What's with everyone bringing up the Professional Baseball Umpires Corporation? Also I got my Costco membership today at lunch, also a dog and combo slice. Groupon has a deal on memberships right now.
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# ¿ Feb 16, 2025 21:22 |
And make sure you are not stealing because they think you are a thief.
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GI_Clutch posted:My wife forwarded me some article about Costco shortly after we joined that had tips/tricks/info from a Costco employee. One of the items was that the receipt checker was checking to make sure you didn't get charged for extra items. I had a few cases when the checkout person scanned an item I was buying a number of one too many times (but corrected it during checkout). Once when I was having my receipt checked, the receipt checker asked, "Six bags of dried oranges? Is that right?" Yes, it was. So I'm fine with them checking my receipt, not just because I agreed to it, but because they have my back. That's funny because I know I have been double charged for items in various occasions and the checker didn't seem to notice at all. I figured it out after getting home. They always refund the amount but the checkers are not looking to make sure you are overcharged. Also they mark the receipt to make sure you don't just walk back in an fill a cart with the same items and try to walk out again. The whole thing is a loss prevention tactic and anyone who tells you differently is blowing smoke up your rear end.
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Was think about those dogs, went to the co and got a churro and smoothie instead. Did my good deed for the week by giving my table seat up to a young mother with baby in cart that looked like she needed a table to pull the cart next too. She was thankful. Then I went and got gas before the prices go way up from Hurricane Steve Harvey flooding Texass.
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I am thinking of hitting the local up for a couple Packer Briskets to smoke this weekend. I really want to make some brisket but really don't want to go stand in a line to pay for it...
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My haul...![]() Was in and out in 5 minutes.
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Taima posted:From one smoker to another, how do you smoke your briskets? I can smoke a decent brisket but it usually comes out kind of dry. I don't do a brine or the squirt bottle of vinegar/whatever though, maybe that's the difference? I am going to do one with Salt & Pepper and the other with my version of Meathead's Memphis Dust Rub. I probably won't do a mop on them but will play that by ear. I am going to cut the points off and make burnt ends with them. Basically slow and low, 225 for 13-16 hours with the points being chopped and thrown back in for the last couple hours to crisp/burn up a bit. If you haven't already join us in the Slow Smoking Meat thread. Trastion fucked around with this message at 18:03 on Sep 2, 2017 |
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FilthyImp posted:
You don't even need to be handy if you have an InstantPot. Throw the carcass(es) in with some water and a few veggies if you want and cook it under pressure for an hour. Strain it and you will have some of the best stock you ever had. Strain further with cheese cloth if you want broth (purer) consistency. You can freeze it too. Use large ice cube trays to make cubes then once those are frozen dump the cubes into a gallon ziplock and back into the freezer. When you need stock you can grab however many cubes you need out and thaw in a pan or the microwave. If you don't have an InstantPot get one. They are usually around $100 and you will wonder how you never had one before.
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arisu posted:I don't like that they blade tenderize the rib eye caps. Has anyone ever tried to ask them to cut one and NOT blade tenderize it. I bet they would do it if they have some uncut to do it with. Or maybe ask if you can reserve one that isn't tenderized next time they cut. Remember that you are a member so they will most likely be willing to do this for you.
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The Slack Lagoon posted:I get a 1/4 pound all beef hotdog with drink and refill for $1.50 about half the time I go to Costco. My wife didn't understand why until I gave her a bite of my dog (but just the tip because she's a celiac and can't eat the bun) and now she knows. I always make women believers with the "just the tip" line too.
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Was a good lunch today. Visited the local and bought a case of bottled water for disc golfing. Grabbed 2 dogs with kraut on the way out. Went across the street to Best Buy and picked up my pre-order of Destiny 2. Got back to work and realize that I forgot to get gas. Guess I am going back there after work to fill up.
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Wow I am all for Meth dealers to go to jail but those cops didn't have any proof of anything and just made poo poo up all over the place. I would be mad too if I know I didn't commit a robbery and a cop pulled me over LYING and saying my truck matched a description of a robbery.
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DangerZoneDelux posted:No lines. Self checkout. Pamper brand diapers... I rock dual memberships ![]()
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Statutory Ape posted:
Buy an Instant Pot and make it yourself. This Recipe is great and basic so you can add in whatever flavor you want. I prefer just using Vanilla Bean. You can also adjust the time and temp to make it more or less tart and stuff. She covers all that on the recipe page. If you also make Fruit compote that she has a recipe for you can make these which are great for breakfast. ![]()
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Statutory Ape posted:thats a good suggestion probably but when we start adding in a time (my time) component it loses its value for me Time wise isn't much as most of the time the pressure cooker is doing it's thing. Really only takes 2 minutes to put in the milk and starter and then a couple minutes again when its done to put it in a strainer to make it Greek. It helps to stir during the initial heating part to speed things up but isn't a must. I do believe she says you can use any milk. Her picture even shows Reduced Fat Milk. You "thickness" will depend on the fat of the milk so less fat means it won't be as thick and creamy.
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DangerZoneDelux posted:Apparently at one point Costco sold bulk Vanilla Bean. Do they still? That would be worth a membership alone Never thought to look for those. How big of bulk though? When I buy them at Meijer it is $8 for 2 beans in a little cigar tube. I don't think I want to know what a jar of 1,000 would cost me.
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Statutory Ape posted:Why can't she put toppings on her own dog She has no arms you insensitive gently caress...
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yaleforks posted:Just got my first bag of that Normandy Blend. What is everyone's favorite way to prepare? Step 1. Take bag from freezer. Step 2. Grab a knife. Step 3. Stab bag repeatedly. Step 4. Throw entire bag in trash. Step 5. Enjoy Anything else. Broccoli & Cauliflower are nasty.
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Which one of you is this? https://imgur.com/gallery/2g7zR
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Verisimilidude posted:my sister and some family went and spent $800 at Costco over the weekend Did you let them use your Executive Membership so you get the refund check? ![]()
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Fastball LIVE in concert posted:Fries & Gravy WTF my costco doesn't even have Fries let alone Fries & Gravy...
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Went to the Co, got a few things including a Sherpa Queen Size Blanket and of course a Dog & Ice Water (no refill).
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I bought some Bakers shelving units from the Co, they are the same thing as ones I got from Sam's club a few years ago. These don't have the plastic sheet liners for the shelves that the others had. I need 2 more and I am going to have to buy them from Sam's because I need the liners...
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C. Everett Koop posted:Check out Home Depot/Lowe's/Ikea/anywhere for the liners, they should be available just about anywhere. I bought them at Sam's Club. And they were also $89 instead of $129 that the ones from Costco were. They are the exact same shelves except the Costco ones don't have the liners. I will probably hit up Lowe's to grab liners for the 2 that didn't come with any but that just means that the Costco ones are costing me even more...
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Pennywise the Frown posted:So my dad stopped by today and said he was bringing a special gift. I don't like surprises but he said I'd really enjoy it. Sorry about your new addiction...
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Don't buy things that will spoil before you will use it all. That is just common sense. If your family will eat a whole bag of apples in a week then it can be a good buy. If you live alone and eat 1 or 2 maybe don't buy the huge bag and get a couple single apples at a regular store.
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Pennywise the Frown posted:drat, I don't have anything to get from Costco yet but I wanna get one of those sherpas. I mean, of course I can get something there, but I like to plan it out. Maybe you can get a new mom that actually loves you from Costco.
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Im Ready for DEATH posted:Yes for some reason they sell it in the "salad" area for me. Croutons, dressing, bacon bits, pumpkin seeds/craisin mix, etc. area drat wish I knew that. I bought some little 3 pack of pepperonis they had. They were pretty thin and 2 were hot versions, one "spicy" and one was "black pepper". It wasn't bad but was the only thing I could find.
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I bought some stuff called Hoody's Peanut Butter Chocolate Mix. It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. PBUC.
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I have decided that I will be getting a Sherpa Throw to use for a White Elephant gift this year. We usually cap it at $20 and I am sure it will be the most fought over gift in the bunch.
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FogHelmut posted:Just bought $100+ worth of beer and wine at Costco for a party this weekend. She'll most likely get some money for them...
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Teikanmi posted:I live in Japan's Costco No Man's Land I see 8 of them on that map and I am pretty sure that map doesn't cover that large of an area as Japan isn't all that big. Do you not drive or something? Tokyo to Sakura is 1 hour by car. Trastion fucked around with this message at 19:10 on Nov 6, 2017 |
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Meydey posted:Seems sketchy to me. Costco doesn't do any 3rd party advertising, so I'm not sure what they would get out of it. I got my current membership through Groupon and it was pretty much that exact same deal so they do this stuff all the time. In fact my first membership was a similar thing and was through LivingSocial.
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Gas for my car. Gas for me. Sorry coworkers Costco has Chili!
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The Midniter posted:Anyone see any slippers for sale at the 'Co lately? Now that the weather is cooling off, and my house has hardwood, I gotta get something to keep my feet warm. Wrap them in Sherpa throws you heathen!
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binge crotching posted:I just had a $1.65 (1.50+tax) dog, but no refill. I'll let those more in need have the ordained refill, I'm satisfied with just the one cup of soda. I only ever drink ice water and don't even get a refill of that. Sometimes if I get 2 dogs I don't take the second cup even or I give it to someone else in line.
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Fellis posted:The plush with sherpa wool throw you want is $15 and like 60x70 or something. I forget the brand. They say ULTIMATE Sherpa on them I believe.
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Slotducks posted:What does PBUC mean??? Plentiful Bukakke Upon Cthulu, These guys are really weird... vvvv- Don't listen to him he is obviously deranged. Trastion fucked around with this message at 21:09 on Dec 5, 2017 |
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Phylodox posted:I trekked off-island...(also because that one has a gas station). Wait you went to another island? To get gas? For a boat I hope.
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# ¿ Feb 16, 2025 21:22 |
I blame the thread for making the Ultimate Sherpa Throw so popular that I am not able to find one at either of my two local 'cos. I gave one as a White Elephant gift and it was the most "stolen" gift in the bunch. My mother in law asked me to pick one up for her so of course I said "no problem!"...
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