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Feb 13, 2008



Pennywise the Frown posted:

The hotdog is $6 a pound. You could get 4 of those bad boys for 6 bones. Plus you get to use the onion twisty grinder thing. That's worth it just by itself.

This sage speaks wisdom beyond his years. 1/4 lb!!! All Beef Hot Dog and a fountain drink for only $1.50!!!!!!!!!


Feb 13, 2008


It blows my mind that there is actually a store behind the Costco Hot Dog stand that you don't need a membership to purchase from. poo poo, I'd pay a $1.50 to spin that onion dispenser into the trash for a minute or two.

Feb 13, 2008



a hole-y ghost posted:

only some locations have the hot dog stand outside

No. You can get hot dogs at any location without a membership.

Feb 13, 2008



a hole-y ghost posted:

yeah but you need a membership to get in or else the feeble old man at the door might say something.

Go in through the exit, say you are getting a hot dog. It's not crazy dude.

Feb 13, 2008


Or the entrance and do the same thing. drat, that's some crazy poo poo.

Feb 13, 2008




No, this depends on local laws

Personally, the idea of filthy outsiders getting to purchase a fine hot dog sickens me.

I feel bad for you and whatever hell you live in.

edit for dat content

Feb 13, 2008


That sure is one BIG dog!


BaconCopter posted:

I feel bad for you and whatever hell you live in.

edit for dat content

Feb 13, 2008



a hole-y ghost posted:

I feel bad for you who will never experience the joy of the crowded indoor costco food court where an old chinese man dozes off and leans on your shoulder while you eat your wiener

whattyameanbuddy? :shrug:

With my $0 membership fee (I don't have a membership, remember???) I can spend as long as I want lambasting in the glorious depravity known as the Costco Food Court.

EDIT: It's for the hot dogs dummy.

Feb 13, 2008



Teriyaki Hairpiece posted:

Our Costco is near a movie theater so if you really want to be a cheapo scumbag you can stop in to the food court on your way, purchase a few 25¢ bottles of water, and smuggle them in. No membership required.

Sure, but if you are a god-tier Wokescumlord you buy a couple of those mana-dogs and loudly snarf 'em down while you cackle at the trash you paid $20 bucks to watch.

Feb 13, 2008



Tiny Lowtax posted:

My Costco has the calorie count next to the food items so I never get anything because it would make me feel like garbage

Hey Nana,

I just wanna let you know that calories don't necessarily equate to feeling poor. That is unless you have some odd psychosomatic thing where inhaling ubercalories from GodDogs makes you feel dumpsterish.

Feb 13, 2008



Big Bowie Bonanza posted:

i used to work at the costco cell phone place and i ate 1/4 lbs dogs every dang day

You got the job and exclaimed, "I can buy 5 dogs an hour! Gollee!!!"

Feb 13, 2008



Meydey posted:

For those heathens without a membership, just go the main door and say you are heading to the Pharmacy. Then proceed to wander around the store scarfing samples like a normal Costco shopper. Can't check out though.
You do not need a membership to use the Pharmacy.

Or the hot dog emporium!!

Feb 13, 2008



Citizen Tayne posted:

Costco is really good to their customers.

I get ~$400 back a year in total with the credit card and store rebate checks.

For the average goon who isn't so mathematically savvy, that's almost 267 $1.50 1/4 lb PLUS ALL BEEF hot dog and a fountain drink!!! Before evil big gov taxes your bones dry!

Feb 13, 2008



binge crotching posted:

Here you go, this is the good poo poo.

180 yen for that dog must be a gigabargain in Japan, as long as my impression of most serving sizes being smaller and more expensive holds true.

Luckily 180 is like $1.60 so that's not very different from the saintly number $1.50.

WAIT A GATDANGSECONDHER that dog is 100% pork!!!!!!!

Feb 13, 2008



Make you wonder how many hot dog emporiums they have in that biggun?!?!?!!!!!!

Feb 13, 2008



LOOK RIGHT HERE BUDDY. I don't know where the gently caress you are coming from. IT WAS A SIMPLE QUESTION. HOW MANY DOGS?

Feb 13, 2008



maniacripper posted:

Don't forget those super nice 19.99 costco work slacks, nice spring loaded fastener on the front of the pants so I can be oblivious to the inches I'm gaining shoving 1.50 hot dogs down my gullet.

This dude right here knows exactly what the gently caress is going on.

Feb 13, 2008



Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

Thinking bout a drive to Costco purely for a huge honking hottie, and I think it's gonna rule.

The thread needs to know if you actually snagged that hottie.

Feb 13, 2008


Yo pops you ain't thinkin' of it correctly. I said it before, I'll say it again, it's a gat daNGED BUCK FIDDY. Dogs for days bud. Ain't gotta think about nothin! I got 4 the other day and slammed em down in the hot dog emporium food court seating area while blasting some classic Bruce Springsteen from my phone; Nana was not impressed.

Feb 13, 2008



Citizen Tayne posted:

My wife and I biked past a costco today. I suggested having lunch there at the food court and she said, "We should go to Red Robin, we can do better than the Costco Food Court."

I'm single now.

Good man o7

Prude posted:

i feel like i've let someone down

You have let a whole gently caress load of people down. Including me & Whatley-san~. Get that drat dog a home.

Feb 13, 2008



KakerMix posted:

Bought a motherfuckin' TREE at Costco my bros, 12 ft Fishtail palm for $60 goddam dollars. That's easily half the price if not more anywhere else.

And you know I filled up on fuel too.

gently caress that van is awesome/could hold a lot of $1.50 1/4+ ALL BEEF hotdogs and fountain drinks.

Feb 13, 2008



But Milwuakee's Best is swill :shrug:

Feb 13, 2008



Fellis posted:

(like im not there everyday for that $1.50 dog lol)

Feb 13, 2008


One dollar

Fifty Cents


All Beef, inside and out


w/ a fountain drink


Feb 13, 2008


Thinkin' about getting that membership...

and a dog :moonrio:

Feb 13, 2008



Rupert Buttermilk posted:

Just wanted to say that Ikea food is worlds better than Costco food.


Seriously, get the gently caress out of here.

Feb 13, 2008



Scornful Sexbot posted:

Planning a totally tubular trip to Costco Thursday to prep for a 9 person camping trip next weekend. You bet your balls I'll be getting packaged hot dogs AND a freshly made dog.

1 Pack o Dogs and 1 hot one for the road. This poster knows what the hell is up!

Feb 13, 2008



Pennywise the Frown posted:

I don't know when it actually goes up. I just got the letter in the mail. I'm pleased to give them an extra $5.

I have almost no food in my house so I might actually swing by there today and get some frozen stuff and either a dog or sausage. I never checked if they had brats or not but I would hope they would have that being here in the land of the beer brat. It's been a while since I've been inside. I need kleenex too. It's been a good six months since I bought some.

Your local 'stco should have both 1/4+++ ALL BEEF dogs and the enigmatic Costco brat due to being stricken with living in Wisconsin. A cataloged comparison is certainly in order!!!!!!

Feb 13, 2008


Holy moley they exist!!! It seems you're suffering from severe dogless regret. I recommend going back and getting a quarter pound+.

Feb 13, 2008


Listen here troglodytes, can we please go ONE FREAKIN' PAGE without talking about got drat Ikear?

No one cares about your meatball fetish, unless they are Costco meatballs. If that's the case by all means elaborate to your hearts content.

In case you missed the title, this is a thread dedicated to Costco, not your North Korean child factory outlet.

Feb 13, 2008



Peachfart posted:

Nice. Though now I have an impossible choice: dog or burger?

Both. Duh.

Feb 13, 2008



Teikanmi posted:

so 150 calories for the Kings Hawaiian bun and 300-ish for the patty once a lot of the the fat has cooked off

40 for cheese, 40 for sauce and we're still missing like 600 calories

That container of sauce in the background looks mighty caloric!

It's probably 600 cals worth of Thousand Island.

Feb 13, 2008



Feb 13, 2008


Ask for a dog as dressing instead of the dumb sauce.

Feb 13, 2008



Gorman Thomas posted:

The problem with that burg is that it isn't 1.50 for a 100% all beef dog with a 20 oz soda

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

Please don't back down on the Doggin my good man! We are all in agreement on that!

One hundred and fifty cents (+tax), one fountain soda, a single whole quarter plus pound dog ALL FOR YOURSELF. UNLIMITED onions, UNLIMITED other poo poo. Sure that burg may look good, but how can you compare the value? :shrug:

Feb 13, 2008



Pennywise the Frown posted:

I was worried about it being a Saturday and the parking lot was packed but it wasn't too bad. Got some storage shelves, protein shakes, some other stuff, and some brisket I'm going to use to make beef jerky.

We got 2 dogs and my mom loved it. I didn't even say anything and she just had deli mustard on it. No ketchup. :allears:

Obviously good taste in dogs is genetic! You heard it here, the GBS Costco heaven, first!

Feb 13, 2008




Also I saw the Costco poke in my store on the west coast. Looked good but didn't buy any

How much was it? Obviously I'm asking because I want to know the dog:poke ratio.

Feb 13, 2008



Pennywise the Frown posted:

Dehydrated, pure concentrated Costco.

Hot DOG that's some fine lookin' jerky.

Feb 13, 2008


Get it?! 1.25 pound all beef hot dogs, ya dumbo. DUH


Feb 13, 2008



Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

Already missin dogs'n'refills, honest prices and good people.

I saw something VERY rude and vile in my trip yesterday, bear witness:

Truly an appalling thing when someone desecrates such a holy place.

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