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Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

BaconCopter posted:

This sage speaks wisdom beyond his years. 1/4 lb!!! All Beef Hot Dog and a fountain drink for only $1.50!!!!!!!!!

HOW! Do they do it?????


Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Sittin here, Costco on the mind. Thinkin bout dogs and soda done right and done cheap. Onions piled high. Dirt cheap allergy medicine? Don't mind if I do. Thank you Costcy!

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.


Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Thinkin bout Costco.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.


I read this thread in the AM, texted a friend this morning, and he went for lunch.

What a world.

Agreed, thinkin bout a trip to Kirkland on Sunday myself :D

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Powershift posted:

I have a dream, that one day men will be judged not by the size of their hot dog, but the contents in it's casing.

If those contents are fresh onions, deli mustard and relish. Well my friend, you got yourself a Costco sized deal.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Heading to Costco on Sunday, somebody give me the low down on some little known Kirkland faves.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Let me ask you a question. Can Costco do any wrong? No!

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
i am so loving hyped to get some good products at a good price in 2 days time!

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

It's happening!!!!!!!!

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Get in my aBellllly!

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

maniacripper posted:

Went a little light on the onions there frances? Puny arms only managed one turn of the crank?

Oh HERE it is! I knew the onions would bring me suffering. I'm no wispy Sam's club reject, anyone who knows me knows I grind my onions out 30 even 45 seconds at a time. Big beefy loads, piled high and waiting to be pounded. Not today though, today Costco did me dirty; the onion grinder was empty. What little onions I have there I fished out myself. A black mark on an otherwise stellar visit to the finest building in the land.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
How many dogs???????? Plz tell us

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
anyone want some drugz? :dukedoge:

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

kazr posted:

Hot dog protip: they keep little containers of sauer kraut behind the counter to really make your dog experience special

Pretend homer's face is a kraut dog from Costco that I'm about to nosh on

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

DrPlump posted:

What are the top 10 items you have to buy every time you visit?

A chest of spring mix greens
The chest of hydroponic lettuce
A chest of 69 eggs(or so)
Two heaping tubs of Kirkland lobster bisque
The chest of cheddar cheese
A satchel of Kirkland Black Forest ham
A monster box of diet cokes
A carved case of mangos
A huge round up of Kirkland coffee beans(grind on the insanely sick grinder right past the registers)
And of course a fresh chicken rotisserie for daddy to nom nom on the way home.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

C. Everett Koop posted:

A $1.50 hot dog and a drink, rest is a crapshoot.

I feel like that went without saying, probably even grab a dog for later, throw that 100% kosher beef right in your pocket on the way out

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

C. Everett Koop posted:

Don't say the chicken I'm going on vacation and I'm not gonna eat a drat Costco chicken in one setting c'mon now.

Lmao if you don't.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
does kirkland have a regular rear end light beer anywhere? ours only has the liquor and then a dumb ipa box

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Nfcknblvbl posted:

Are you sure they weren't just out of stock on the Kirkland brand light beer when you looked?

We go every sunday and they've never had it :(

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Called Costco corporate, who are amazing, natch. It seems only one Costco near me sells the beer, def taking a tour of it this weekend. Gonna walk out with some Kirkland signature light beer, a rotisserie chicken and a big honking hot dog.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Thinking bout bringing my own cheese(kirkland, naturally) for the hotdogs, feeling like this might elevate my life.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Before I knew about Costco I got a kirkland parchment roll off Amazon for too much, still worth it.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Thinking bout a drive to Costco purely for a huge honking hottie, and I think it's gonna rule.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

BaconCopter posted:

The thread needs to know if you actually snagged that hottie.

That thought did not become reality. Though it pushes me to attempt this for a solid lunch tomorrow.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Tato posted:

my costco added a garden center and now in addition to amazing hot dogs, I'm tempted to continue buying poo poo to plant in my yard even though I don't need any more. but those deals....

Our garden center was set up by one employee and he was so proud of it, a Good Man and Good Employee.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Return Of JimmyJars posted:

Thinking bout them dogs

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Prude posted:

today i went to costco and didnt even get a hot dog on the way out (but i did get one of those frozen mocha things) and i feel like i've let someone down

if it's any consolation however, i was pretty filled up on a carne asada taco/al pastor burrito pair i got not long before going

Well G-d knows I feel let down. That dog needed a home! A good home! And now it has. Nothing.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Plz... eat the dog! I beg you!

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Haverchuck posted:

please tell me you eat a whole rotisserie chicken with your hands while driving

Well it's me and the bf usually, but I've pecked at it solo as well.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
drat good nuts

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Get the Normandy bag, bless u

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Y'all got me cravin a Kind hearted Kirkland Doggie right now!

List the delights you had today thanks to Costco:

Kirkland coffee
Kirkland Black Forest ham
Kirkland cheddar
Costco strawberries
Kirkland Normandy vegetable blend

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Agreed re: organic produce/meat, sad, bad!

NOT agreed re: Costco wipes, we happily use them daily on our frenchie who is worth far more than a human baby and he is swaddled, clean, and happy.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Let the man who is without Dog, cast the first stone.

rezatahs posted:

i've been a member since 2008 and never bought a dog :twisted:

:captainpop: :chanpop: :trumppop:

GokuMasterOfTime fucked around with this message at 13:39 on Apr 18, 2017

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Bonzo posted:

I love the taste of it but the grind is too fine for my $20 Wal Mart drip coffee maker and the grounds get everywhere.

Baby, they come by the bean, you gotta choose ya grind! Right past the registers there is a grinder with 10 grind choices. Cos~bless.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.


Costco has individually wrapped frozen chicken breasts for $19 for a 6(.5?)lb bag.

These own, throw them directly in the sous vide on the reg. Costco easily wins the dinner wars again

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Chinatown posted:

straight in the packaging? what machine do you use? this interests me.

Yeah straight from the store, anova one, the chicken comes airtight and I've had no issues yet besides having to clean some cooked chicken juice off the meaties. It's next level convenience. Costco be praised.

GokuMasterOfTime fucked around with this message at 17:14 on Apr 18, 2017

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Mons Hubris posted:

What about seasoning?

My gf will only eat plain chicken, i season post cook -.-


Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Prude posted:

i'll be the judge of that

will she eat a $1.50 hot dog (with drink) piled high with onions and mustard (relish optional, but NEVER ketchup)?

She adds ketchup


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