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Jul 15, 2002

I miss their empanadas. Costco, if you're listening, please bring the empanadas back.


Jul 15, 2002

Original_Z posted:

The Japanese Costco foodcourt has the hot dog combo for 180yen and slices of pizza are 300 yen, they used to be 250 yen but they raised the price a few years ago. They also used to have good Chicken Provolone sandwiches but changed them to Chicken Bakes. They have Bulgogi bakes as well which are pretty good and recently changed the recipe to it.

Anyway going there makes it feel like you're back in America with idiots just running through the aisles with oversized carts and being oblivious to their surroundings. They do have a good mix of imported and domestic products, though.

How do Japanese people have room for groceries bought in bulk? I always assumed they have to live in really small spaces.

Jul 15, 2002

My wife's family in Brazil placed a 3.3 liter bottle of guarana soda on the table in their house, it's not a restaurant but I still felt that the bottle was comically huge as an American.

Jul 15, 2002

Grilled chicken, pot stickers, mozzarella sticks, margarita pizzas, fried rice.

Jul 15, 2002

thathonkey posted:

they have some of those curved tvs at my work i think they are actually worse thn non-curved somehow like wtf is the point of that

You have to be right where the sweet spot is, and nobody else can occupy that space at the same time. It's bullshit.

Jul 15, 2002

That whole lot costs about $4.50

Jul 15, 2002

50/50 vinegar and water is a great cleaning product.

Baking soda's great in the washing machine.

I go through those a lot.

Jul 15, 2002

Mons Hubris posted:

It's the coolest club you can be in, a club for savings

I guess you could call it a Price Club.

Jul 15, 2002

charliebravo77 posted:

Bought a new couch last weekend for $799, went shopping today and saw the price dropped to $649, went to customer service and got $150 back on the credit card.

What's the maximum normal grace period for things like this where Costco will honor a price drop after your purchase?

Jul 15, 2002

I had their chicken alfredo since it's on sale, it tastes way better than I remember.

Jul 15, 2002

I went to the second nearest Costco to me today, they have some amazing beef chili.

Jul 15, 2002

Chinatown posted:

at the foodcourt?

Yeah, it was so good, I found some packed in their deli section so bought one to take home.

Jul 15, 2002

Jeez that's a lot of poo poo my local Costco doesn't sell.

Edit: "We only deliver to businesses located in areas zoned business/commercial." So I'll have to ship this to my work.

Nfcknblvbl fucked around with this message at 19:51 on Feb 26, 2017

Jul 15, 2002

Costco literally pays me money to shop there, and I'm paying less for what I get. Supermarkets mark up their products about 25%, Costco is about 15%.

Jul 15, 2002

3% on travel too.

Jul 15, 2002

Mons Hubris posted:

For travel and restaurants you should really be using the Chase Sapphire Reserve though....

Applied, got it, thanks. I travel a lot with the family so this looks very good.

Jul 15, 2002

Meydey posted:

Using my Costco Visa to book a cruise and vacation in the UK.
Costco travel is giving a $160 cash card for the cruise, and 3% back on the whole mess. Not sure if the cruise gives the 2% membership reward also.

I don't think you get that 2% executive cash back from travel

Jul 15, 2002

Both my motorcycles require premium.

Jul 15, 2002

bucksmash posted:

The lady behind me had... one canister of coffee. And she was complaining about the lines. Just loving go to Safeway at that point.

I see this waaay too often.

Jul 15, 2002

I'm glad my Costco has been serving Chilli with beans at the food court, that poo poo's good.

Jul 15, 2002

It's pretty much impossible to find a better cash rewards card than Costco's Visa.

Jul 15, 2002

Bananas, tomatoes, antibiotic free chicken nuggets, 18 cage free eggs, bag of baby carrots, hummus, coffee, Noosa brand yogurt, clothes for my 13 month old kid since she grows out of them so fast, and that chicken alfredo they sell at the deli.

Jul 15, 2002

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

Lmao if you don't.

Yeah, the whole chicken is like $5, just eat your favorite parts.

Jul 15, 2002

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

does kirkland have a regular rear end light beer anywhere? ours only has the liquor and then a dumb ipa box

Are you sure they weren't just out of stock on the Kirkland brand light beer when you looked?

Jul 15, 2002

I'm eating some Kirkland macadamia nuts, they're good.

Jul 15, 2002

Teikanmi posted:

So just eat one for every meal

Yep, don't forget to pick up a bottle of Kirland Signature Daily Multis for all your vitamins too!

Jul 15, 2002

My wife said she wouldn't get the Huggies wipes because they have fiberglass in them so we get the Kirkland ones, suits our daughter fine!

Jul 15, 2002

Chinatown posted:

My new roommate has a super good blender the we use all the time so this will be happening this summer. :cheers:

Your roommate got the Vitamix blender they sell at Costco, right?

Jul 15, 2002

Chinatown posted:

its the ninja one

Nice. I used to think the expensive blenders were dumb but they're so worth it.

Jul 15, 2002

Their baby carrots go well with hummus.

Jul 15, 2002

Jalumibnkrayal posted:

Has anyone ever done their vacation/cruises? I've never done a vacation through an agency, but poo poo, I'd give Costco's a shot!

I've gone to Cancun and Punta Cana through them, and I've gotten free upgrades and Costco cash cards from my executive membership, would definitely keep using them.

Also they have partnerships with Hyatt and Best Western so consider that for a discount whenever you need to travel somewhere.

Jul 15, 2002

Sexual Aluminum posted:

Costco started selling Chili.

Buy one with your 1.50 hot dog and do the needful. You can thank me later.

The first time I saw my Costco selling chilli at the food court is when they were also selling a big rear end plastic container of the stuff at the deli, and they haven't sold it there since then :(.

Jul 15, 2002

FogHelmut posted:

Yeah, this might get me banned from the thread, but certain items aren't cheaper at Costco. I got a chest freezer on sale at Best Buy for about $100 less than Costco.

There ain't no shame in buying a cheap freezer.

Jul 15, 2002

BossTweed posted:

I just wish the cold beverage wasn't a Pepsi product.

It's okay, sugary drinks aren't good for you any way.

Jul 15, 2002


Took a spin to the Costco yesterday, took the plunge and got the costco citi credit card. Very nervous because it's my first ever credit card and I'm poor!

Just treat is as a debit card and don't spend any more than you have in the bank!

I bought the queen size memory foam mattress that's on sale today, and I think it's pretty nice that I was able to load it into my sedan.

Jul 15, 2002

I bet those burgers are gonna be top notch.

Jul 15, 2002

Relevant Tangent posted:

Executive memberships are for people who are poo poo at math, sorry friend. Just get the credit card, it's a far superior option.

Uh, what? Do you hate free money or something? 2% cash back from executive membership ain't no joke!

Jul 15, 2002

I just bought a house last week so I gotta buy like 40 led bulbs today.

Jul 15, 2002

FogHelmut posted:

Does the Costco Card give me 2% on dogs because its Costco, or 3% because its dining?

My last swipe at the food court was "Merchandise ­ WHOLESALE CLUBS" so it looks like 2%.


Jul 15, 2002

Nobody's forcing you to eat all that dressing.

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