just buy a few of these next time, you can eat them and survive off them for a month or so and then unleash a hellacious hard dump that will rip you in half
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# ¿ Feb 8, 2025 09:17 |
How often do they clean the diced onion dispensers for Hot dogs? Not that any answer you give me will prevent me from shoving them in my mouth, but I'm curious.
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the italian sausage was disappointing when I got it, tasted dried out. stick with them tried and true juicy hot dogs (with drink)
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Tiny Lowtax posted:My Costco got rid of the self checkouts. I think people were just borrowing their friends membership cards then doing self checkout since nobody ever looked at the card. I mean, that's what I was doing. Had to get a membership once they got rid of them. what the hell, I can't believe a costco ever had self checkouts to begin with. how else would they check the card was yours or try to sell you stamps? that's just insanity
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I have a giant thing of crushed red pepper I got at Costco when I first got a college apartment in 2006. It is a decade later and it still isn't finished despite how much crushed red pepper I eat. The pepper is stale and not as flavorful. Still I refuse to relent. If I die before I complete this task, pour the rest of it in my dead mouth and bury me like the failure I am.
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Anderron Shi posted:wait do you get the hot dogs and pizza for free with membership? you get a star sticker like that Book It thing for every time you make a post online defending cost-co and their sustainable, great business practices. when you get 5 stickers you get a free slice (or a whole pizza if you're in the executive club)
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Anyone ever been to one of those BJ's Wholesale places? Can I get a trip report? Any hot dogs? I wanna know how the other half lives...
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every GBS thread degenerates into poop discussion. I can understand why so many goons want the extra sensitive TP or baby wipes since according to the work thread, 99% of them have hot, burning diarrhea at work multiple times per day due to diet/heavy drinking
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thinkin' bout them chicken bakes
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I wish Costco offered burgers too, I know they'd do 'em right and keep the price excellent. But they know better than me and adding a flat top might gently caress poo poo up, so I'll be content with my 1/4 pound all beef hotdog and fountain drink
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jealous of the fries. although those tendies seem a bit expensive for costco food, they must be good. Always a bit confused why the hot ham and turkey costs so much when they practically give you hot dogs and chicken bakes for free. I guess because of the assembly required? I dunno, who am I to question Costco
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look at the texture on that baby. all beef, that's what I'm talkin' about. thinkin bout those dogs
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my costco added a garden center and now in addition to amazing hot dogs, I'm tempted to continue buying poo poo to plant in my yard even though I don't need any more. but those deals....
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They have BBQ brisket sandwiches at our Costco. They are pretty drat good but they're like 5 bucks. Hard to take that plunge when the cheaper hog dogs, italian sausages, and chicken bakes are right THERE man.
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Pro onion distribution, nice mustard application even though it globbed on there at the end a bit there, a little extra 'stard never hurt a man. Welcome to the executive club my friend
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Cyborganizer posted:My local Costco was robbed at closing time just the other day. Three suspects came in with ski masks to do a smash and grab on the glass jewelry display. The noble Costco employees responded by tackling one of the suspects and detaining him until police came. Would a Sam's Club employee do the same? Sorry, but the Costco employee should not have done this. He or she is part of the Costco family and put themselves at great risk to tackle a guy, they could have been killed. The merchandise is insured and even if it wasn't, the amazing financial acumen of Costco would allow them to easily absorb the loss. But the Costco employee? Irreplaceable. If they had been killed, no amount of 1.50 hot dogs or tub-sized Queso containers could fill that void. Costco values its employees, it pays them well and treats them nice. This employee should treat themselves better too.
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Maybe. I guess none of us ever know how we'd react when put into a situation with great danger and a need to protect something valuable. Like if beloved Costco CEO W. Craig Jelinek told me I had to kill a man for him or the hot dog/fountain drink combo would increase to 1.75....it's hard to know what I'd do in the heat of the moment.
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It was actually a complete distraction. While the one set of guys were going after the fake jewelry, the REAL crew was making off with sacks full of delicious all-beef hot dogs, chicken bakes, and pizzas. They even smashed and grabbed the onion container ![]() Why didn't the receipt checker do something to stop them? WHY!?!
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C. Everett Koop posted:Because Costco will just make more. There'll always be $1.50 quarter-pound all beef hot dogs and 20oz beverages with unlimited refills for the people. ![]() ![]()
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The area near the frozen aisles is a loving nightmare of blender demos and fatties just parking their carts wherever and impeding people from doing their shopping so they can wait on samples and shove them down their mouths. That's why you need to just park your cart away from that area and venture in by yourself, grab the stuff you need, and get out. It's like hopping in and out of the tank in Blaster Master
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OXBALLS DOT COM posted:Man, what kind of lovely Costcos are you guys hanging out in? the south. Costcos in VA and NC are full of the fatties in the frozen aisle. At least I got to the Hawaii one once and experienced the joy of fatty free frozen shopping
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Of course there were some fat people, but they plop Costco right near the suburbs and area on Oahu where the richer white folks live. But even the fat Hawaiians had a thing called courtesy and manners that kept them from blocking aisles just to inhale samples. Also, the Costco food court there was outside and you just walked up to a window to order, you never have to even enter the Costco. Really convenient
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I;m thinking about thos dogs
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God drat, this italian sausage was so big and loaded, could barely fit that delicious sausage in my mouth. Even added extra diced onions on top of the sliced onions - double delight.![]() All this for 2.79? How it is even possible? Gonna get P.B.T.C. tattooed on my arm like a roman solider
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For some reason, I was compelled to get the hot turkey and provolone sandwich today. I rarely get it as the dog/Italian sausage are so enticing, but they had just brought out a new tray and they looked good. Nice toasty bread, good quality turkey, and the provolone goes well with the basil and garlic. It will never beat the hot dog (and a drink with free refill) for value or take its place in my heart, but it's good that Costco provides so many tasty food options to fit any mood.
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unmelted kraft singles have no place on a costco dog, but I wouldn't mind if they started having melted cheese dispensers behind the counter or something
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Dr. Capco posted:The wife and I stopped into Costco for a quick dog plus 20 oz drink for $1.50 (refill included, believe it or not), my wallet was in my pocket but you don't need to be a member to use the food court. As we try to slide through the other shoppers checking out, a greeter jumped out into our path demanding to see a Costco membership card. She said that's always been the rule and we werent getting in without a card which I know for a fact is 100% BULLSHIT. I ended up showing the card since I didn't want to hold up the people leaving and I wanted a dog, but I'm not crazy am I? I always used to be able to waltz in, get a dog and get the gently caress out in less than 5 minutes. this person reflects very poorly on the Costco corporation. I don't want to alarm anyone or make baseless accusations, but the fact that Costco would employ someone like this and not reprimand/fire them for such behavior is disturbing. Are the other Costco employees at this location just turning a blind eye to this power trip? If so, they're just as guilty as she is. That means this entire Costco you went to is corrupt. Which leaves the possibility that ANY Costco could become this corrupt, including my own. I'm shaken to the core with these revelations.
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That Costco burg has only 200 less calories than that Hardees burger with two monster patties and bacon all over it. It has the same number of calories as a triple baconator. Bet it's good though. PBUC
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Costco would be better without the sample people. They aren't real Costco employees (which makes them trash) and their presence just encourages fatty fats to block up the aisles and make it into a Mad Max Costco. There's no need for samples, almost everything at Costco is good and if it isn't they will give you a full refund and listen to your feedback. gently caress the sample people.
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Chinatown posted:*uncontrollable shivering, frozen snot covers face, while waiting in line* GIMME...THE FUCKIN DOG MAN!!! ![]()
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My wife laughed at me talking about the Sherpa throw and the Costco thread. I bought one today and since opening the package she has been underneath it and I haven't been able to experience its majesty for a single second. Knew I should have bought two.
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Not only has my Co always had La Croix, now it stocks TWO different variety packs and two competitors. As if to give an extra "gently caress you" to whoever published that trash article.
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Costco should sell curry powder. I live in an area where I can get it cheap at lots of Indian markets, but it's not as convenient as a trip to the 'Co. I've never seen that comments/suggestions book at my Costcos ![]()
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Sad about the polish for those that like it. Me, I stick with the Italian Sausage Sandwich with roasted peppers and onions.
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Giant tubs of that delicious jalapeņo pimento cheese for even less than a tiny tub at the grocery store. A sack of pita chips at a fraction of the cost of those bullshit Stacy bags. And if I eat the whole tub and block myself up, I'm sure Costco sells incredibly powerful laxatives for pennies. PBUC
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Bought the seaweed snacks on this thread's recommendation. I think think they suck. But I can take them back for a refund. PBUC
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Costco must have taken that really lovely Forbes article personally. In addition to stocking the standard La Croix pack (as they always did, gently caress the fake news), mine is stocking four other packs including the one with the weird blackberry cucumber type flavors. Mine is also stocking the palettes of Mexican coke. PBUC. Can't wait till libelous, failing media institutions like Forbes go bankrupt.
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I wish they didn't call it an Italian sausage sandwich. If I get an all beef hot dog with kraut they don't call it an all beef hot dog sandwich.
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I would blow Dane Cook posted:I saw an article which said that millennials are killing Costco is this true? Fake news. All these articles talk about how "warehouse clubs" are suffering. The only ones suffering and shutting stores are Sams Club and BJs. They just throw Costco in there to get clicks. This is why faith in journalism is at an all time low. The media is slime.
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# ¿ Feb 8, 2025 09:17 |
I bought a bunch of wine/beer for my wedding at Costco (can't buy liquor in NC except at state run stores) and learned there's a limit by law about how much alcohol an individual can buy at one time in my state. But Costco is super cool and just let my friend "buy" the other half of all the booze right behind me in line using the same Costco membership and credit card I used. PBUC
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