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the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
My Costco membership pays for itself on diapers alone.


the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

hell yeah

eating some kirkland pistachios rn

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
That's too much muffin. I can't eat all that poo poo in two days.

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
Those are actually 12ers

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

Y'all got me cravin a Kind hearted Kirkland Doggie right now!

List the delights you had today thanks to Costco:

Kirkland coffee
Kirkland Black Forest ham
Kirkland cheddar
Costco strawberries
Kirkland Normandy vegetable blend

Several Kirkland diapers

For my arse

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

Lacey posted:

I have a bad thing about Costco! My cousin's baby had a diaper rash of such tenacity it became common family gossip. And when they finally identified the culprit? Kirkland Signature Baby Wipes.

I don't want to bring the thread down but I also don't want to be responsible for chapped asses.

Been using these for almost a year and a half on our baby with no issues.

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

real recognize real when a dog is on the line.

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

Imagine a piping fresh dog covered in onion and deli mestard, and a big beefy Pepsi Co. soda next to it.

Imagine it all for 1.5 usd


No need to imagine, friend. There's 1/4+ lb. of beef waiting for you just around the corner.

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

I was there when it opened, pretty sure I had the first quarter pound doggie of the day! You can see that Lennox hvac fucker already cat calling people. Does every Costco have them?

Yes. Also the DirecTV dude up front by the TVs, but I get to dismissively tell them that my wife works for Comcast. :feelsgood:

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

Can we get rid of these paid IKEA trolls? This is DISGUSTING!

Yeah I was at IKEA last week and I'm gonna be honest, those meatballs don't look appetizing at all. They've got posters of the poo poo throughout the entire warehouse and I'm just like, you guys couldn't get a better picture? Those look terrible. The only food item I'm likely to buy at IKEA is a cinnamon roll, and I've never even done that.

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

FogHelmut posted:

Does the Costco Card give me 2% on dogs because its Costco, or 3% because its dining?

I mean, I get why you would want to min/max your Costco DPS, but it's only a buck fifty my man

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
I have a confession, Costco thread

I don't like kraut

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

Mons Hubris posted:

They should provide chili even if it cost 25 cents more

Hire this man

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
I bet IKEA dogs are made from turkey and pork

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
That's not very assuring at all :(

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

choprite posted:

costco food court lifehack: buy a rotisserie chicken and a loaf of bread and then order a polish and soda. eat all of that right there and wash it down with endless pepsi

I feel like this is less of a lifehack and more "things to aspire to"

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
Just went to pick up one of these mythical $5 rotisserie birds, and there were NONE. Zero.

You've let me down, Costco thread. I was so mad I left without a dog.

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

FogHelmut posted:

$119 cash back from my Executive Membership.

Just realized how much I had to spend to get that. :aaaaa:

My mom got back 1200 last year. They use their card for literally everything though and just pay off the balance immediately.

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo


My housemates and I are throwing a bbq. Looks like another trip to Costco aka valuetown for this poster :grin:

The 3 packs of ribs they sell are pro af

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

Bury me in one of these with all of my most prized possessions, so fill it with as many 1/4 lb + All Beef Hot Dogs as you can fit

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
Costco protip for people that can't stand lines/crowds: Go on Friday 30 minutes to an hour before closing, depending on how much time you need. Place is like a ghost town. As a goon, I trust you don't have anything better to do on a Friday evening.

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo


the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo


the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

Do they have it at Costco

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
It says "Flank steak with lime cilantro marinade"

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
Hmm, might need to take an impromptu trip to the 'Co to see about these "cookies"

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

Dely Apple posted:

:911: trip to the 'co

Freedom rains from above.

It's weird to see that I'm not the only one that goes to Costco for only a couple items, seems like everyone I see at the warehouse has a cart filled with $500 worth of poo poo

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
Do they have decent jeans at the Co?

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
I also steam my Normandy mix, just in a little steam pot on the stove. The carrots maybe don't have the best consistency, but there's hardly any of them in there anyway and I'm all about that broccoli and cauliflower fam

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

Is this a Joe Dirt reference?! :vince:

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

binge crotching posted:

I'm not sure what the right one is, but thousand island is the wrong one.


Do they take special orders? Such as no nasty rear end sauce on my burg? They already have all the condiments I need right there in the food court. I think I'm gonna start calling my local warehouse daily and letting them know how much I want that burg.

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
Just made my weekly pilgrimage. 25% off diapers? :getin: They also removed the food coloring from the Otter Pops, we'll find out in a couple hours if my lizard brain approves of this change.

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

TheManWithNoName posted:

The Costco in Cabo has one of the best views in town. Also they have jalapeņos and mayo at the hot dog station. Ensenada too. PBUC

Hell yeah brother. Costco is the first thing we do in Cabo after checking in. I get all the liquor I need for the whole trip (minus trips to bars, obviously) and snacks and a few meals worth of food, and I save enough over going out for all of that that I can still afford to spend several hundred dollars on cuban cigars! :snoop:

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
Steamed up some Normandy blend, and my 1.5 year old has discovered that she likes cauliflower. Praise be! :pray:

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

Toilet Shoes posted:

For your discussion.


the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
Mine must be a Mad Max Costco. It really doesn't even seem that busy compared to some of the ones I've seen described here, but it is the busier of the two that are local to me, and the employees aren't really any more pleasant than anyone working at a normal grocery store or Walmart.

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

kazr posted:

They're god tier diapers and I have not found a finer brand to don my son's rear end with

Yup. I've never had a leak or anything, and they even added the little wetness indicator strip to the bigger sizes! Proest tip is to buy 2 or 3 boxes when they go on sale (about 25% off) for maximum savings. By the time you run out they're on sale again. My
membership pays for itself on a few months of diapers alone.

the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
I bet that pizza loving sucks, like the poo poo you had in the cafeteria in grade school


the good fax machine
Feb 25, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
He lives in Quebec.. not sure why he even blurred the address, it's pretty easy to decipher

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