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Jan 28, 2005

mine has chili and guess what it's cheap and fuckin gooooooood


Jan 28, 2005

bag of frozen berries hell yeah

Jan 28, 2005

Give me the low down on Costco's mixed nuts

Jan 28, 2005

5 lbs of walnuts for 9 loving dollars

Jan 28, 2005

Teikanmi posted:

So is the quality of Costco gas like, going to balance out the 2% cheaper price or whatever if it fucks your car up later down the line? I always fear those super discount gas places because it seems like there must be corners cut somewhere and usually it's quality control that goes first

i only buy gasoline with jen-u-wine 18k gold flecks in it. makes my exhaust sparkle, none of that discount gas for me no sirree

Jan 28, 2005

Eating a hot dog at Costco right MFern now. Got a 2 pack of giant bottles of chollula for 7.99 how in the gently caress can you even compete

Jan 28, 2005

No ketchup, as God intended. Very nice.

Jan 28, 2005

Hot dog protip: they keep little containers of sauer kraut behind the counter to really make your dog experience special

Jan 28, 2005

Nfcknblvbl posted:

I'm eating some Kirkland macadamia nuts, they're good.

The Kirkland chocolate covered caramel macadamia nuts are so good, they must put nicotine in them or use black magic in their creation. Thank God they're actually kind of spendy or I would shove an entire container down my throat every 3 days and feel no shame

Jan 28, 2005

Mokelumne Trekka posted:

Costco has some good microwavable "veggie bowls" which contain 400 calories of solidly healthly vegetables like black beans and quinoa. USDA organic of course!

Get me a pic plz

Jan 28, 2005

With onions and relish... piled high

Jan 28, 2005

Xaris posted:

drat dude. so did you make no money if no one bought anything?

also was the blender actually good? i need a new one but proably looking to spend <$150 if possible.

also i feel really bad for anyone who has to work food the day before thanksgiving. poo poo is like a thunderdome of crazy

Vitamix is excellent. I got a refurbished one off amazon and it was money we'll speny

500 new is pretty nuts price tho

Jan 28, 2005

If you are posting in here and don't have an executive membership what are you doing

Jan 28, 2005

Relevant Tangent posted:

Executive memberships are for people who are poo poo at math, sorry friend. Just get the credit card, it's a far superior option.

One time membership fee of $110, if your 2% cash back for the year doesn't cover your renewal fee then Costco bridges the gap at their own expense.

Executive membership is for winners

Jan 28, 2005

I mean you could pay every year to renew your membership but... heh, that's just bad math

Jan 28, 2005

I try not to look at other people's carts at Costco cuz they are seriously shameful. An entire cart full of food and every single item is processed garbo

On the flip side mother loving ten pound bag of organic carrots for 5 dollars. Perfectly washed, no dirt god drat what a deal

Jan 28, 2005

You've made a powerful enemy this day friend

Jan 28, 2005

Just coming in to say I took a stroll down to the Costco by my work on my lunch break, only a short 4 block walk. Picked up a 1.5lb bag of organic baby kale, chard and spinach for $2.50. It boggles my mind that it's that cheap

So close to Costco every day, truly blessed

Jan 28, 2005

Costcos nuts in the hard plastic containers aren't a good deal. The Kirkland walnuts in the plastic beg are excellent however

Jan 28, 2005

maniacripper posted:

From a while ago but thanks to whoever dropped the sauerkraut tip a while back, you are a good person.

Jan 28, 2005

Saw an ambulance parked at Costco while I was getting gas. The driver was eating a 100% all beef dog (plus drink & refill). Looks like Costco was doing the saving today, with fantastic deals

Jan 28, 2005

2 pack of a Dave's Kill Bread with instant rebate PBUC

Jan 28, 2005

Winco produce is sadly garbage. You're usually pretty safe if you're buying what's in season though

Jan 28, 2005

Busy turning a 10 pound bag of carrots into poo

Jan 28, 2005

Harald posted:

Check this out, Safeway doesn’t design their stores around your predilections for apples and yoghurt, they design them around how they can take deliveries and keep stock most efficiently. The notion that grocery stores are playing a 3rd dimensional chess game is consumer narcissism. No more, no less. It’s Ahab screaming at a mindless animal.

Walgreens puts their pharmacies at the opposite end of the door, so when you're in there to pick up your one rx you gotta walk past all their overpriced Chinese garbage. Just lol if you don't think retailers purposefully set up their stores to sell more crap, their business being to sell crap.

Jan 28, 2005

Costco is indeed, good.

Jan 28, 2005

2 days in a row I walked a short 5 minutes from my place of employment to Costco and bought myself a $1.50 1/4 lb 100% beef hot dog with drink plus refill. Topped with the finest relish, deli mustard, onions and sauer kraut Costco can offer.

Jan 28, 2005

FogHelmut posted:

Put a Kirkland Signature diaper on my infant son tonight for the first time. Let's see what happens.

They're god tier diapers and I have not found a finer brand to don my son's rear end with

Jan 28, 2005

Xaris posted:

the dollar fifty dogs days are numbered but yeah it'll probably be like 1.75 to 2 at most.

with seriously inflation since the start of the dollar dog days, raising price of beef lips and assholes, minimum wage, etc i'm surprised costco isn't already eating a $-1 or more loss for every dog sold.

we used to have $1 ice cream cone store here in berkeley and been like that for years. like seriously crazy flavors and pretty drat good. its went up to $1.25 finally, then a few years its at $1.50 now. still a bargain compared to most ice cream which is like $4 for a tiny spoonful of ice cream. just like costco's inevitable $2 dogs will be a steal vs $6 hot dog places

Rising minimum wage? The cashiers at my local Costco get paid like 22 bucks an hour lol the cart pushers make more than 50% of Americans.


Jan 28, 2005

Chiming in to say that the Kirkland brand 100% maple syrup is incredible

Jan 28, 2005

Croatoan posted:

Praise be!

I also got super rad cheese danishes!

*squints* no kraut, you have much to learn young one

Jan 28, 2005

I buy giant gently caress off bags of potatoes, carrots, and onions, and their 1.5lb bag of mixed greens also their clam shells of apples. Even eating just 1 apple a day those puppies are not going bad. Pretty much everything else is iffy and not really a deal anyways. The brocollete is dank as gently caress but kind of expensive

Btw the Costco car insurance is the bomb and executive members get extra perks as well

Jan 28, 2005

incredible lol

Jan 28, 2005

The large bottle of Kirkland pinot grigio is a supreme buy at 7.99 in both taste and price. But don't be fooled by the standard 750ml for it is inferior in taste brothers. Pbuc

Also drat that sherpa is one great blanket


Jan 28, 2005

FogHelmut posted:

The FoodSaver vacuum sealer is on sale is it worth it?

I needed this I wanted this but I waited and Costco has blessed me once more

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