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Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

thathonkey posted:

they have some of those curved tvs at my work i think they are actually worse thn non-curved somehow like wtf is the point of that

It lets them advertise ever-increasing screen sizes.


Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Wow. You're not showing the proper Costco Spirit.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

I want to have sex in a Costco.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Some day, I'm going to have sex in a Costco. That's my life's goal.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Pennywise the Frown posted:

I've had the Costco credit card for about a year now but only used it once, before they switched to Visa or whatever. The only reason I got it was because I had a huge cart with a TV and everything on it for my new home ready to go and my debit card wasn't working. So they kept the place open for me while I applied for the card and got it right then and there so I could pay for my stuff. I forgot how Costco showed pity on me and hooked me up with something I should have gotten anyway.

I still haven't used it and I'm thinking I should start using it exclusively. I use my debit card (as credit) for everything. I have literally every one of my bills attached to my debit card so I have zero bills to manually pay. I think paying just one bill might be simple enough.

Rake in that sweet Costco Kirkland Brand money.

Costco is really good to their customers.

I get ~$400 back a year in total with the credit card and store rebate checks.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

binge crotching posted:

Here you go, this is the good poo poo.

dang, check out the aesthetics on that salad cup. *whistles*

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

unpleasantly turgid posted:

love the salad and dawg

I got a "yen" for that bulgogi bake, if you get what I'm saying.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Lazyhound posted:

I like how all the Japanese writing is actually just the English names again, instead of an actual translation.

Hey, look at this guy who wants everyone to know that he can read Japanese!

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

1500quidporsche posted:

30x34. At one stage when I still smoked I was 28x34 and that really was like pulling teeth trying to find something that didn't make me look like I just swing by the salvation army on my way back from the methadone clinic.

Costco stocks very carefully according to the demographics of the area. There are two Costcos I go to here, one in a shopping area where people from West Virginia go and one right across the river from where the orthodox jewish communities are, and they wouldn't be two more different places.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Kelp Me! posted:

The only Costco in my area is equally frequented by the massive Orthodox Jew community and the equally massive Hispanic community and I've never really noticed any targetted marketing towards either

The west side one where all of WV goes to shop has lots of tacky camouflage poo poo, gun safes, hunting gear, etc

the eastern one has normal people poo poo and also a kosher bakery

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

I would have sex with Costco if it were possible.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Pennywise the Frown posted:

You could buy a 1/4 Hot Dog and 20oz drink for $1.50, then just take the dog into the bathroom and Coscto could have sex with you. :shrug:


Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Lacey posted:

I bought parchment paper at Costco once and now I'll be eating food en papillote until I'm dead.

My wife bakes a lot. We bought a package of parchment paper four years ago and we still haven't run out.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

A Pack of Kobolds posted:

You have identified the one goon project that can be accomplished by 98% of goons, and the 2% failure rate should produce at least one good thread.

Costco customers are generally affluent, so you're wrong.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

My wife and I biked past a costco today. I suggested having lunch there at the food court and she said, "We should go to Red Robin, we can do better than the Costco Food Court."

I'm single now.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Teikanmi posted:

Red Robin has pretty good burgers for a chain restaurant though, and the garlic fries are top tier

I'm divorced from you now, too.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

rezatahs posted:

i've been a member since 2008 and never bought a dog :twisted:

You just hosed up real bad, pal.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003


You people who shop at Walmart/BJs/Bullshit instead of Costco are inhuman scum.



Success means never having to step foot in Walmart.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

The Costco stores here don't sell booze of any sort.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Chinatown posted:

I got a 36 pack of coors light last nite for like 22 bux :smug:


Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Kelp Me! posted:

Ok so I'm trying to justify the cost of just owning up and buying my own drat membership. The thing is, meat and cheeses and produce are great but it's just me and my wife and even supermarket produce has a tendency to go bad because we wait too long. So I'm trying to compile a list of non-perishables that justify the membership cost. So far I've got:

-Frozen veggies & chicken for stir fries
-Paper towels/TP/Kitchen wipes
-Bar and hand soap
-Laundry detergent
-Those microwave veggie bowls
-Olive oil

Any other major items worth stocking up on?

Get a chest freezer and buy your meat at Costco. Your membership pays for itself right there.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

FogHelmut posted:

Yeah, this might get me banned from the thread, but certain items aren't cheaper at Costco. I got a chest freezer on sale at Best Buy for about $100 less than Costco.

Costco's stuff won't necessarily be the cheapest but it will usually be the best at that price point. I've had very few Costco duds.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Scornful Sexbot posted:

So I suggested that Costco membership to my folks, and turns out they have a sams club membership. Instead of instantly telling them to gently caress off with that, I actually did some research. There are lots of tradeoffs, but the most important thing is definitely the food court. Does this look familiar to any of you?

Costco's stuff is pretty high quality. Sam's Club is Walmart in bulk. gently caress that.

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Snowmankilla posted:

What are they even looking for. What I don't get is when I am buying $400 in office supplies they check for 5 seconds. If I am buying $80 in fruit and baby food it takes 5 sec. And when I bought $600 in booze and high end food, 5 sec.

The primary purpose is to mark your receipt

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

Teikanmi posted:

same but still

all beef hot dog

jim sinegal wanted it this way and i trust jim sinegal

Jim Sinegal is from Pittsburgh.


Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

EAT FASTER!!!!!! posted:

My Costco might not have all the blessings of your Costco but now that winter is upon us let me share why our Costco is the greatest Costco:

It was a snowy January day, 2016, and while it wasn't a "blizzard" the snow was accumulating quickly. My wife, our 6 month old daughter and I needed to get out of the house and my wife had (astutely) gotten us new Costco executive memberships so we decided to go shopping.

I was a skeptic for so long, friends, I had never taken the sacrament, had never even stepped foot through those beautiful doors with the fresh tire smell wafting across the entrance. I was cynical, and believed Costco was just Wal-Mart for snobs.

So we ventured out, armed with our oversized Scandanavian SUV, over snowy roads to Costco. I was getting worried, though, because the snow was intensifying. While I felt safe on the roads I was already annoyed at trudging through a parking lot to go shopping on this cold, snowy day. However, we pulled up to the building and through the lightly falling snow only to find that our Costco has covered parking. We pulled in to an enormous parking lot safe from the elements. Warm shoppers pushing large carts full of treasures smiled despite the awful weather outside as they loaded up their bounties before returning home.

We went inside, I took the sacrament for the first time and I spun, dizzily, at the array of wonderful things we never knew we needed.


Volvos are actually Chinese SUVs now, friend.

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