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  • Locked thread
Aug 15, 2004

there is only one hell:
the one we live in now
(current votecount)


Farming communities are slaves to many things: to the land and its constant demands; to their labor, as they till, plant, and tend to their fields; to their herds and crops, fighting away wolves and crows alike; and perhaps most brutal of all, the inevitable change of the season. Without constant dedication there would not be enough time to ensure a successful harvest, for a failure in one season means a failure in all subsequent ones, and potentially starvation for the whole community.
The farmers in the rolling fields and hills of Hnetva, deep in the Arrentish westerland, know this servitude all too well. But they do not balk under the pressure; on the contrary, their pumpkins are known throughout the Imperia as being some of the largest and the juiciest. Visitors to their quaint little towns often ask them what's their secret, and every farmer gives the same simple answer: good soil and good work makes for good food. No secret about it.
The one break from the bondage of rural life comes during Róbfishch, a massive harvest festival timed at the second full moon from the equinox. The farmers and their families celebrate another hard year's labor with feasting, singing, dancing, drinking, smoking, gossiping, praying, and otherwise embracing the joy that comes from a worthy accomplishment.
Fifteen children gathered near the bonfire and decided to play a game. "Hangman" they call it. They pretend that some of them are secretly monsters trying to gobble up the others, and the rest have to discover them and, as the name suggests, hang them for their bestial nature. It is a very fun game; one of the adults, Fortuna, agreed to run it for them. As they bowed their heads in anticipation, the bonfires nearby roared and cracked.


Welcome to this game of mafia! This is a 15 player closed-setup game. However, it is a "traditional" game; there will be little that isn't featured on the SA Mafia Wiki or the Mafia flash thingy. However there might still be some surprises thrown your way! Who knows?

The standard mafia rules apply: don't do anything that could be construed as "not in the spirit of mafia." But I'm not a huge stickler for rules, so as long as you don't break the game it'll probably be fine. For instance, feel free to edit your posts to fix minor things like formatting, even if you get caught by the ninja; just be reasonable about it.

However, please remember that I reserve the right to punish someone as I see fit for whatever thing they do.

My unique quirk: please ##unvote before re##voting. I will not count revotes without unvotes unless you are a double-voter. It doesn't matter what votebot says; votebot is just for your convenience, only the votecounts I present are to be assumed accurate and reliable. If you think you see a mistake in a votecount I have posted, please contact me privately so I may check it.

Posting is very important to me, however I will not expect you to be abuzz with posting things left and right. If you haven't posted for a while, I'll probably prod you with a PM casually, maybe with a "hey go post GO POST NOWWWW". If you have a reason why you're not posting, feel free to tell me -- I like to think I'm fairly reasonable. If you aren't posting and it's going to be a chronic problem, I'll ask if you want a replacement; it's up to you, I just want everyone to have a good time, you included. However, if you're put on probation for more than a day, then I will replace you without warning. So don't get probated!

Deadlines are the most effective and easiest way to encourage participation. To that effect, every game day will have a deadline. If majority voting has not been reached by then, the day will end with no hanging. The Day 1 deadline will be at most 5 days long, and they'll only get shorter! Note that if I am ever for some reason unavailable for a deadline I've set, you should assume it to be floating.

To sign up, simply say whether you want to play or be a replacement, whether or not you have PMs, your AIM if you have it (but I know you don't anymore), and your email address. I'm "eccoraven" via g-mail. I only check my email every other day or so, so if you don't have PMs you should really consider it!

If you are living with, or otherwise have direct RL contact with, another player in the game, please tell me when signing up. It won't affect your chances for playing the game, I just like to know these things in advance.

Here we go!

EccoRaven fucked around with this message at 04:17 on Nov 12, 2016


Aug 15, 2004

there is only one hell:
the one we live in now

NOTE: just an estimate, not assumed to be accurate!

Current Phase: N/A
:h: N / A
:d: N / A

Player List:
1) AnonymousNarcotics
2) Asiina
3) CCKeane
4) Dick Bastardly
5) Ernie.
6) got some chores tonight/dongsbot
7) Jonathan Fisk/Tremendous Taste
8) Max
9) Moatillata
10) Murmur Twin Amoeba102
11) Pinterest Mom
12) Somberbrero
13) this is a stickup
14) Tired Moritz
15) TMMadman

- Bottleknight

Night 0: Varinn, Valerie (town-aligned vanilla), died.
Day 1: CCKeane, Stanisław (town-aligned vanilla), executed.
Night 1: Dick Bastardly, Kazimierez (town-aligned doctor), died.
Day 2: Asiina, Maria (mafia-aligned godfather), executed.
Night 2: got some chores tonight, Klemens (town-aligned tracker), died.
Day 3: AnonymousNarcotics, Teresa (mafia-aligned roleblocker), executed.
Night 3: Tired Moritz, Jocasta (town-aligned mason recruiter), died.
Day 4: Jonathan Fisk, Faustin (town-aligned cop), executed.
Night 4: TMMadman, Albert (cool-aligned vanilla), died.
Day 5: this is a stickup, Jadwiga (mafia-aligned goon), executed.
Night 5: Moatillata, Hector (town-aligned mason), died.
Day 6: Amoeba102, Kinga (mafia-aligned goon), executed.


EccoRaven fucked around with this message at 21:20 on Dec 8, 2016

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back

Feb 14, 2009


is that first image from over the garden wall?

Aug 15, 2004

there is only one hell:
the one we live in now

Somberbrero posted:


is that first image from over the garden wall?

I try to source all the pictures I use, click the link below it to find out!


t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010


Dick Bastardly
Aug 22, 2012

Muttley is SKYNET!!!
*joins villagers seated around bonfire*

"I'm a spooky monster"

*gives a hearty monster roar*

Dec 13, 2006

I have been told by many that my pumpkins are the largest and juiciest

Murmur Twin
Feb 11, 2003

An ever-honest pacifist with no mind for tricks.
Welcome back Ecco! :glomp: I'll play.

Dec 13, 2006

Also that they bring all the boys to the yard

got some chores tonight
Feb 18, 2012

honk honk whats for lunch...
im going to lurk this game

Dec 13, 2006


got some chores tonight posted:

im going to lurk this game

Don't be a bitch

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
I am very bad but can I play? :)

Aug 15, 2004

there is only one hell:
the one we live in now

Tired Moritz posted:

I am very bad but can I play? :)


got some chores tonight posted:

im going to lurk this game

please don't!

Moatillata posted:

Also that they bring all the boys to the yard

every fall tourists from the cities always flock to see the foliage in Hnetva, it's so gross.

Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

I'm going to play but I'll be using the nost vile of tricks to win!

t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

No more nudes Keane

Dec 13, 2006

Shh fisk adults are speaking

Go on keane...

sentimental snail
Nov 22, 2007

yes hello. i can't wait to be hanged

Nov 30, 2002


Dec 13, 2006


A hoy hoy

Nov 30, 2002

Keane, I have some Swedish fish I would like to sell you.

Feb 14, 2009


Jonathan Fisk posted:

No more nudes Keane

why must you be the screen door on my submarine

George Kansas
Sep 1, 2008

preface all my posts with this
I'll play.

Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy
Ok, I'm not in a game.

George Kansas
Sep 1, 2008

preface all my posts with this
If this game fills before he signs up, I give my place to Ernest.

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009


Aug 15, 2004

there is only one hell:
the one we live in now
that's a full house! I will write role PMs tomorrow and Sunday. Game opens Sunday afternoon. Day 1 deadline will be Tuesday night, Day 2 deadline will be Thursday, and so on in that fashion.


Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

this is a stickup posted:

yes hello. i can't wait to be hanged

It's pretty good being hung I must say.

Aug 31, 2012

Hello I am definitely playing this most deceptive of games

Aug 31, 2012

BottleKnight posted:

If this game fills before he signs up, I give my place to Ernest.

You really didn't have to do this :(

Why don't we share a role. We can each have half the night action rights and MUST alternate posts?

Aug 15, 2004

there is only one hell:
the one we live in now
it's ok! I twisted BK's arm to sign up in the first place.

George Kansas
Sep 1, 2008

preface all my posts with this

EccoRaven posted:

it's ok! I twisted BK's arm to sign up in the first place.

Dec 13, 2006


Aug 15, 2004

there is only one hell:
the one we live in now
almost done with PMs but I have to go to mass. sorry! should definitely be up before long!

"why did we want ecco back again?" - u irl

"I never wanted you back ecco" - u actually irl

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

confirming that i am vanilla town

Aug 15, 2004

there is only one hell:
the one we live in now
Hooray! Everyone should have their role PMs; check your inboxes. Thank you for being patient with me!

Instead of saying some variation of "confirm" type the following sentence (capitalizing the first letter of each word):

I understand that if I do not unvote the mod will not count a revote unless I am a doublevoter.

For reference, all the role PMs look something like this:

A Sample Role PM posted:

Varinn - Valerie (town-aligned vanilla)
You've lived in this humble town all your life; you were born here, your went to school here, you've tilled these farms and you've tended to the herds, you have kids and a family. You protect them, as well as everyone in this town, because it is your home. Now your home is under attack - monsters have infiltrated your town, crawling under the skin of your friends and neighbors (maybe even your own family?) and wearing them like a suit. There is no way to save them anymore; the only thing you can do is save yourselves. And the only way to do that is to root these monsters out and give them a good being killed. Once they have been hanged by popular vote, their bodies will convulse and quiver and shift back to the monsters they are. And once they're all dead, then you may finally know peace.
You are a townie! You seek to remove the monster menace, and as such win when only town-aligned players are in the game or nothing can stop the same. You have the normal town powers of posting and voting in the thread freely.
You have no other exceptional powers or abilities.
You are vanilla and you are town-aligned.

Character names are generated randomly using various easy-to-find internet programs, as well as random Wikipedia articles and my own creativity.

Flips will look like this:

:s: Player Name, Character Name (alignment-aligned role), died in a flavor-specific way. :s:


:s: Varinn, Valerie (town-aligned vanilla), was eaten alive night 0! :s:

The game should be beginning shortly!

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

Yeah Yeah I'm Not A Double Voter I Gotta Unvote

Aug 15, 2004

there is only one hell:
the one we live in now

"All was quiet in Hnetva that autumn morning. The people were milling about their day as usual - the miller was at the windmill churning the wheat, the merchants were coming and going with their wares, the brewer was sniffing the hops and the priestess was chanting her prayers. But suddenly, all were horrified to find that today was not an ordinary peaceful day. No, today, someone had been MURDERED!! By monsters! And now there's monsters in the town or something and you've got to stop them by hanging them! Before they gobble you up!!!"

:s: Varinn, Valerie (town-aligned vanilla), was eaten alive night 0! :s:

It is now Day 1!
:h: With 15 alive it takes 8 votes to execute.
:d: Day 1 deadline: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH, ~11PM EST. That is in fewer than 48 hours from the start of the game! If it gets to be Tuesday evening and it looks like you guys can't handle the pressure I'll extend it to Thursday, but try for Tuesday if you can!

Okay good luck have fun woo!


Feb 14, 2009

I Have To Unvote. I Can't Vote Again Unless I Unvote. It's Sad, But True. I Love This Rule, Typing This Sentence Is My Favorite Part.

  • Locked thread