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Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


one time my cart that was full of stuff in the store disappeared and i had to start all over, including the booze selection

if its any one of you fuckers who took it gently caress you


Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


spent $200 on food a month ago at Costco's and it is still lasting me, maybe half way through it, just enjoying all the $$$ I save and lack of grocery runs and laughing at the ignorant peasants w/o Costco memberships. thanks Costco

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


recently i went to costco and tried their hamburger and also got a hot dog then i felt gross probably going only with the dog next time thanks for letting me share my story

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Costco has some good microwavable "veggie bowls" which contain 400 calories of solidly healthly vegetables like black beans and quinoa. USDA organic of course!

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Had a hot dog with relish, mustard and onions then bought $100 in groceries. Even their Fuji apples own. Everyone who works there is cheery and relaxed. Oh Costco...

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

That sauerkraut tip is god tier.

Woah doesn't look busy, the one I'm near never has anywhere to sit

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


This thread inspired me to ditch hot dogs with only ketchup and to instead try one with mustard, relish, and loaded with them onions. It changed my life

Also - 15 bottles of pure leaf unsweetened tea for 10.99. They go for 1.99 individually in stores so to me its worth 30.00. A deal good enough to slam yo mama for

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


I'm glad this thread exists as it helps validate my experiences with Costco - what I am seeing is real indeed! Behold, the Costco Miracle

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Dely Apple posted:

This is a human dog bed isn't it, isn't it

This thing is very comfortable and a good deal! And yes.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


I'm going tonight, I find that Friday two hours before close is a good time to go. Unless this time around Labor Day insanity is happening.

Gonna buy TeJava unsweetened tea. 12 bottles for 8 bucks. Maybe check out the wine too. Caffeine by day, booze by night mother fuckers!

Can anyone explain why I should get an executive membership, in less than 20 words? Sell it to me fast.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015



Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Those Ajinomoto Shoyu Ramen chicken bowls at Costco don't deserve to be as good as they are. But then again... PBUC.

Theyre even better with you fav hot sauce added in.

Those chicken pot pies are p good too

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


GBoat posted:

Hello there, Costco EXECUTIVE MEMBER™ here, checking in to say that I have scoured the earth from end to end searching for great deals. I am happy to report that the Costco Hot Dog and a Drink combo for one and a half United States Dollars remains the greatest deal on this planet.

Drink combo WITH refill

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


PBUC, although I must say I prefer to have my dog BEFORE I shop. Unfortunately, with the food court separated by the check out area at my location, this is not encouraged and I must sneak through check out area, often blocked with carts, to get there. Kind of odd.

Bought a Sherpa blanket and a gigantic bottle of Polish vodka, which came with two metal cups perfect for a vodka on the rocks. My winter is set.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


I constantly tell my family out of state to get a membership, and yet it sounds like they have not! Being a Costco missionary is a challenge not without periods of doubt, but those dogs and free refills keep me faithful and inspired.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


This kind of makes sense, since Costco sells bulk inventory and millennials are starting families later in life, if at all.

It is still a misconception though. I'm a millennial who goes to Costco and I definitely benefit from their bargains. People think bulk + no family = no reason for Costco, but this is unsound reasoning. If you use anything frequently (cooking oil, bath tissue, batteries, etc.) then Costco is for you.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


I was in Costco today and I noticed they sell Heinz. But not the original High Fructose Corn Syrup Heinz - no, the organic Heinz. You don't even see that stuff in restaurants. It says a lot about Costco, really.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Hot take: organic often tastes better, has less added bullshit

Heinz organic vs original Heinz is perfect example.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


I hath confession. While I standeth in line at the hour of lunch, I felt anger at the unemployed and downtrodden getting to be ahead of me. A wretched thought was conjured, "Perhaps Costco shall allow the workers to skip ahead!"

But soon I realized the sin. The hot dog combo with free refill is for all walks to life to partake.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


those 15 packs of tamales (pork, chicken or beef) are a good deal at $15.99. I mean it's the solid foundation of a meal for only $1.06 each, really

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Mo_Steel posted:

Grabbed a package of "32 Degrees Men's Cool Tee 2-pack" the other day as I've got some ratty lookin' shirts that need replacing. Very comfortable and light, going to buy more when I go take communion this week, would recommend.

Yes, these own. Comfortable for hanging out at home, but also excellent for exercise and long days outdoors due to the non cotton material

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


My will: bury me in a Costco coffin

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


I passed on those big packs of candy bars today and now I regret it.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


I hath been summoned to duty, in pursuit of an excellent and comfy throw blanket at dope cost, upon request from thy fellow laborer in Secret Santa exchange, and knew at once the Sherpa Ultimate Throw was thou fate.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Went to Costco with $70.00 budget, came out spending double that but feel quite happy with my cupboards and fridge filled up.

Those GourmetNut Power Up trail mixes are a good deal - 24 packs for 14.99. Lots of nuts, seed and fruit in three 'variety' themes like Mega Omega or High Energy nonsense (I'm white)

also bought those Rx bars which are maybe gimmicky and pricier power bar picks but I do like to mix it up


Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


My Costco gameplan is usually to enjoy my dog at the tables first so that my lifeforce is at maximum capacity while I browse the aisles

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Bought four 6-packs of beer Seasons sardines in olive oil! An already great deal at $9.99, they were -3.00 off each.

IMO these sardines beat what is available at Trader Joe's, which sells individual cans at a higher price range. Seasons are heartier, more flavorful, less watery.


Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


I skimmed this thread before my Costco trip and got the Bitchin' Chipotle sauce. It is very tasty!

edit: Wow so many other flavors on their site. I like spiciness so their Heat with Ghost Pepper and Habanero sounds heavenly

Mokelumne Trekka fucked around with this message at 00:43 on Apr 2, 2019

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Left my card at home but was treated like the royalty I am, as a Longtime Paying Member, and given an exclusive All Day Pass.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Amazing deals abound at Costco! Before my conversion I was an anti-bulk buyer, but as I got older I realized how many kinds of items I do in fact use repeatedly, and how forward-thinking (in terms of months, not days or weeks) purchases save nice chunks of money.

Example: I like to camp. Each summer I go through a bunch of freeze-dried meals which cost $8.00-10.00 individually. Costco sells a box of thirteen ("Mountain House") meals for $70.00.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


MisterOblivious posted:

cetirizine has a really lovely half-life which results in a "2 a day" habit. "one-and-a-half-a-day" is more accurate if you're willing to chop pills in advance and keep them in a separate bottle. You need to dose twice a day even if you're chopping pills 'cause it lasts like 16 hours.

loradtine should be good just once a day. It builds up in your system like you think Zyrtec does. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work....

Claritin does take a while to build up in your system, but it's a few days, not a month. Zyrtech never builds up: that's why it's either poo poo if or the most amazing thing that ever happened to you.

I've double-doubled up with the pair during peak allergy season with a Sudafed backer.

Never, ever, ever, ever buy Claritin-D. Buy the generic claritin for $13 a year and buy the generic pseudoephedrine from the pharmacist. There's exactly 0 reasons to combine claritin and pseudoephedrine off-prescription. It's one of those dumb compound drugs that if you can get it for a prescription co-pay might be worth it but if you're paying out of pocket it makes zero sense. Buy Claritin/buy pseudoephedrine/dose accordingly. It made sense to have both a Claritin-D and a Claritin prescription in the 90's when my copay was $10. Hell, it made sense to have an ibuprofen script back then 'cause it was cheaper than OTC.

Ya see this whole last page of allergy chat?
A year's supply of generic Claritin or Zytec pills is like $13 at Costco. A MONTH'S supply at your local pharmacy costs more.

$60 (membership) + $13 (allergy medicine) = 73 / 12 = $6.08. You can get generic claritin from your local pharmacy for around a dollar a day. If the only thing you ever bought with your membership was allergy medicines and the membership, and you had to drive several hours to get to the warehouse, it would still be a savings.

There are a lot of really bad deals at Costco. This thread tends to love them. The poo poo like Bulgogi trays is white as gently caress: you could make it yourself for significantly less than the $20 Costco charges. The only "prepared meal" you should buy at Costco is the loss-leader chicken.

Costco is basically 1/4 deals, 3/4 getting upsold on product (at a discount). People focus on that (at a discount) and forget they're being upsold. If you want to eat organic joining Costco is probably the best thing you'll ever do to your wallet. If you don't give a single gently caress about organic then Costco "deals" don't look so great: you're getting upsold to "organic" at the same time as "bulk." I.E.: "Beans and rice" is a cheap, healthy, mantra. Costco will sell you the rice cheaper than the local ethnic store and then charge you out the rear end for organic canned beans. Buy the Insta-Pot from Costco and then buy the dry beans from your local ethnic grocer.

Buy your dishwashing soap at costco and it's a good deal deal for a single person. Don't get suckered into the prepared meals (goons love so much) or the dozen cans of organic vegetables.

There are tons of things that will save you money by buying in bulk, and there are tons of things where you're getting upsold to a better product which you'll save on buying in bulk, if you wanted the upsold product in the first place. This holds true for everything down to something as basic as salt. Don't buy salt at costco: they only offer upsale bullshit. The only salt you can buy there is some hocus pocus contaminated Himalayan salt, usually only if you pay extra to grind it down to somethinging useable yourself. Even if you can buy it in "bulk" it's a bad deal. Just buy salt at your grocery store: it costs next to nothing an contains iodine to keep you healthy, unlike Costco.

Sam's Club has more "working man" sort of deals. Like discounted awful bulk cheese. It's cheese for people that don't know any better, sold in bulk. Costco sells amazing cheeses at bulk prices. I've gotten sam's club cheeses, for free, and it's like "oh, great, thanks, I just got a 5lb block of havarti that tastes nothing at all like havarti. what the gently caress am I supposed to do with this? this is going to mold before i can eat it. it's not even worth the calories to put it on a sandwich"

but, on the other hand, sam's club sells block mozzarella, which Costco doesn't.

Costco will sell you a pound and a half of cheese for $10, but you can only get it on a hot pizza.

There's some misinformation in here. I buy cans of beans at Costco and they come out to less than a dollar each. I also have Kirkland regular salt.

I am going to write a 5 page rebuttal to this post and distribute it to all members of our cul- err... I mean religion.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Whooping Crabs posted:

Just picked this up for $9.99 at my local Costco. Stop making me fat, costco!

edit eat my balls imgur

Its ok...

I got the 30 cans of Pringles box and Lukes Organic Cheddar Lightning Bolts and white cheddar popcorn

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Man corrupts Costco as an institution, but Costco itself is infallible and divine.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


gently caress vegan wine and gently caress IPAs, just get those Sandwich Bros Chicken Melts into liquid form and inject into my veins

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Yeesh, I love the clothing deals at my Costco but for every Small there are like 20 XLs. Smalls are hard to find

Either thats a thing with all locations or demographically the people in my area run a bit large...

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


StormDrain posted:

We were talking about this before, if all the small sizes are gone, statistically your area is full of thin Costco shoppers. Go shop at the fat part of town.

Oh riight. No smalls means everyone bought them. Heh I'm dumb.

Well, they'd sell more if they had tons extra available I suppose

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


I've been going pretty hard on that Bitchin Sauce, my churchgoing peeps. How unhealthy are we talking here? I mean, it's almonds, how bad can it be.

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Had a dumbass moment at the Costco cash register, the cashier was gesturing at me to do something with my card, it was a bit muffled, so I tried to hand it to him and he angrily gestured No, No, then I confusedly held up my card to the glass, and I finally figured out he wanted me to turn the card so he can scan it through the glass


Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


saw two dudes at Costco lowering their masks.

first guy was with his family, he had his mask down while looking at phones in the electronics. an employee called him out nicely.

the other guy was rolling his cart around, talking into his phone. I guess you can't talk on a phone w/ mask


Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Those Italpizza brand organic margherita pizzas are good. 3 for ten bucks! Also got some Silo Streetfood Thai vegetable curries which are good

Took a risk and got Foster Farms frozen buffalo wings. That brand has a poor reputation but I trust the church

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