("Other players post mainly white noise. No one talks about this").

  • Will, Godfather: investigates as town, loses immunity if they perform the kill
  • Felix, Roleblocker: target is roleblocked (unless enabled) because their valour has been stolen
  • Matt, 1-shot Janitor: role and alignment of flip not revealed. Janitor power unavailable on N1.

Carl Diggler, 1x Bulletproof Jester: Protected from 1 NK attempt. Wins if dunked, loses if survives game or is NK'd. Cannot claim an action result, cannot scumclaim, cannot claim to be Will/Matt/Felix.

The only role which I thought would have a tangible impact on gameplay was the BP Jester: if town lynches them town loses a day, if scum NK them scum loses a night. I thought this was balanced (and I really wanted to have a game with a Jester.)

The Janitor might have had a smaller impact depending on if people bought into other potential 3Ps, but basically it and every other role is designed to make people think there are roles like cops around without there actually being any.
My goal was to make scumhunting and analysis the key to the game rather than information from roles.

CCKeane definitely would have been the Mailman.

Flavour-wise, I had a whole stable of people to use for town characters and fake claims including but not limited to The Traitor Gulen, Baseball Crank, Red Kahina, Robbie Soave, Josh Foust, Arthur Chu, Freeway Ross Douthat, David French, Rod Dreher, Sady Doyle, Bill Mitchell and of course, "Love That" Ron Fournier.

I had written in Virgil Texas and Roqayah Chamseddine in as town characters as ostensible Chapo-allies out to get them (Virgil as revenge for continued humiliation at the hands of Carl; RoqChams as revenge for Will mangling her name). Game-wise these characters were supposed to show people that flavour couldn't solve the game (also scum would have had fakeclaims).

Like I said thanks everyone for signing up and I'm sorry this didn't get off the ground.

Also listen to Chapo Trap House it's good.

The Narrator
Aug 11, 2011

bernie would have won

Birdstrike posted:

Also listen to Chapo Trap House it's good.


and thanks for running the game anyway birdo, it sounds like it would've been great.

Aug 11, 2010

Curses! Foiled again!

Birdstrike posted:

As this is the second game in a row I've tried to run which hasn't managed to get players while multiple games which started after mine filled up, it's kinda clear at this point that people don't want to join my games so I'm calling this off.


Aww I wanted to be scumbros with Moat again

got some chores tonight
Feb 18, 2012

honk honk whats for lunch...
what role would i have received

Dec 13, 2006

Brirb.. no...

Dec 13, 2006


Bifauxnen posted:


Aww I wanted to be scumbros with Moat again


Oct 6, 2008

well that's a shame


Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
thanks for the game birdman i had fun

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