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Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
Costco is weird, it's like a Capitalist's wet dream and somehow also really Socialist in its policies

John Galt probably shops there


Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
Self checkout owns and is way faster than those shithead cashiers

I don't want to talk to anyone when I'm buying a carton of milk and 2 packs of double stuf oreos

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
WinCo is pretty awesome

You can get a big block of nice Pepper Jack cheese for like $2.00

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
Did you seriously just say honey roasted peanuts are lovely

You loving monster

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

Get those garbage rear end watches outta here

Real men wear Jaeger-LeCoultre

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

thathonkey posted:

this except audemars piguet

holy christ no, the bezels are so drat hideous on APs

it looks like something a steampunk fanboy would buy

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

TheLightPurges posted:

Do you not have a cell phone?

I have a 7 plus but I need as many symbols of vigor to show to everyone around me that i'm to be feared and respected

it's sort of like wearing a wedding ring, but I bet you wouldn't know much about the fairer sex :smug:

TheLightPurges posted:

Could have donated it to charity or bought a sweet gaming rig.

this might shock you, but there exist people in the world who can donate to a charity, buy a computer AND own a watch........ AT THE SAME TIME~!!

holy poo poo, like for real mindblowing poo poo

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

Professor Shark posted:

For some reason watch enthusiasts really put a lot of stock into how AP created the sports watch or some nonsense, so somehow they get a pass on their incredibly ugly as gently caress designs sold for insane prices.

It has never made sense to me.


Though they didn't even "invent" sports watches, common misconception

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

Tiny Lowtax posted:

Flushable baby wipes aren't actually flushable and will clog your pipes

how many of those fuckers must you be throwing into one bowl without flushing to clog your pipes?

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
So is the quality of Costco gas like, going to balance out the 2% cheaper price or whatever if it fucks your car up later down the line? I always fear those super discount gas places because it seems like there must be corners cut somewhere and usually it's quality control that goes first

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
I mean I know they say it's got some kind of magic sauce in it that makes it cleaner or something but it just seems like there has to be a catch

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

Get in my aBellllly!

S-tier lookin' hot dog right there my friend

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

Citizen Tayne posted:

My wife and I biked past a costco today. I suggested having lunch there at the food court and she said, "We should go to Red Robin, we can do better than the Costco Food Court."

I'm single now.

Red Robin has pretty good burgers for a chain restaurant though, and the garlic fries are top tier

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about the muffins

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

the good fax machine posted:

That's too much muffin. I can't eat all that poo poo in two days.

And you call yourself a goon? Post a banme immediately you cretin

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
So just eat one for every meal

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
Costco frozen Normandy style vegetables in a pan with some Costco frozen chicken and some Costco marinade and you've got a huge healthy delicious meal for like $1.30

Costco is capitalism done right

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
tbf Human children are horrible awful things

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
Quinoa looks like a testicle with the epydidimus tube

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

Rupert Buttermilk posted:

Their meatballs and fries, covered in gravy and lingonberry sauce is incredible.

it's good but it's not better than a costco hotdog and 20oz drink for $1.50

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

lol just lol if you don't raw dog every bitch you meet

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

Kelp Me! posted:

gently caress man 1140 calories though :smith:

I feel like that estimate might be slightly off

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
I mean the bun is probably 100 calories

lettuce and tomato are nothing

sauce is like 40 calories

cheese is like 40 calories

So is the patty 950 calories??

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
like what are you even doing with your money if you don't buy everything consumable at costco

how do people even go anywhere else

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
so 150 calories for the Kings Hawaiian bun and 300-ish for the patty once a lot of the the fat has cooked off

40 for cheese, 40 for sauce and we're still missing like 600 calories

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
My fiancee has never been to a Costco before, can't wait to show her $5 for a whole chicken once we move back to the states

in this country you can't get two chicken breasts for less than $6

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

Pennywise the Frown posted:

The whole video is heart breaking but definitely :unsmith:. He mentions Costco at 7:30. Good thing I bought that huge thing of Kleenex yesterday. Praise be.

As a hardass man I never cry, but the only thing that gives me a lump in the throat is when I see my fellow man choking up over something he loves, doubly so when it involves Costco

excellent monologue though, at the end when he talks about parents he saw in the hospital was some [real. rear end. poo poo.]

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
Get a VISA dog, it takes like 2 minutes to sign up for one

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
It's pretty funny how Costco makes basically every other company look like poo poo

Not only does it make a shitload of money and have a basically perfect reputation for saving customers money and giving them exactly what they want, they also do an amazing job taking care of their staff and yet still, again, find some way to make money hand over fist

Like it's some kind of weird intersection between socialism and capitalism and somehow makes both look good, it's kinda mind boggling

It's almost like other companies are run by greedy pieces of poo poo that could give their staff more money but don't for their own gain :confused:

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
top tier looking slice right there btw

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

meet girls at the store posted:

Just lol if your cart doesn't look like this by the time you're ready to leave

9/10 but only because you haven't christened the cart with a single tin foil-wrapped dog as a cherry on top of the sundae

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
I should just buy Costco dogs 3 at a time

2 for the food court to eat and one as a backup between my next trip to the 'co

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

choprite posted:

also, when y'all say dogs you mean the polish, yeah?

No I mean a god drat American hot dog, not some European garbage

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

Return Of JimmyJars posted:

It's kind of busy

Part of me wants to go "do you live in my hometown, ___?" but I already know that every CostCo looks exactly the same from the inside

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
Considering taking a train like an hour out of downtown just to hit up a CostCo to buy myself a birthday cake, muffins... and you KNOW I'm snaggin' a dog with mustard/onion/relish.

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
My fiancé is like 5' 1" and 100lbs and she eats like a bird and incredibly slowly so I give her the Caesar whilst I chow down on a dog (or two) and drink for only $1.50

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

Chinatown posted:

My Costco is MILF Central on the weekends!


Second only to Trader Joe's but still first in our hearts

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich


Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
Costco is good, it gives and gives

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