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Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

The Kirkland frozen chicken breasts in single vacuum bags are rad and I eat basmati+chicken+Normandy for most meals. PBUC

my basmati brotha

I just moved to Michigan and there's a Costco nearby. Got a membership and immediately bought a hot dog/soda for $1.50 those loving fools have no idea what they're doing ( it was just okay--I missed out when they were serving Hebrew National)

WTF is with milk prices, though? Maybe it's just Michigan but I went from paying ~$0.60/gallon at ALDI to $2+ at Costco. Made a special trip to ALDI last night for milk and even there it's $1.75/gallon. Mothafuckas want me to have weak bones or some poo poo


Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

OSU_Matthew posted:

Milk is different state by state, and many have laws regarding its pricing, best by, etc. The dairy farmers association have even gotten laws passed in certain states where stores are legally required to dump milk long before its actual expiration date, and they can't even donate it to food banks or anything.

Most grocery stores also subsidize milk as a loss leader, just to get people in the door to buy things they make profit on.

When I went to Costco and saw $2+/gal milk, I thought "it's because people don't wanna have to make a separate trip to another store so they're making more money, genius" but then when I went to ALDI and saw the sacrilegious price of milk, it was then I knew that I had moved to the wrong state.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

ArbitraryC posted:

where on earth do you live that milk was 60 cents a gallon, the national average is like 2.40.

Costco is like 3-4 for a 2 pack depending on which percent, which is certainly cheaper than most other stores here. Their milk and cheese is as cheap as you can get anywhere really.

In Central IL, I dunno the last time I paid more than $1 for a gallon. One time last year, I went into ALDI and they had it for $0.30 with a limit of 6 per customer. I'm a few pages late and didn't mean to turn the thread into milk chat, but also felt rude for not replying, so v:shobon:v

Seconding the bulgogi at Costco, too. It was pretty good and I knew that poo poo was gonna be good because the sample station had a line two aisles long with people waiting to try it out.

My favorite premade Costco grab so far is the stuffed peppers, though. I spent a good portion of my childhood having to eat these awful things and the ones at Costco are so good that it washes away the memories of taste bud assault. They have like 1/2 of the sodium, too, so you're not gonna croak of a heart attack unless you're eating a full package of 6 on the reg.

e: If you get the bulgogi, you might want to cut up some of the meat a little more before putting it in a pan, though. There were some giant hunks that I didn't notice when I started making it and it was tough to cook them thoroughly. I made about 3/4 of it and then used some kitchen shears to cut up the bigger hunks. Not a problem though because it just meant our apt smelled delicious for longer.

Bloodplay it again fucked around with this message at 08:57 on Jan 24, 2018

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
Are the whole pizzas they sell at the food court found anywhere in the store or do they come from a separate supply? My girlfriend and I split a hot dog and chicken bake tonight but that supreme pizza looked pretty damned good. Didn't see anything similar by the frozen pizzas or the take and bakes.

Costco is also the only place I've been to that sells 12 packs of Bundaberg, the best soda in existence. One day I'll go in when it is on sale and buy an entire pallet before they realize what sort of mistake they've made.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
I'm at the church today to stock up on groceries before 10" of snow hits this weekend and tithe for one slice of pizza, a hot dog, and two drinks is only $4.32. PBUC

Kirkland died for our sins.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

Pennywise the Frown posted:

Hey 10" snow buddy :hfive:. Mine starts in a few hours.

I could use one of dem dogs.

It was delicious, as always. The pizza was a lot better than I was expecting, too. Might get one to go towards the end of our next trip. Everyone talks about how big them dogs are but the pizza slice I got was like 1/4 of an entire pizza for 2 united states dollars. When the total came up to $4.32, my girlfriend said "can we get a hot dog, too?" and the guy (Father Jeffrey, praise be) said "you want two hot dogs?" Food hasn't been this cheap since the early 90's.

I spent about 20% of the entire trip waltzing up and down the booze aisles, looking for that 3 pack of whiskey, but no dice. Either my local store Church didn't have them or it was only valid last week... BUT

the Baked Lays were on sale for the same price as Sun Chips. I am stocked for this next week. Now I am going to eat an apple pear, a fruit that I did not know existed 2 hours ago.


Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

Whooping Crabs posted:

Apple pears (Asian pears) are awesome

You're absolutely right. They are delicious. Thank you Chinese railroad workers who planted them in the Southwest.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

Im Ready for DEATH posted:

he who insulteth the take-and-bake pizza for eight dollars and ninety nine cents, shall have his membership revoked and turned away at the door, for in his heart he never was a true believer of the 'co

Isn't the entire pizza from the food court $9.99? Seems like a no-brainer to just get that one instead. Go to Papa Murphy's if you want a take-and-bake.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

Kiranamos posted:

But I'm at Costco.

So spend an extra buck to get the delicious pizza made in a pizza oven.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
I didn't realize the pizza was cooked on the same machine that the dough is flattened on.

FWIW, I used to make pizzas at a grocery store I worked at in high school and the pizza oven we had still took about 5 minutes to cook everything. It wasn't as ballin as yours, apparently.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

Bloodplay it again posted:

I didn't realize the pizza was cooked on the same machine that the dough is flattened on.

ok I finally just watched them make a pizza Monday night and I have no idea why I thought it was cooked on the dough presser. maybe cause I'm an idiot but more likely Wal-mart chemtrails sent by the devil Walton family trying to get me to stray from the Church

Someone give me some hot tips on what to get for chilled/prepared food. The stuffed peppers have been my favorite so far, but the bulgogi and chicken salad are in a close second and third. Couldn't really get into the ravioli lasagna. The rotisserie chicken was pretty good but I admittedly just pulled it all and made chicken noodle soup so I don't know how it stands on its own. Prob gonna hit up that salad from Greece next time we're there.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

FCKGW posted:

kinda hard when everything is a smart tv

you don't have to connect it to wifi if you don't though (the roku on the TCL is probably one of the least offensives and provides an opt-out for display tracking.)

Roku/TCL are actually one of the worst offenders. Not only for the spying/selling of your viewing data by default, but also because "Roku devices have a totally unsecured remote control API enabled by default,” says Eason Goodale, Disconnect’s lead engineer. “This means that even extremely unsophisticated hackers can take control of Rokus. It’s less of a locked door and more of a see-through curtain next to a neon ‘We’re open!’ sign." The other brands generally make you accept a ToS page before you can use the TV. Here's another link on how to disable this sort of tracking.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
Costco cards have photos on them? Is it only the membership that nets you cash back? My girlfriend and I were each given a card and we only paid for one membership. Seems insane if you're getting grief about using a different card on the same account. Seems... like there's a heretic in the Church. Demand they atone or suffer the wraith of the Holiest.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

belt posted:

Yeah, turns out I'm an idiot. Thought it was covered, but I just looked that the documentation, and it isn't.

I went to get a tire patched recently and it came out to $11 because I didn't buy the tire there. They asked before service if I had bought the tire there and I assumed that to mean it'd be less or free if I had. Could always call the auto dept and ask.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
Last night in line at the 'co the people ahead of me were confused and somewhat upset they couldn't pay the cashier to take their money and have someone pick up their car, get gas, and bring the car to the front doors. Is that a thing?

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

13Pandora13 posted:

How firm is our savior on the tenets of the written word? My fiance is active duty military and his only ID with an address is his old pre-enlistment ID, which shows an address he hasn't lived at since he was 19. Will his military ID be sufficient for him to get onto my account?

Should be fine as long as his pic is on the ID.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
I wonder if I'll be able to pick up that OG Kirkland when weed is legal.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

Meydey posted:

I'm sure there is a very French reason for the single serving soda. Looking into it now.
I did find this shot of the menu though:

would 100% switch from dog to ham and cheese croissant

are you listening, mr kirkwood

also start selling weed so I can get a quarter pound with my quarter pound + refills

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
Went to the 'co tonight to get myself one of them dogs and wound up buying two Star Wars drones. They're on clearance for $39.97. Apparently they were $180 when they came out last October. Got an X-Wing and a TIE Advanced, but they didn't have any of the speeder bike model. Still a pretty sweet toy for $40. Wanted to give one to my nephew but he's 8 and I think it'd be too difficult for him to fly. The box is pretty dope and plays Star Wars music when you open it, with a display case containing 12 bright rear end LEDs. Even the display case has a rechargeable battery.


Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
Please be sure to consult Gatekeeper Taima before attempting to describe any deals you see while shopping at Costco.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

Accretionist posted:

Bought 'naanwiches' on a lark

They microwave in 90s and are delicious:


We tried the samosas about a month ago and they were surprisingly good. Saw these last night but I think they were $14 for 6 which is a little steep. Will probably still get some the next time we go, though, based on your recommendation.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
Costco's gas is regularly 30-40 cents per gallon cheaper in Lansing, MI, which is cheap enough to warrant driving 10-15 min to go get it. At that price, they're basically paying me to get one of them dogs and drinks.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

FogHelmut posted:

I'm lazy as hell, so this is the easiest way to do it -

Turn oven to 400
Line your baking sheet pan with foil or parchment
Distribute vegetables on pan
Season with salt/pepper, and drizzle olive oil on them
Put in oven for 15-20 minutes until nicely roasted

just quoting this so I don't have to keep hitting ctrl+f and searching for norman on every page


Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

Chinatown posted:

their chocolate chip cookies are crack cocaine

I'm glad the chocolate chip cookies are on sale because I bought some earlier this month and successfully burned myself out on them in about two weeks.

Those BB8 Sphero droids are on clearance for $24.97 if anyone is remotely interested. I haven't messed around with the force band yet but I did successfully drive it around the apartment for 20 minutes or so. It's kinda creepy when it charges because the magnet shifts sometimes and the head moves around slightly as if it is watching you.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
No one has tried to get us signed up for satellite service yet but I did let an internet provider rep go through their whole spiel before telling them I had gigabit fiber for half the price of their 250 Mbps service.

I put in a request for bulgogi bake and Hawaiian pizza after seeing the Japanese food court menu, but now I can't remember if I wrote bake after bulgogi and I'm worried someone at corporate thinks I'm insane beyond wanting pineapple on pizza.

Would also compromise for poke.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

binge crotching posted:

If you don't even have poke at your Costco there is no way you're getting the bulgogi bake.

Don't kill the dream. Let me flip through the binder next month and read the official letdown.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
The bulgogi dumplings aren't available at my local 'co and that sucks. I did finally pick up a box of the chicken fried rice though and it's up there in terms of frozen food quality.

How long until the Instant Pot goes on sale? $110 is kinda steep since it is basically the $75 model that goes on sale for $60 occasionally. It's the Duo model with Duo Plus controls and the box lies because it's 7-in1, not 9-in-1. Still want one.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

FilthyImp posted:

Hey remember to grab an Instant Pot to throw in your cart full of Sherpas and chickens. They're on sale this week.

Only through today. It's like Costco knew when I was gonna be 4+ hours away from any warehouse so they made it a 3 day sale. :arghfist::nono:

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

The Slack Lagoon posted:

I just want to say the Victoria marinara sauce is some of the best jarred tomato sauce I've ever had and I'm sad it's not on sale anymore. I should have bought more and stockpiled it

I'm in the same boat. We picked up two jars to try it out and I wish we had picked up more, especially since the expiration date isn't until well into 2020. Definitely one of the better pickups of the past couple of months.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
My local 'co has Xbox One S systems on clearance with 2 controllers and 3 months of the Game Pass for $199 or Xbox One X on clearance for $399. Pbuc

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
Shame on you for paying $20/lb for king crab legs don't you know king crabs have been plucked from their arctic kingdoms and crushed by the weight of crab serfdom

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
This is from 2013, so not the most recent documentation, but it states cooking temp of 145. A whopping six people from 2009 to 2013 had issues requiring hospitalization so it doesn't really seem to be worth worrying about, especially if you're not into store marinades or flavor injection. Eat your tasty-looking hunk of meat.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
Turns out you can't return liquor in Michigan because individuals don't have liquor licenses in order to perform the transaction. Guess who now has a $70 bottle of 12 year single malt that can't be returned? Yes, the same person that passed up the 3 pack for $99 2 months ago.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
Sometimes I understand wanting to try out samples of unique foods but other times I just think "who hasn't eaten Fruit by the Foot before?" I ate my first sample at Costco last week because it was late and the lady needed her last sample gone so she could go home.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

Jingleheimer posted:

Yeah depending on the person doing the sampling you can get a sample that's like 3 or 4 times the normal portion in that kind of situation. One of the perks of being a Costco employee is that the sample people take good care of you.

It was a cup full of granola and clearly it was the bottom of the bag because 10 minutes later I coughed in the pickle aisle and dust came out of my mouth. Should've opted for the milk.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
If I were to, say, wave orange batons around like air traffic control near the sample tables and publicly embarrass those who leave their carts blocking the aisle, would Costco revoke my basic membership?

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

OldSenileGuy posted:

Hate to say it, but I feel the thread steered me wrong on the French onion soup pucks. I bought them a couple weeks ago with dreams of being transported to a Parisian cafe, and after making them I ......wasn’t.

They’re not bad, and I’ll finish off the box, but probably won’t be buying them again.


poo poo I just bought these two days ago why couldn't you have posted earlier? I'm not gonna return them to Costco for return reason: someone on the internet wasn't transported to a Parisian cafe.

I'm gonna eat one tonight and see if maybe I have lower soup standards.

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

Lazyhound posted:

No hot water when I woke up, tripped down a flight of stairs on my way out the door, and I can’t eat at the Costco food court anymore. Cursed day.

Why can't you eat at the food court anymore? Did they ban you for sticking a hotdog inside of a chicken bake then rolling it up in a slice of pizza?

Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*

ShortyMR.CAT posted:

YA dudes haven't seen the pre-shredded chicken in the made meals section yet? Is that a local costco thing? It's cheaper to buy a chicken and do it yourself always, but the convenience of a bag of shredded costco chicken is pretty tempting.

The only preshredded chicken I've ever seen is the chicken included with the tacos and there's no way even the church is gonna get me to drop $15 on 6-8 tacos.

I've also been looking for the Kirkland Signature Napa mentioned like two months ago and the only KS reds I've ever seen are the $8 cabs. :(

Bloodplay it again fucked around with this message at 20:53 on Apr 18, 2019


Bloodplay it again
Aug 25, 2003

Oh, Dee, you card. :-*
the price of avocados at my local costco is about 25 cents per gallon cheaper than it is at the other gas stations in the area

Bloodplay it again fucked around with this message at 15:25 on Apr 25, 2019

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