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Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl
I used to have a Costco membership, but I let it lapse because I was only ever using it to get gas on the way home (and meant that I had to plan on getting gas there in order to get my money's worth out of the membership) as I live by myself in an apartment and I didn't relish getting a minor savings in exchange for storing an absurd amount of toilet paper/mouthwash/anything for a few months at a time.

Maybe someday I'll live in a house or in a domicile with more than one human being and then Costco will be more worthwhile to me.

This goddamn thread's got me craving a big Costco dog now, but that's not too big a deal, they're usually pretty lax about checking your card if you're going in through the 'exit'/customer service entrance.


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