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Jul 15, 2005
maniacripper you came to the wrong neighbourhood motherfucker. Costco youth going to gently caress you up.


Jul 15, 2005
I've been to a UK Costco with my father in law before but never got a dog. I just looked at getting membership and :stare:

Jul 15, 2005

Chinatown posted:

Posting from Liverpool Street station in London.

A nice woman is signing people up for Costco Memberships here. Spreading the gospel!

Is she applying the standard UK membership restrictions? I still can't understand why they are so strict

Jul 15, 2005


What are the restrictions? Do they make you prove you own a business or something?

Current or retired employee of:

Banking / Finance
Local Government
Fire / Rescue Service
Post Office
Police Force
Civil Service / Armed Forces
Medical / Health Service

Qualified as:

Qualified / Certified / Chartered Accountant
Chartered Architect

Doctors (MD) / Dentist / Optician / Pharmacist
Chartered Surveyor

Solicitor / Barrister / Magistrate / Advocate
Chartered Engineer / Civil etc


Current or Retired employees of a UK or USA Gold Company.


Own your own business and bring paperwork to prove it.

Jul 15, 2005
Who loving knows. It is the only thing stopping me signing up, as I have a giant store right near me.

I'm self employed :(

Jul 15, 2005

I've complained before about Costco in the UK having stupid membership requirements. I'm making a trip to the US in January and I've discovered there is a Costco Business Centre near where I am staying.

A quick read of the terms and conditions for Gold Star membership doesn't say anything about needing to be a US resident to sign up, and cards are valid worldwide (PBUC).


Members are required to present valid U.S., PR, or CN state, provincial or federal government-issued photo ID, or any valid passport before signing up for membership.

Do you think "any valid passport" means they'll accept a UK one? I hope I've found a loophole to enter the temple. :pray:

Jul 15, 2005

Big Bowie Bonanza posted:

do you have to be nobility to get a membership over there or something

Jul 15, 2005

uli2000 posted:

Costco memberships are good at all their locations all over the world. Take a quick trip to the US east coast, get a 'Co membership, and the savings in a year would have paid for your plane trip. You can just renew online after that. Im not sure if Executive membership cash back works outside the US, but if it does, even more savings. Ill be in London next month and gonna hit up the 'Co up near Wembley (since it's the only one remotely close to a Tube station) to expand my Costco culinary horizons with a shepard's pie and a jacket potato.

I'm going to Vegas in January for an event, there is a Business Centre at the top of the strip that I'm going to hit up. Going to get my US membership and swagger into the Costco near me and thumb my nose at the opressors. :smug:


Jul 15, 2005

Good Dog posted:

We split our sacrament today. My girlfriend is a garbage person though.

Terrible username/post combo.

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