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Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Chinatown posted:

i take no responsibility for your fattness:

Cream cheese, Monterey Jack cheese, artichokes, mayonnaise, onions, jalapeños, corn starch, garlic, sea salt, cultured sugar, citric acid, dill weed. Serving size is 2 tbsp, 90 calories, 8g fat (3.5 sat. Fat) 15mg cholesterol, 180mg sodium. 2g carb, 2g protein



Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Sticky posted:

Greetings friends, I was out of town this week and stopped at a foreign New Jersey Costco and got the (french) vodka and the 7 year old bourbon. I was gonna get the 20 year speyside but they had a couple bottles of Paul John Brilliance Single Malt and I couldn't say no to that.

I cracked open that vodka the other night and it is seriously excellent. Also excellent is the hot dog and drink (ft. refill) for one dollar and fifty cents!!!

I also visited a Costco on walk about and can confirm the Spokane Costco is a worthy site for communion and hot dogs.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Big Grunty Secret posted:

My Costco is out of Kirkland sparkling water! I had to buy four cases of Polar instead! (I'm not really complaining because I love Polar but I want the most seltzer for my dollar)

This makes me want to panic stock up.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

the mean lunch lady posted:

I work out a lot and they're fine for me :shrug:

Stop skipping leg day! My Co is out of protein bars AND the glorious Kirkland sparkling water but did get some of this delicious Mateos salsa.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

It dries my skin out something horrible.

I tried my Costco flannel this weekend and it was super comfy. It’s a smidge big if I wash it on hot and high dry will it shrink some?

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Jingleheimer posted:

Costco gives all their employees a free turkey for Thanksgiving every year. I haven't paid for a turkey in almost a decade PBUC.

Thank you for your service.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

I need some of that ‘Co sparkling water back on the shelf. My wife keeps buying that Spindrift garbage.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
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In the ICU y'all......

MarcusSA posted:

My friend this is costco we are talking about. Of course it works.

Bless you fellow parishioner I shall fill the sacred form. LaCroix Lemon is the only good one in case anyone wondered. I’ve considered getting a soda stream and tank but I’m making sure it’s not a short obsession and we’re in for the long haul.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Went to church this morning and was blessed to watch dueling scooters when the opening bell rang. Lady in white was tailgating lady in black and rammed into her after a sudden stop due to rude people daring to walk in front of her. After I dodged that dumpster fire I went and bought some new tires for my vehicle at a reasonable cost. I took communion afterwards with a refill so my spirit is right this holiday season.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

If they changed the frozen single wrapped chicken breasts we riot.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Bummey posted:

The chicken is back to normal.

Can we still riot?

No, we forgive and forget over a dog.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Cyks posted:

Went to Costco this morning and the parking lot was almost full 10 minutes before opening. I do love everybody in this city doesn't realize you can use the pump even if your tank is on the other side. Always open spots yet a line of 3+ cars waiting at the other pumps.

I got yelled at by a lady who was telling me I couldn’t pump and how dare I block a pump in that situation. I just stared at her like ???? the whole time I filled up. I just don’t get why people feel the need to be an rear end in a top hat for no reason. If she would have asked what I was doing I would have shown her or if she jus watched for a few more seconds. She just needs a dog and a sofa I feel.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Pennywise the Frown posted:

I'm glad you pointed this out because my mind went to "a nice little puppy and a comfy sofa should cheer her up just fine."

You need to focus your ‘Co chi comrade.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

MarcusSA posted:

Oh yeah the Costco white (and I assume black are the same) undershirts are loving legit good. $20 for 6.

We will see how they hold up after a few washes but drat they are nice right out of the package.

The big thing I noticed with them is that they seem to be REALLY long, almost tall tee sized long. I double checked my package and they are normal size. I can deal with this but it wasn't what I was expecting.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
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In the ICU y'all......

Fallom posted:

Undershirts are generally meant to be tucked in so length is a positive to keep them from riding up after a while. Perhaps there’s a sack of wifebeaters in another aisle if you need something to wear to your teenager’s court hearing.

I feel like you are making a lot of assumptions here for no reason and I offer you a hearty gently caress off.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Eltoasto posted:

No Bitchin Sauce at my church, the name is probably too edgy for us wholesome Indiana folk.

Did get to restock on chicken burgers while they are in stock though, and those greek yogurt mint choc chip popsicles that are on sale this month are very good and diet friendly.

Which Costco do you frequent? About to start a Bitchin Sauce crusade across Indianapolis looking for it. Many potholes will be dodged and meth heads evaded.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
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In the ICU y'all......

Whooping Crabs posted:

Gino's Far East

Fuckin spot on mate. Went to the co tonight for tortilla chips and booze and came home with that plus some travel clothes. Praise be.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

You know what they say about deals that are too good to pass up.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

El Jebus posted:

I guess it depends on the recipient? Also depends on where you live. In CA I'd go with the $48 cognac, Knob Creek handle, Cazadores 1l of reposado AND añejo, or a scotch of preferred origin.

I need my ‘Co to stock that Knob Creek handle. drat.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Driving across the country is a really weird experience with how empty it gets. It is only getting worse as the small towns die because the kids leave and don’t return.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

I keep praying to my local preacher for it but no miracles yet

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
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In the ICU y'all......

Zoodpipe posted:

From my local Costco...

Praise be. Inshallah.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Dogs and Prayers corona Costco faithful

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

I’m getting reports from the faithful in the Midwest that Costco is selling a DONUT the size of a cake with icing and sprinkles and poo poo in the bakery. I’ll confirm on Monday because we don’t church on the weekend.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
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In the ICU y'all......

Involuntary Sparkle posted:

The internet seems to say it's only in Australia?

Look internet person my family would never lie to me even if they maybe saw it on the internet.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Things pissing me off: Kirkland seltzer water is out at my store again.

Things not pissing me off: cheap premium gas

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Pennywise the Frown posted:

I'm really thinking of getting one now. The roomba 690 looks affordable. I suppose it might entice me to clean up my area a bit more.

I have no pets. But I do poo poo on my floor. Will that be a problem?

Just add an exclusion zone in your preferrred poo poo area.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

All praise the Costco gas pumps for the beggars are not allowed to dwell upon the sacred ground looking for a cig or to use my cell phone.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

priznat posted:

I would just drive from the backseat, Hightower style in a Fit.

Only the olds will get this

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
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In the ICU y'all......

Taima posted:

Champagne is up there with "premium" vodka for dumb poo poo people buy who want to act like they have money.

I bet you eat the chicken bake you sams club member in Costco clothing

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
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In the ICU y'all......

StormDrain posted:

Oh weird, at ours it prints for them and they just fill orders.

Same. It works very well for my non-frenzied church crowd packing the court.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
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In the ICU y'all......

JK Fresco posted:

Guys should I go to Costco tonight or tomorrow morning??


Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Inspector 34 posted:

Oh poo poo, Costco carries semantics now? I bet the Kirkland brand is the same factory as the name brand semantics for a way better price too!

I thought this was going to be a gun joke and was disappointed.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Going to church tonight to give praise and eat the holy communion of pizza and a Costco dog. Good vibes my friends.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Fake James posted:

I've put Costco rotisserie chicken in:

Chicken Salad
Chicken Tortellini Spinach Soup

Gonna make that soup. Thanks for the recipe goon.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

DeadFatDuckFat posted:

Dang, my serrano ham has started getting mold on the sliced parts of it. Theres not too much left though. Might just go for one last delve into the ham and then throw it into the ocean

I vote ocean tossing it. gently caress making stock that sounds more badass

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Virigoth posted:

Gonna go tithe at the pumps tonight but not enter the main sanctuary. I expect very angry rich soccer moms to be prowling about for victims.

Did it get sucked to death by soccer moms but the Costco has lady have my dog a treat :3:

Virigoth fucked around with this message at 23:00 on Mar 16, 2020

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

mds2 posted:

I have roughly 40 Kirky Ales left over from a 48 pack from a year or so back.

Just saying.

Sounds like a quarantine toxx challenge to me.

Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
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In the ICU y'all......

Im Ready for DEATH posted:

hosed up. I already can't find chicken or turkey at my church and now the other meat is gonna go. :(

I found ground turkey but no chicken yesterday at my church. Gonna hit a Kroger in the am before the freedom rush looking for chicken and maybe some pork. If all else fails I can go barter with our Amish an hour or two away


Apr 28, 2009

Corona rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the virus
In the ICU y'all......

Cyrano4747 posted:

This is how I lost my glasses last week. Then I found them in the street. But they had already been run over a few times. :saddowns:

The directions didn’t say to just leave them where you decided to take them off. Luckily Church has an optometry section you can visit

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