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Jan 21, 2017

Its like that here in Washington, Costco is everywhere. I have 2 within a mile of my house.(one is a Business Costco though)


Jan 21, 2017

Wait, not everyone has a Costco membership? Why? Why would you not worship at the greatest altar to capitalism ever created?

Jan 21, 2017

My favorite thing about Costco is that I don't have to care about shopping.
Its not like when I go to the grocery store for spaghetti sauce, and have 30 different options at various prices and most of them are probably garbage. At Costco I have 1-2 options, and I know they are good and cheap because Costco only sells good stuff.

Jan 21, 2017

Kelp Me! posted:

OTOH shopping at Costco for anything remotely perishable takes some thought. Am I going to be able to use a gallon-sized spaghetti sauce jar before it goes bad?

Spaghetti sauce freezes very well, so yes, you can.

Jan 21, 2017

Fellis posted:

I was in costco today and they had whole lambs hanging in the halal freezer section for something like $3.00/lb.

if only I had a huge freezer to store it

The Business Costco near me has these, and while I have the freezer space I could never eat that much lamb.

Jan 21, 2017

Relevant Tangent posted:

You left the PNW, literally nothing in your life will ever be as good as it could have been. :shrug:

Jan 21, 2017

We have a Vitamix that my mother-in-law bought and promptly never used, and it is freaking amazing.

Jan 21, 2017

Meydey posted:

Not my pic, but apparantly this was taken last week at the Seattle Costco. Oh my.

Nice. Though now I have an impossible choice: dog or burger?

Jan 21, 2017

Meydey posted:

Nope, the Costco Visa works as a membership card at the pumps too. Just one swipe covers the membership and credit part. Just tap on Use Costco Visa for your purchase.

Looks like I get a new card this weekend.

Jan 21, 2017

A company that offers quality stuff at good prices that pays and treats its employees well is such a rare loving thing that I'm okay with a little corporate worship.

Jan 21, 2017

Bonzo posted:

Amex has ridiculous processing fees compared to MC and Visa.

They are doing this in Toronto with a location that caters to business owners

These still exist, there is one 2 miles from my house.

Jan 21, 2017

Walmart is learning from Costco, 2 years ago they boosted employee wages and benefits and almost immediately saw increased customer satisfaction and cleaner stores. It's almost like if you give employees a reason to care, you get better results.

Jan 21, 2017

I liked Washington's state run liquor stores, and I like Costco.

Jan 21, 2017

Gorman Thomas posted:

Lol if you don't walk up and down every aisle on every Costco trip

Jan 21, 2017

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

Yeh... dog in hand 👹

Yup, then I buy a hot dog afterwards

Jan 21, 2017

binge crotching posted:

Yes, but only in the 5 gallon pail. It's one aisle over from the 25 lb bag of rice.

The funny part is that most people's impressions of Costco are stuck in the late 90's, when massive bulk buckets of goods were most of what they sold. In modern times they usually sell bulk by bundling multiple packages that you could buy from the regular grocery store, and a large amount of their inventory isn't sold in bulk.

If you want the true old school Costco experience, go visit a Business Costco.

Jan 21, 2017

Everyone here in the PNW knows Costco is a privilege, not a right, and acts accordingly. I have seen many rear end in a top hat customers in my life but never there.
Edit- And the Kirkland Costco has terrible parking.

Jan 21, 2017


Received a hard copy of the Costco Credit Card today. Truly, I am living for the first time.

lol but this is my first credit card and I'm a big baby and scared because the only debt/credit I've ever taken on was for school

If you use it like a debit card and pay it off each month its fine.
I went to Costco last night and grabbed the Kirkland Steak Strips jerky and it is really good. Thanks Costco!

Jan 21, 2017

Over There posted:

Thinking about getting a membership...

If you aren't sure, go there and tell the greeter you are thinking about getting a membership. They will let you in, no problem.
And take some time and wander down the aisles and see all the cool poo poo you can buy for cheap, grab a few samples, then a dog(1.50 for an all beef dog and drink!).
Then go grab your membership.

Jan 21, 2017

FCKGW posted:

All the costcos by me have the food court outside with seating. Indoors looks so weird to me.

The opposite here in the birthplace of Costco. Its too drat cold/rainy to have the food court outside here.

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

Do it seems that Costco will detain and call the cops on anyone who doesn't show receipt at the exit. Don't ask how I know.


Jan 21, 2017

My Costco doesn't have the new burgers or brats, but they did have the $1.50 1/4 lb all beef dog. Which I am eating right now.

Jan 21, 2017

Bucnasti posted:

Costco Employee Stories on Imjur

What is worse, an unbeliever? Or someone who abuses the privilege of Costco?

Abusing Costco's return policy makes it less likely that they will keep it as awesome as it is currently.
Those people are the worst.

Jan 21, 2017

Whole Foods is the loving worst.

Jan 21, 2017

Obsurveyor posted:

We're getting our first Costco in the fall and it's practically around the corner from work, can't wait.

Someone please eat the dog, leave the bun and ask for a free refill. I have to know! :grin:

I bet you'd get a laugh, since Costco employees are generally good natured and happy.

Jan 21, 2017

"With AmEx, Costco was paying about 0.6% per transaction, Bloomberg reported. Now, it’s paying less than 0.4%, according to the article. That’s much lower than the 2% to 3% fees many stores pay." - some dumb website

Costco pays basically nothing by going with Visa, and those savings are passed down to me. Praise be to Costco.

Jan 21, 2017

TBeats posted:

I am not hip to Costco and went with someone else who is a member and I had to go back home and get my Visa :mad: because who tf doesn't take MasterCard are you serious

Credit fees are a huge cost for a business. Making an extra 2% on each transaction means that 1.50 1/4 lb all beef hot dogs can continue to be cheap and wonderful.
And who leaves credit cards at home? Don't you own a wallet?

Jan 21, 2017

Memorial Day weekend is probably their busiest time outside of Black Friday, so be prepared for some seriously long lines.

Jan 21, 2017

spite house posted:

I found this recipe for carrot cake that I wanna make. It calls for a shitload of pecans and a whole pound of cream cheese. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!

Costco has an amazing carrot cake, so I assume you will go there and buy it.

Jan 21, 2017

FCKGW posted:

What time does the fog usually burn off inside your local costco?

Nah, its grease from the dog on the lens.

Jan 21, 2017

old.flv posted:

does costco carry something I could bring into work for lunch? like some microwaveable bowl or something?

I buy these for work, I recently bought a delicious frozen ramen with hunks of meat and real veggies and a smart bowl that is really good and filled with beans and quinoa and veggies and salsa.

But that is the tip of the iceberg, they have tons of items that can work for lunches.

Jan 21, 2017

Oh God, I want to eat that so bad, but I am trying to lose weight. Please post pics when it is finished.

Jan 21, 2017

old.flv posted:

cool - like what? like chicken stir fry bowls or something? do you guys know the names?

Everything at Costco is good.
I'm serious. (though I wasn't a huge fan of the Udon, it wasn't bad by any stretch)
Just go walk down the frozen isle and grab what looks good. It will usually run you about 2 bucks a meal.

Jan 21, 2017

I would rather eat raw beef than raw fish, fish are far more likely to be filled with parasites.

Jan 21, 2017


I have been enjoying the Kirkland Signature, Allergy Aller-Fex (Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Tables, Antihistamine) 180mg, from our friends at Costco.

Unfortunately, the pollen around here has gone into overdrive and I don't know if this is powerful enough!

What do we do from here, friends?

I have horrible allergies and use Costco's super cheap Zyrtec generic. I usually take 2 a day, allergies almost disappear.

Jan 21, 2017

binge crotching posted:

Decided to have lunch at Costco today while in the UK.

The things I do for this thread

I hate all of you

The bun was soggy, and the only options were ketchup or onions. I've decided that Costco in the UK does not know how to make a proper dog.

That is a sad and depressing dog. They didn't even have loving mustard? And the bun looks hard. Shameful.

Jan 21, 2017

Today I bought avocado oil, dog food, and a really nice BBQ to replace the old hand-me-down that I had to dump because the heat reflector literally rusted away.

I love my new BBQ, thanks Costco.

Jan 21, 2017

Most people are pretty decent about samples, but there is always 'that' person who is being an rear end and ruining it for everyone else.

Jan 21, 2017

The only time is is wrong to return stuff to Costco is if you thoroughly use the item and just return it past any reasonable expectation of the product being faulty.
Like if you buy jeans, wear them 50 times, and return them a year later. Otherwise if a product sucks, return it. How else will Costco know what is good?

Jan 21, 2017

Pennywise the Frown posted:

Eh, not doing so well atm. Bad couple of weeks. I seem to make it about a month or so before I can't deal with the crazy brain stuff and then start drinking again to slow everything back down. I'll get back on track very soon.

If you have a drinking problem, there is no amount of alcohol that is okay to have.


Jan 21, 2017

Whole Foods is overpriced poo poo and Costco is life so the choice is clear.

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