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jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

I went to costco a week ago and was in like at the food court and had a boomer ready to kill me for a hotdog

dude comes up to me super aggressively: are you waiting?
me: yeah
dude: ... are you waiting to order???
me: yes, i need to order

so dude positions himself to my right while i have a shopping cart in front of me. when it's my turn to order he tries to loving charge ahead of me so i just pretended i was pushing my cart off to the side so i could speak to the cashier.

my girlfriend told me he gave me the dirtiest look and was pacing behind me as he waited and then his wife came up to yell at him that she was ready to leave

what im saying is there are heretics in the church. had a good brisket sandwich tho.


jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

FilthyImp posted:

That's almost as bad as getting the ol' cart to the Achilles.

Question though, is it rude to part abandoned/waiting for food carts parked haphazardly? Like Moses, I tend to clear carts that block the path of the righteous. Some samplerfolk act offended that I laid hands on their cart parked diagonally across the aisle.

i try to be v attentive to where i leave my cart when im doing something especially when navigating it down aisles. costco just has the general retail thing of people being amazingly unaware of their surroundings but exaggerated because when someone will stop to text with a huge rear end cart turned perpendicular in a tiny produce aisle

pbuc though im going this week for some chicken thighs

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

if you're down with fish i recommend the pickled herring for sale at costco. it's a big rear end jar and has a very mild flavor but is pretty dang good.

also the organic salsa, holy gently caress.

i even got some interlocking rubber floor pads for like $12.


jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

Had the fish sticks, thank you goons they were delicious

Whipped up some fish tacos mm mm good eatin

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

I own a house with my gf and I added her to my costco membership

When I told her she seemed more excited than when we closed on the house

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

My costco was pushing executive memberships today but unless they prorate my recently started membership I don't know if it's worth it to do the executive upgrade

There were a bunch of middle managers walking around and I'm worried it's going to get weird there now

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

sandball posted:

They do this for a 3-day period once every month. You basically have nothing to worry about if being pressed by managers to upgrade is something that bothers you.

oh nbd then. i was planning to upgrade once it comes time to renew anyway. i just worked retail previously and a bunch of managers walking the floor and talking to customers was always the sign of some bullshit on the horizon. good to hear it's just some routine thing. pbuc

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

drat got double charged for an item at costco

Bigass fan

Im amazed the door people didn't notice. Ended up having to turn around and get it returned fast

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

Steakandchips posted:

How big a fan did you go for? Got a pic? Trip report?

just two of the vornaod air circulators ($40) and 1 of these cheapass tower fans for like $20

the vornados got rung up twice and they're in pretty big boxes. pbuc because they didn't hassle me at all and made the entire process pretty seamless. i'm sure they pull camera footage or whatever down the line

pbuc, they saved me from this heat spell

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

i should have gotten a dog or a brisket sandwich when i stopped durin gmy lunch for fans but the food court was like the one place packed

im excited to use these fans and have the joy of costco keep me cool throughout the psring and summer

also my cats are excited for food

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

A Pack of Kobolds posted:

A wonderful sacrament before picking up a second one of their extremely good 40" tower fans for $20. I am prepared for summer, PBUC

Hell yeah fan bro

Love that fan, I just need to rig the base a little more secure

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

I went into a sams, the false prophet today, because my mom is a heretic

God drat that place sucks. You cant park because there are shopping carts everywhere and everyone is miserable

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

i got the costco spinach, artichoke, and parmesan dip

it's so loving good and the parmesan makes it

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

i stopped at costco for a few small things on my lunch break having forgotten it's july 3rd

the horror the horror

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

hakimashou posted:

Lol at anyone who goes to Wal-mart's knockoff of costco

my mom and her husband go to sc for some reason and it's bizarre. I went to help them get flooring and they kept going to different cashiers across multiple checkouts, terrified that the waltons themselves would rip the deal away

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

that dish soap is good

i bought a 2pack of the body wash. while nice soap actually getting the thing open was very difficult

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

I worked at home depot in college and people would come in with receipts for lowe's on the other side of town

PBUC got some more protein bars

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

Mother of god, the aussie bites

i got those, and some kodiak cakes. Gf got some leggings and said they're great

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

durrneez posted:

:aaaaa: I NEED TO GO TO COSTCO!!!!

real talk they're apparently like $10 a pair, pretty well constructed and warm

she wants to go back to get more, pbuc

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

ShortyMR.CAT posted:

Hello, My name is John Costco, owner and CEO of COSTCO WHOLESALE. I'd like to give you my business card so we can discuss your future at COSTCO.

*hands you $1.50 hotdog combo*

Look at that subtle off-red coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark...

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

ordered some more costco protein bars, very excited

shame they aren't in the church's physical sites

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

Pennsyltucky costco was out last I checked, but costco giveth in warehouse and costco giveth online

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

Tim Whatley posted:

Went to church and was tempted to buy a to of poo poo, but picked up another $9.99 flannel because I'm a huge fan of the one I bought the other day. Bless.

that flannel is a STEAL

i also have two of the flannels, and grabbed a coat, some long johns, some shorts

im gonna be warm as gently caress this winter

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

the mean lunch lady posted:

shoulda got the puma joggers

I got the joggers and the shorts and god drat they're so good

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

Middle of the day on a work day is the real pro move'

Stop in, get a shitload of paper towels and a hot dog

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

I did the middle of the day trip once except my dumb rear end forgot that the next day was labor day. Insanity.

But yeah, deffo no samples on the mid day pilgrimage. Old folks gotta talk off the sample person's ear while they eat a single wonton

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

bob dobbs is dead posted:

they have too few locations cuz they didn't join in the orgy of leveraging every other brick and mortar store did in the early 2000's to expand harder (or they didn't join in as much, rather)

which is why their financial position is strong af and most of those brick and mortar stores are wasting away from debt service

i renewed my membership and upgraded this year

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

Got costco gas for the first time today

One customer looked at me like i was a wizard when i pulled the hose to the far side of my car after getting in an entirely empty lane

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

I haven't had any issues with it, but citi does some weird poo poo

Like if you renew/upgrade your membership they send you a notification that you requested a new card and it's being mailed

Also if you've already paid and the payment due date is soon, their web portal puts the upcoming due date in scary text and makes you think you didn't pay

Other than that it's fine

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

The Slack Lagoon posted:

I Am Wearing One Right Now

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

raton posted:

Costco is a terrible place to buy onions

The 20lb bag is too much onion!

Don't you know onions go bad COSTCO you DUMB PRICK

eat more onion

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

Schmeichy posted:

Got 1.75 L of 12 year scotch for $40. Pbuc

i wish costco in PA could sell alcohol

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

Costco has puma sweatpants and shorts, at least online, and boys they are good as hell.

jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

just cooked and ate the country style ribs again

folks. They're good flavor and value


jerry seinfel
Jun 25, 2007

costco quinoa salad loving owns

also got more of the country ribs, v good

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