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A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

uli2000 posted:

My nearest Costco is 220 miles away, but gently caress it, once every month or two we load up the kids, get a hotel, have fun on day one, wake up the next morning, fill the SUV up at Costco, and head home. Mucn better quality than we get at the lovely market in our one horse town.

You fuckin liiiiie.


A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
Can us nonmembers get more of you members to go and take cool pics of costco and their products more often? Sort of lacking on the pics this thread.

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
wait do you get the hot dogs and pizza for free with membership?

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
after reading this thread
i'm sort of resentful at my mom for taking me to meijer every week to get our groceries growing up
she owned an at-home business, too
we should've been going to costco all along

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

Chinatown posted:

Guess what.

I'm going to Costco



lucky gently caress post 20 pics

stuck in class

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

Chinatown posted:

Ok well sorry for the delay but check out these holiday themed pics!



A whole god drat turkey and stuffing with veggies for $29.99???!?!?

Giant plush bears!

Thanks boss

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
I have an orange and blinged out gshock

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
Just kidding I'm wearing a small, modest Citizen.

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
I don't always buy $200 Nikes but when I do it's on a payday loan. And I don't always buy an iPhone 7 but when I do I make sure to leave just enough money for a plan which requires me to put minutes on my phone.

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

Chinatown posted:

:rip: anyone shopping at Costco today.

not me don't have a membership yet as i'm still a pleb student :( and i'm writing a paper

if anyone does go take pics!

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

Return Of JimmyJars posted:

My Costco was so crowded today it was literally impossible to move. You just had to flow with the crowd. I can't believe the fire Marshall hadn't shut the place down.

Also I got three gigantic pies for $18.

Yet you took no pics while there. K.

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

Tim_the_Enchanter posted:

I went to Costco this afternoon, post Black Friday sales. As I entered, the area was in a relatively good state of police despite mere hours after the frenzy.
I sampled a spinach and artichoke dip, some 100% real juice, a chicken patty, salsa (twice, it was wonderful), and some chocolate covered pretzels.
My purchases included a pack of toilet paper, trail mix, a pumpkin pie, those incredible chocolate muffins, frozen chicken cordon bleu, and a pack of socks.
As I was leaving, I paid homage to the Costco gods by purchasing a chicken bake and a 20 ouncer.
Overall, my experience was a 7.2/ 10.

What could have added a 2.8 and made it a solid 10.0?

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
Just went to Wal-Mart :( can't wait to get to the socioeconomic prestige level of Costco membership

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
Winter is time for jäger and hanky panks imo.

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

Moridin920 posted:

if I have a US Costco membership will they let me buy poo poo at the Japan one?

Based on what I've read in this thread, yes.

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
Do the Japanese individuals share our fancy for pub mix?

A Concrete Divider fucked around with this message at 02:40 on Dec 7, 2016

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

op down, i repeat, OP DOWN

this is some general bullshit

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating


A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

Pennywise the Frown posted:

Swipe right dude.

I think her cross is broken though.

it isn't broken bro it's STYLIZED don't talk about my woman

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

Jesus :vince: that looks good

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

EvilJoven posted:

Like hell I'm letting something as small as snow covered trails get in between me and the great savings and selection at Costco.

You get the chicken strips?

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
That dog is about to convince me to get out of bed and make a paltry excuse for it in my microwave.

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

1500quidporsche posted:

I just swing by the salvation army on my way back from the methadone clinic.

Don't doxx me please.

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
I wonder what the biggest pickle jar you can get at Costco is.

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

Jack-Off Lantern posted:


Metro, the kinda german equivalent of Costco, but for business owners and freelancers only, has this

10,2L for 8,55 EURO.

But are they kosher?

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
They have any extra spicy cocktail sauce? Bet it's good if they do have it..

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
I thought kronor was Swedish and Iceland had isk?

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
I was at an aa meeting the other day and a guy was sharing and said "at my worst, I would go to Costco and buy a 1.75 liter bottle of dewars white label scotch for $26."

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

Garcin posted:

For about 20 bucks you can get a pre-packaged treasure trove of carne asada under the Bill Bailey packaging. Please experience this package of extremely marinated flank steak and burn it with every fire you have available to you. I suggest cutting the fucker up with whatever instruments you have available before you burn it to oblivion.

Never not boil all meat!

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

JewKiller 3000 posted:

check out what i heard on the radio at the dentist this morning:

now THAT'S devotion to the cause. pbuc

Saw this on the news tonight. I had to shed a tear. So beautiful.

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating


A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

pentyne posted:

Anyone still buying the lobster bisque or similar soups a great way to stretch it out is mix it 1:1 with some cooked pasta, like elbows or spirals. Something small cooked a little al dente for the bite makes a huge differences from just slurping up the base soup.

I haven't tried making a few portions and fridge/freezing them yet but I would assume it'd be similar to reheated pasta and sauce.

I just like using baguette bread to thicken my lobster bisque

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
Anyone had bfree gluten free bread products?

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
Pierogies and sausage sounds really good

A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
Cottage cheese (thick and chunky vitamin d style)
Saltine crackers
Canned pineapple
A dash of pepper


A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating

priznat posted:

Well it beats beating it



A Concrete Divider
Jan 20, 2012

The Unbearable Whiteness of Eating
Hi I like your name corn glizzy

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