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various cheeses
Jan 24, 2013

Costco has these really good potstickers in the frozen section and I can't stop eating them


various cheeses
Jan 24, 2013

Get the dried mangos at Costco, they're fuckin tasty.

various cheeses
Jan 24, 2013

VendaGoat posted:

What's the price per pound? Because I bet I got a site that can beat it.

Looks like about $7 per pound.

various cheeses
Jan 24, 2013

VendaGoat posted:

So that's for the sugared poo poo? Yah I got a place cheaper.

Yeah dried and sugary as hell. I can't stop eating them and they are good for ur stool so hook me up.

various cheeses
Jan 24, 2013

Nice. Thanks dude.

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