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Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

actionjackson posted:

I have a Skagen, it looks cool and didn't cost an absurd amount of money


Are you sure shopping at Costco is really cheaper when almost everything is in such large quantities? You guys really never buy more than you end up actually consuming?

If you've got two people in your household the bag of mini oranges lasts roughly a week. They start turning after a week and a half. Costco has it down to a science.


Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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denimgorilla posted:

I used to work at Costco.

How'd you get fired?

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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I have sinned against Costco and I repent. Went to IKEA, they've got two 'dogs and a soda for $2. They're so bad though. :( Like paying a Swedish person to poop in your mouth and then throw some lingonberries on top.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Jesus you savages, just get a Kirkland Bidet installed.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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Dely Apple posted:

They had a nice layering sweater out and every single one out of 40 were Medium. America is getting back into shape apparently.

No fatties allowed in Costco, you didn't pay attention to your renewal notice did you.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

The Cubelodyte posted:

Honestly I don't think the Costco dogs (even the Polish ones) are all that. They're just okay. Can't beat the price though, so there's that.

They're miles ahead of Ikea dogs.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Mons Hubris posted:

For travel and restaurants you should really be using the Chase Sapphire Reserve though....

As an American, it's our duty to support the least-bad corporation. Costco is clearly the way to go.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Citizen Tayne posted:

My wife and I biked past a costco today. I suggested having lunch there at the food court and she said, "We should go to Red Robin, we can do better than the Costco Food Court."

I'm single now.

You made the right choice. If you go onto the website, Costco has two for one on mail order brides.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

ArbitraryC posted:

Am I the only one who wishes costco just cut out the whole snake oil organic poo poo, like you can't even buy canned or frozen veggies at mine without them being organic, and that makes em more expensive than even p normal grocery stores.

"This is fake news" he squealed as he waddled past the organic vegetables to his precious cheetos.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

rezatahs posted:

i've been a member since 2008 and never bought a dog :twisted:

That's :twisted: as hell, friend. Having actual palpitations over here at the thought.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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ArbitraryC posted:

I just shop at winco instead but yeah, maybe you believe in chemtrails too idunno.

Winco is good if you don't have a Costco around or you want more variety than Costco offers.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

My gf will only eat plain chicken, i season post cook -.-

:sever: she's got bad taste in food, she probably has bad taste in life

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Fellis posted:

Trip report:

Fuuuck I wish ours carried duck.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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Meydey posted:

The dad in me really wants to make a lame duck joke.

Well after he's finished tell him to post.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Kelp Me! posted:

Holy poo poo there's almost 80% of the daily allotment of sodium in those

You should be proud to die so that Costco might flourish. It's in the membership packet.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Pennywise the Frown posted:

I got some turkey jerky that was on sale there about a year ago. I don't remember the brand, it could have even been Jack's Links. Either way it was loving terrible. I got like 3 packs because of the sale and I tried each of them once assuming that the next bag can't possibly be as bad as the last one. First time I've ever thrown a bunch of jerky out. I should make amends by buying some meat from Costco and making my own jerky with my dehydrator.

edit: God must have turned a blind eye here because the nearest place I've found tri-tip is at a butcher about an hour away. Those tri-tip steaks were cheap as hell around Seattle and that was my go to steak for a long time. Come back home to Wisconsin and I'm just ashamed. poo poo, I'm going to start calling around now again to see if any local places carry it.


You left the PNW, literally nothing in your life will ever be as good as it could have been. :shrug:

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Rupert Buttermilk posted:

Just wanted to say that Ikea food is worlds better than Costco food.

IKEA hotdogs are garbage. If you want to pay a Nordic to poo poo in your mouth that's your business.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Rupert Buttermilk posted:

Stuck in Costco with a newborn for an hour (waiting on my tires to be installed).

God I hope they're quick.

Meanwhile, the dogs are wonderful. Had two. No regrets.

There's a hidden playground in the lighting section, third tier of shelves. Nobody ever goes back there.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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Executive memberships are for people who are poo poo at math, sorry friend. Just get the credit card, it's a far superior option.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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Amex and Costco had a clash (Amex were convinced they were a prestige brand and looked down on the Costco people because instead of having MBAs they had just worked for 20 years) which led to Costco walking into the loving arms of Visa. They let 20% of their business walk out the door because they couldn't stop being snobby assholes.


Relevant Tangent fucked around with this message at 10:31 on May 3, 2017

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

I have to go to IKEA today and it makes me sick knowing the absolute lovely dog that awaits me.

Just don't get one. They're proof that the Scandinavians have never forgiven the world for the Second World War.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

naem posted:

IKEA is great when you're just starting out in life and you need a chair/desk/shelving/bed frame combo and your budget is $237.42

7 years later that bright red minimalist chair and the shelf/desk/sock drawer are sitting in the corner of your apt looking a bit shabbier and it's like, perfectly good why get rid of it, you've had three long term girlfriends do their grad thesis while sitting at it, before having the same angry breakup, and your current attempt at a girlfriend is painting her toenails and some got on the desk, right next to that other spot where another girl painted her toes there, you're like, am I ever going to get married?? Should I buy a new desk? Do they still make the Fflüûrrghn'D'rùūndle??

You've got a type, and you should consider branching out quickly because you're not getting younger.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Got my dog, tried the parmesan and pepper flakes version, it was real good.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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Are all costco gas stations on the opposite end of the parking lot?

Keeps you safe from having to deal with that mess and the mess that is driving around near the entrance simultaneously, so I'm going to assume they planned it that way.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Super Waffle posted:

just chillin at the 'stco

Is your Costco in Silent Hill? Only, that's a ton of fog.

Went to the Holy Land today. Some baguettes, some red wine, and some mozzeralla. Also some milk and some Laphroaig because A it's good and B it was on sale. Hot dog and a Mountain Dew, truly a blessed day.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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Visited the Holy Land, the blast of cool air on a hot day was orgasmic.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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FCKGW posted:

Yeah i'm not too upset about it. We're a small but fast-growing city that's running out of free land and our neighbour city is expanding super fast so our city needs to lock some big names to the last remaining parcels in the city or they will literally build across the street in another town that's 4x our size and we see none of the long-term tax benefits.

You're going to get annexed. Went to Costs and bought whisky, chocolate, and eggs. Got a dog of course. PBUC

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Pretty sure Canadian currency still has the Queen on it. So you're really paying with British money.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Watched a man eat 3/4ths of a Costco pepperoni pizza by himself today. It was inhuman.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

DeadFatDuckFat posted:

I've eaten all but one slice before (not the crusts though). I had sat down just to eat one slice because it was fresh, and some random rear end in a top hat walked by and said "Can't eat all that". I was then determined to show him that yes, I could eat all that. Never again.

Something like 4250 calories in one sitting and you still didn't prove the dude wrong smh.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

We will not. Neither will the generations to come. Costco is eternal. The woman referenced in your article is a Mormon and thus a heretic. Had a dog with some relish, deli mustard, and pepper flakes today, they were out of the cheese. PBUC

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

C. Everett Koop posted:

good horsey

it deserve the sacrament for it's service

it's part of the sacrament, certainly

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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Saw an actual monk (robe, sandals, tonsure) and a nun while taking communion. It was funny, the monk had a guy to handle his money for him.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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My favorite part about this thread is that when it began people thought it was ironic.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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PBUC for today when I attended I found BOGO rye whiskey

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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Got those limoncello almonds, highly recommend.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

BaconCopter posted:

You motherfucker. All I want are some GOD damned holy french fries at my church and you have the nerve to complain about a temporary outage. SMFH

Holy wars start over poo poo like this.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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Chinatown posted:

excuse me i enjoy the chicken caesar salad :colbert:

a third side in the holy war

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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Ban dogs from the church, leaves more room for cats.


Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

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Fair. Also talking, church should be filled with a reverent silence broken only by the traditional calling of their wares of the sample-folk.

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