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the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
Hit up the 'stco to pick up a few things and of course got my dog (they were redoing the food court)


the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

It's gone :smith:

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
the pizza in the food court is so good

how do they do it?!

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

Over There posted:

We went to BJs instead. Thanks for the advice tho


rear end

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
The Costco cookies are so good and you get so many for not so much

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
How are the lemon bites so good :thunk:

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

DangerZoneDelux posted:

Oh no. Lady next to me is eating and has a selection of ketchup, mustard, and relish on her plate. Offensive? Oh yeah it's on a loving pizza slice. Jesus Christ.

what da gently caress

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

Scornful Sexbot posted:

So I haven't seen anyone post much about the frozen yogurt. Tastes like those Cosby pudding pops, you can get swirl, and it's like $2. Comes in a big plastic pint glass that's easily enough to share between two people (lol you're all obese who am I talking to)

Went and got my hot dog - classic sauerkraut and brown mustard. Got my free refill of seltzer. Was a good Costco day.

Has anyone else enjoyed the froyo? Share your experiences here.

The froyo is great and I WILL eat the whole thing

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

Hed posted:

Might even use the churro as a spoon

Oh hell, I might have to actually do this

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
I have dual memberships because my friends keep reupping my card, instead of getting their own for some reason, then I just use the Sam's app for a card :cheers:

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
wait you can get a squatty potty in the store???

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
I saw them online, but thought they were only on there.

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

Chinatown posted:

Kirkland tortilla chip strips are loving crack cocaine.

Goddamn right

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

Thank you friend, I view my work as if I was a missionary sharing the Good News! PBUC

A new miracle occurred recently! The big box of little round brownies is truly a revelation from on high. Eat it(and share!) in good health.

Those little lemon cakes they have are insanely good too

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
Got the giant sherpa blanket and had a dog


the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

C. Everett Koop posted:

Apparently the blasphemers at Sam's Club have made something interesting and decent

I hereby call on majestic Costco to not only call but raise with a five-pounder, for Costco can always top anything that bitchass Sam can do PBUC

I'm probably going to buy one of these with the Sam's membership I still have because my friends keep renewing it for me, instead of getting their own

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
Their gin is pretty good

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
Do they sell the deli mustard they have at the food court?

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
The cinnamon roll protein bar tastes alright, but the texture is kind of weird.

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

Hot Dog Day #82 posted:

Cinnamon Roll Protein Bar is a rare miss for me, too. I like that peanut butter and brownie bar that it is paired with, but I don’t think I’ll be buying that box again. Shame that you can’t just get separate flavors of bars.

Oof the peanut butter one it's paired with is worse to me. My girlfriend got the other flavors box, but I haven't had the chance to steal any yet.

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

spite house posted:

Chocolate brownie and cookie dough, both punitive.

These were better than the Cinnamon Roll and Peanut Butter Chunk ones

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

Tim Whatley posted:

Link to the office chair? I'm in the market for one.

it might this one?'s-Chair.product.100398731.html

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

Chinatown posted:

The pro-est move is to let someone with only a handful of items go infront of you in line. I mean if youre loaded up (who can blame?) just let the lean shoppers go ahead. (I'm usually this person). I always let peeps with a few clothing items (or a TV!!!) ahead of me. No worries, Im just hanging at Costco.

Costco Karma, in bulk at low, low prices. :discourse:.

I wish more people would do this

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
I wish they had dill relish and not sweet relish

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

Good soup! posted:

No idea if it's outside of Texas given it's an Austin-based company, but the big packs of Waterloo Sparking Water have begun to supplant La Croix in our home

That watermelon flavor is just too good

I've only seen Waterloo at Whole Foods here

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
I bought a pair of the Puma joggers and they're super comfortable.

Also finally trying a chicken bake :getin:

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
You can apparently use a dog brush to get your sherpa throw nice and fluffy again after it gets all pilly.

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
shoulda got the puma joggers

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

naem posted:

tapered pants aren’t for people who workout like, at all. I can’t squeeze my calves into them

I work out a lot and they're fine for me :shrug:

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

naem posted:



the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

Virigoth posted:

Stop skipping leg day! My Co is out of protein bars AND the glorious Kirkland sparkling water but did get some of this delicious Mateos salsa.

joggers are pretty stretchy

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

Chinatown posted:

Costco tires are a loving racket and stop buying Big Brand tires. Plenty of other brands that are just as good for much less. Just find a local shop that has good reviews.

Also, lol nitrogen.

Thank you for this post. I was thinking about getting tires from there, but this is Good To Know.

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
Normandy mix is fine, but goddamn I'm tired of cauliflower

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

A Pack of Kobolds posted:

Costco has those rad tower fans on sale for $20 right now. Buy 'em now before you curse your lack of foresight in July.

these fans own

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

The Midniter posted:

The only one I tried were some lemoncello almonds which were off-puttingly artifical tasting, so avoid at all costs.

I'm glad I didn't buy those when I saw them

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

Mine GO BOOM posted:

These things are so good, we went back and got more two days later. Be warned, you will have diabetes by the end of the container.

They are insanely good

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

jisforjosh posted:

With the 110°F+ heat indexes in South Texas lately these have been life savers for my sales team (car dealer)


If that had banana, I would buy it immediately

the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious
what page is the bidet on?


the mean lunch lady
Jun 24, 2009

went mad at sea
lots were drawn
Kroenke didn't survive
he was delicious

No Butt Stuff posted:

Kansas City Costcos don't have the sauce. I've looked. Often.

It makes me sad.

The one at 119th in OP has it. I just saw it last night.

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