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Jul 26, 2006

Did the math and​ with the bonus $3500 Costco I could eat a dog and soda combo for lunch 6 years straight. So obviously I had to scoop one up.


Jul 26, 2006

I don't know why I just wasted so much time reading case law about this but with Membership stores you agree to their receipt checks so they can detain you with probable cause and since you are violating the agreement that's probable cause. Yay America

Jul 26, 2006

ArbitraryC posted:

P sure fish sold to be eaten raw has undergone special processing and handling to insure you won't get sick. I wouldn't advocate not cooking regular grocery store
stuff, even from a place as respectable as Costco.

Yeah that's not a thing. Go crazy with that Costco salmon

Jul 26, 2006

Peachfart posted:

Today I bought avocado oil, dog food, and a really nice BBQ to replace the old hand-me-down that I had to dump because the heat reflector literally rusted away.

I love my new BBQ, thanks Costco.

40lbs of dog for for $25 is a steal. My savages were eating $60 worth of 30lb bags of Blue Buffalo every 3 weeks. $25 a month is worth the entire membership. Good quality too

Jul 26, 2006

drat typo. I did quote a post talking about dog food though. Geez

Jul 26, 2006

Dr. Capco posted:

Lmao @ sharing Costco food like you're fuckin alaadin and abu on the street. I'd rather die than give someone half of my Costco pizza.

Well keep eating that whole slice and Costco will grant your wish brotha.

Anyone else get their surburban mom on and buy $300 in meats and spend a Friday evening vac sealing all your bulk deals? I'm taking it a step further and going to just prepare a bunch of freezer meals to have on hand. Oooh yeah gonna be a fun night!

Jul 26, 2006

Johnny knows what's up

DangerZoneDelux fucked around with this message at 15:44 on Jun 24, 2017

Jul 26, 2006

drat did you really add salt to that?

Jul 26, 2006

Oh no. Lady next to me is eating and has a selection of ketchup, mustard, and relish on her plate. Offensive? Oh yeah it's on a loving pizza slice. Jesus Christ.

Thankfully I'm not eating or I would lose my dinner, I'm watching my toddler enjoy a dog and 25 cent water.

Jul 26, 2006

JewKiller 3000 posted:

What happens if I don't stop for the receipt checker at the door? I mean, I'm sure it says in my membership agreement that I have to let them check. But what would they physically do about it? They aren't cops, they can't hold me there, and I don't have to tell them who I am. I guess they could take my picture and post it on some wall of undesirables... now, I'm not gonna actually do this because what would be the point, but I'm curious how the employees are told to respond to this.

Apparently after reading up on this because I was curious and I mentioned it before in this thread when you sign up you agree to them searching your cart at any time and failing to stop means by their definition have gone against the terms of your membership agreement. It also means they can physically stop you, that's the nuts part. Same rules don't apply for Walmart or any other retail establishment that's doesn't require membership. Just a bit of freedom for that $1.50 dog

Jul 26, 2006

Snowmankilla posted:

What are they even looking for. What I don't get is when I am buying $400 in office supplies they check for 5 seconds. If I am buying $80 in fruit and baby food it takes 5 sec. And when I bought $600 in booze and high end food, 5 sec.

You don't understand they are counting the items in the cart?

Jul 26, 2006

FilthyImp posted:

Out of curiosity what do the unwashed Sam's Folken look forward to?

No lines. Self checkout. Pamper brand diapers... I rock dual memberships

Jul 26, 2006

Apparently at one point Costco sold bulk Vanilla Bean. Do they still? That would be worth a membership alone

Jul 26, 2006

The old prices online say they were $12.99 for 10 beans. That's madness if they are still that cheap or even $20 for 10

Jul 26, 2006

uli2000 posted:

I doubt they are anywhere near that anymore. It must be a bad year for vanilla. I remember the last time I bought the good Costco vanilla extract it was like $9/bottle. Last time I went it was $23/bottle.

Google Express is listing at $29.99 which is still great. Isn't there a markup with Google Express too? Either way $30 in store for 10 beans is pretty great. My wife only bakes with the beans. That $23 bottle of extract probably lasts a lifetime

Jul 26, 2006

Tried to go at 6:15 today. Rookie move. I guess the dogs ain't eating tonight

Jul 26, 2006

Prokhor Zakharov posted:

The Costco app is great if you get a lot of photos done there, especially since most big box photo centers are hot loving garbage

Do Costcos still have photo departments? My local one got rid of it and now it's just an online order bullshit like Shutterfly so it's hot loving garbage. I figured they all got rid of the instore photo departments. Another reason I rock a dual membership to Sam's


Jul 26, 2006

FogHelmut posted:

I justify the cost by the size of them. They're the biggest avocados I've seen.

Had one last week that didn't get ripe. I don't understand these things.

Having done some work for the cali avocado cartel, the only acceptable method is paper bag method.

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