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Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

binge crotching posted:

I had a dog for lunch today. It was a good day

I had one, too. I hadn't known you could ask for extra condiments at the cash, so it was the first time I'd had a 'Co dog with sauerkraut. Also, they stocked Clif Builder's protein bars again after several weeks without, so it was an extra good day.


Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
My wife and I usually get a dog each, one beef one Polish, then cut them and swap halves so we each get some of both kinds.

Sometimes I go to Costco alone, though, and those days I must choose. :(

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
Just got back from the 'Co. Wife and I split two dogs and a single slice of pepperoni. For the record, even a dog and half a slice is pushing it.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

Trastion posted:

WTF my costco doesn't even have Fries let alone Fries & Gravy...

My Costco has poutine, but it's...not great. I just stick to dog and a drink.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

GBoat posted:

Hello there, Costco EXECUTIVE MEMBER™ here, checking in to say that I have scoured the earth from end to end searching for great deals. I am happy to report that the Costco Hot Dog and a Drink combo for one and a half United States Dollars remains the greatest deal on this planet.

Really? Because I pay one and a half Canadian Dollars for the same, which comes out to $1.20 USD (or $1.38 USD after tax).

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
Don't forget the free onion salad!

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
Stopped by the nearest Costco with a gas station. It was $0.15 cheaper per litre than anywhere else. PBUC

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
Costco bananas always worked out for me.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
The best strawberries I ever ate in my entire life came from Costco, but they’ve never been that good since.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
Guys, I was feeling a bit crazy today, so I had a dog for breakfast*!!! The obvious benefit being that, for the first time, they had all of the extra condiments, so I was able to have a dog with onions, sauerkraut, and hot peppers! It was great.

Also, I bought my wife a Sherpa blanket on this thread’s recommendation. Here’s hoping she likes it.

* Closer to brunch, since Costco doesn’t open until 10h00, but whatever.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
My wife slept under her new Sherpa blanket last night and got a full night’s rest for the first time in weeks, so thanks for recommending it, Costco goons!


Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
Generally speaking, you can go in and use the washroom or get yourself a dog without showing your membership card by just scooting in via the out door.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

Trastion posted:

I bought some stuff called Hoody's Peanut Butter Chocolate Mix. It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. PBUC.

Based on the name, I was expecting something spreadable, but looking it up in Google image...that does look amazing. Maybe I’ll pick some up around Christmas.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

ArbitraryC posted:

Are the sherpas with the clothes? Gf and I go weekly to costco and I've never seen them despite just walking down every aisle for funsies.

I found mine in one of the aisles closer to the entrance, right after the protein powder/bar aisle. Near the towels and pillows and stuff.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
Yesterday I bought one of the Queen size plush blankets and it absolutely blows the Sherpa away. It says Queen size, but the loving thing dwarfs my Queen size bed. It’s super warm, but it breathes, so you don’t get all sweaty and gross underneath it. I had so much trouble getting out of bed this morning, I just wanted to live underneath that blanket forever.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
I bought two of the 60”x70” Sherpas, and they were good. Then I bought the 92”x98” Kirkland Select queen size plush blanket and it was like :aaaaa::angel::holy::kiddo:

Like, I’ve never cared about blankets before but I’m starting to think it’s because I was doing it wrong.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
Thinkin’ ‘bout that dog
Tomorrow I will have one
Praise be to Costco

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
I bought a Kirkland Signature applewood smoked ham. I don’t even like ham. I never have. But I needed ham for a recipe. This ham was godly. It is what ham was meant to be. It was cheaper than the Black Forest ham slices, too.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

Trastion posted:

Wrap them in Sherpa throws you heathen!

Carpet your house in Sherpa blankets.

Wallpaper your house in Sherpa blankets.

Live in a giant Sherpa blanket womb.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

Chinatown posted:

Where in the store is the Sherpa located. I go tomorrow for various goodies. This much hype must be a sign of good things. Its gettin' cold outside too.

Usually where the blankets, mats, and pillows are, in the central aisle towards the front, just past the protein powder.

Unless your ‘Co varies significantly.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
My local Costco hasn’t had sauerkraut for their dogs all week long. Why have you foresaken me, Dealmother?!? :ohdear:

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
Who would ever need a King Size? Are you a literal giant? Are you sharing it with a small village? I’ve got a Queen Size and I have no idea what to do with, like, 2/3 of it. Do you want to wrap yourself up like a burrito that’s almost entirely tortilla?

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
My wife could spend all night stealing my Queen Size blanket and I’d still have some to spare by dawn.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
My local Costco still doesn’t have sauerkraut for their dogs, so today I trekked off-island to the next nearest one (also because that one has a gas station).

They don’t have sauerkraut, either.

Is there a sauerkraut shortage?

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

Trastion posted:

Wait you went to another island? To get gas? For a boat I hope.

I went to the mainland. In my car. Over a bridge.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

TheManWithNoName posted:

Are you asking? It is kept safe behind he counter for true believers. Thou must inquire.

Of course. Every time. It’s always “We have only onions and peppers”. Except for the time before last, when they didn’t even have onions. Just peppers.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

Pekinduck posted:

If you use hearing aids:

CVS 48 hearing aid batteries: $29.18

Kirkland 48 hearing aid batteries: $8.49

That alone more than saves the membership fee over a year. CVS can suck allll the dicks.

This is especially great for us, because my mother-in-law can’t hear a damned thing without her hearing aids, which she never wears, anyways, but leaves turned on all the time regardless so that she goes through, like, two batteries a week.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

Accretionist posted:

Please dogs & refill responsibly

I’ve self-imposed a one-per-week limit on the Costco dogs.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

therobit posted:

Even if they are 60 days old you still have 60 days which is 5 dozen at an egg a day, which means a single person could reasonably eat the large 5 dozen packages they sell before they expire.

Just LOL if you’re not eating five dozen eggs every morning.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
So, it’s been weeks since either of the Costcos I frequent have had sauerkraut for my dog. At this point, I had just about given up. I had been forsaken. So today I planned ahead. I packed a tiny li’l Tupperware of my own sauerkraut for my dog!

So, apparently my local Costcos have replenished their sauerkraut stores. :doh:

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
Stopped by Costco today and it was bananas (B-A-N-A-N-A-S). Thirty minutes before opening there was a line up out into the parking lot. As soon as they opened, I scooted over to the food counter. I had skipped breakfast, I’ve been fighting a nasty chest cold all week, and they had all of the dressings, so I decided to go for the ultra rare double dog today. The energy from those dogs helped me get through the crowds, get everything I needed, and drive home through stupid traffic just in time to put my groceries away and collapse with exhaustion. PBUC

EDIT: Also, apparently my city is colder than the Antarctic and Mars today.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

pacerhimself posted:

Regent Costco?

Pointe-Claire, Quebec Costco.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
Just had myself a Polish dog. They haven’t been discontinued here, at least.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
Polish sausage is 100% plumper, firmer, and more flavourful than regular.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice


Meanwhile, its salaries are much higher than similar retail jobs. When the recession hit in 2008, the company increased salaries to help employees cope with the difficult environment.

Fuckin’ Tim Horton’s needs to take note of this.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

Magius1337est posted:

does costco have kimchi?

Ours definitely does. Like, the real kind, not the onions/ketchup/mustard hybrid monstrosity. My wife thinks it’s Surasang brand. Maybe. It’s in the deli section with the pickles and cured meats.

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice
I bought a 3-pack of selfie sticks at Costco for $15 the other day. My 70-year-old dad visited this past summer and I took a lot of selfies of us during his stay and now he’s obsessed with them (he teaches photography). But he just can’t seem to get the hang of taking selfies himself because his arms are too short, so I got the selfie sticks to give to him when he visits again this summer. He said I could keep one, so now I have a selfie stick. PBUC!

Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

Pennywise the Frown posted:

Any ideas of healthy foods for sad brains?

I grab a bag of the Taylor Farms sweet kale salad and a package of the Pinty’s prepared chicken breasts, then just portion both out in 150 g servings. One of each plus a little bit of Frank’s Red Hot sauce (0 calories!) is a good, healthy meal.


Mar 30, 2006

College Slice

Bucnasti posted:

Do Canadian Costcos sell their milk in bags?

Mine does, yeah.

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