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Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx
The people who complain about "paying a membership fee to shop" blow my fuckin mind and are usually shortsighted poor people.

Like dude you make that up in savings in a few trips. You come out wayyyyyy ahead its not even close.

They are the same people who pay their car insurance on a monthly basis. The simple math just scares them.


Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

VendaGoat posted:

Post your yearly household budget including all expenses. :v:

Pretend I posted a long middle class budget that included lots of savings. Whats the own you are saving up?

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

VendaGoat posted:

Enjoy your country club shopping experience.

Gotta keep those plebs out, amirite? ;)

If poor people had higher IQs they'd all shop there its much cheaper in the long run.

Rich people shop there because they like to save money, its not really their fault.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Professor Shark posted:

lol you're an idiot

Im almost always the smartest person in the room actually

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Teikanmi posted:

Get those garbage rear end watches outta here

Real men wear Jaeger-LeCoultre

Do you not have a cell phone?

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Quick Draw McGraw posted:

If you take your phone out at a meeting it makes you look like a dickhead

I think spending thousands on a redundent piece of junk for status reasonsmakes you look more like a dickhead

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx
Could have donated it to charity or bought a sweet gaming rig.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Quick Draw McGraw posted:

For real though what is your job

I make like 80k a year I can afford a watch if I want one. I don't I spend it on more awesome poo poo instead.

People already fear and respect me I don't need a bracelet to accomplish that. My T levels are optimal.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Quick Draw McGraw posted:

So computer janitor?

People are alive (or dead) because of me. Basically God.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

ElGroucho posted:

There we go

I'd get much more use out of both of those things I suppose as I don't need some stupid bracelet to command respect. Although I am averse to paying for porn.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx
Seriously I'm jut poking fun at spending a few thousand bucks on a "status symbol to earn respect". I know at least one of these dudes makes fun of guns as "dick enlargers" so its a little hypocritical as a gun at least can be used for fun or to kill people.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Anderron Shi posted:

wait do you get the hot dogs and pizza for free with membership?

No but its like a dollar it owns.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

VendaGoat posted:

Citation needed

I grew up in South Florida and like half the white people are jewish. I went to several dozen bar mitzvahs growing up.

Costco was an institution.

The only people dumb enough not to see it were poor people who can't think more than 2 weeks ahead. WAAAAA I have to pay 40 dollars NOW to save literally HUNDREDS of dollars on gas and groceries over the year WAAAAA.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

...and the pitch! posted:

There's some interesting research about how poor kids learn decision making and what's optimal for them,

This is what I was referring to but in a more over the top jokey way. Thank you for pointing it out.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx
My mom was a teacher and she said the saddest thing about her job was the number of kids who'd come to school with 200 dollar shoes with the latest iphone (6-7th graders) but be on free lunches and stealing everything that wasn't nailed down in the classroom like pencils.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

CAPT. Rainbowbeard posted:

How do we Get Money, wise one? Spell it out please, we need your wisdom. I'm pretty sure the bitch problem will solve itself.

Usually by providing goods or services to another person.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Anderron Shi posted:

Just went to Wal-Mart :( can't wait to get to the socioeconomic prestige level of Costco membership

Its like 40 bucks for the whole year.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Moridin920 posted:

largest size of coke in McDonald's in Germany is the medium size here yea (the fools)

Jesus christ the rest of the world sucks. Imagine being that poor you can't afford big cups.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Detective No. 27 posted:

What's the pizza like in the Japanese Costco? As I understand it, there is barely any cheese in Japan.

Its rice cake with eel for toppings and squid ink for sauce.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

thathonkey posted:

goons just cannot stop talking about how their rear end wiping preferences when i can assure you nobody cares at all im going to keep buying the same toilet paper i have for years because i dont have a defective brain and butthole

I care.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Marry her

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

VendaGoat posted:

Oh that's good to know.

I thought it was all the brainwashing.

I'm so stupid.

Is it brainwashing that you love your parents?

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

thathonkey posted:

they have some of those curved tvs at my work i think they are actually worse thn non-curved somehow like wtf is the point of that

If you aren't sitting on a couch directly in front of it it looks bad. Its very niche.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Prokhor Zakharov posted:

who the gently caress would want an olive garden?

Why not? Its decent food.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Moridin920 posted:

I'm not going to get into a whole 'how to cook' thing here but bro table salt is not sufficient replacement for proper seasoning.

If you're not salting your pasta water you're doing it wrong. Period.

You shouldn't tell people what to do and what to like. It makes you look arrogant. Definitely not in the Costco thread.

Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Male Tears posted:

My dad told me that my 88 year old grandpa went to Costco today (2 days before Christmas) and it took him half an hour to get out of the parking lot.

old people suck


Sep 24, 2016

by exmarx

Moridin920 posted:

Bro if you aren't salting your pasta water you are doing it wrong.

Thats your opinion man

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