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Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

My friend and I went to the Inglewood Costco, we were the only white folks. But everyone was nice.

Puyallup Costco is all white folks in Seahawks gear being shitheads!


Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

When do they bring out the Popcornopolis samples? Nothing sends people into frenzy like free zebra popcorn samples.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Waiting for the 3 meter tall teddy bears to return for xmas. How people get those home is beyond me.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Too distracted by the giant canister of pub mix to see giant bears I guess. Seriously though, how do people eat all that pub mix without dessicating themselves?

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

We skipped the giant pie this year. I'm truly sad that the pumpkin pie we have isn't the size of a rap mogul's rims.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Relevant Tangent posted:

I have sinned against Costco and I repent. Went to IKEA, they've got two 'dogs and a soda for $2. They're so bad though. :( Like paying a Swedish person to poop in your mouth and then throw some lingonberries on top.

Please do not eat the reindeer dogs or whatever political prisoner IKEA food is made out of.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

PyroDwarf posted:

My cosco doesn't sell booze

hosed up if true

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Going to Costco

I will likely die in a holiday stampede

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

The guy handing out the holiday meatballs in Kirkland sauce wasn't ready for the holiday stampeders, I think he died in my place.

RIP, meatball guy.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Dare you to go on the first payday Saturday of the month, today, the day before the Super Bowl.

I did, no one was smiling, the food line was 20 deep, and generally it was a bad call for some more sodas.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

They had a nice layering sweater out and every single one out of 40 were Medium. America is getting back into shape apparently.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Cabela's probably has an agreement about they not selling 500 eggs, and then Kirkland Select doesn't do a piano crate full of loose NATO rounds.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Feed a family with one of those full pizzas, only pennies a week

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

I like these 32 Degrees tees for layering and they were $5 a two-pack there today, they're stretchy and breathable. Sorry you can't eat them, breaking pages of edible talk. :coffeepal:

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Meydey posted:

I could eat a rotisserie chicken every week for the rest of my life. Very easy to get 2+ meals for 2 people out of 1 chicken. It's like a mini Thanksgiving each time I get one.

I know why they don't, but it would be awesome if they had them ready to go at the food court for $5.

At my Costco, you have to go through the entire store to get to the back with the paper towels and chickens.

That's how they get you, man.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Bless up to these 13 dollar giant plant pots, allowing me to grow enough strawberries to be sick of the drat things by June.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Those are coffee stirs, not straws guys, who would sit there sipping a dram a minute out of a coffee cup with that tiny rear end straw idea

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Their muffins are great, if you're bringing them to a meeting, or funeral dinner

Basically all their trays are for meetings or funeral receptions where you must calorically repress the pain

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

The Popcornanopolis or whatever company that sets a stand up in Costco during the holidays is evil and contributes to this nation's obesity hardcore. That caramel corn is great though, I want some. Except they only had Zebra corn :argh:

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

The Costco ladies had this delicious Korean BBQ jerky for sale so I bought some and ate most of it and feel only shame, and the hunger for more

I am truly a goon this day

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Kelp Me! posted:

Someone mentioned those t-shirts made from recycled plastic bottles (32 Degrees or something?) that you can get at Costco and by god they are loving awesome shirts


First layer of choice in this Western WA weather fluctuation.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

It's tough, you want just one reef but they come in a three-pack and the rest just get bleached in the cabinet.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Peace be upon Costco (pbuc)

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

That's just Medieval Times Experience (tm)

Why not throw a free pack of those comfy tees out and watch a fight for them if we're being medieval

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Behead those who bring their cart into the line, and the family of 15 in front of me every time I just want a quick purchase


Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

I bought a year's worth of Kirkland brand Zyrtec for like 12 funbucks. Also, they have fuscias there that are basically tiny trees for $30.

PBUC effendis

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Give her a 800 calorie muffin, no one has the insulin to be mad or awake after one.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Fresno is that sad place in the first Star Wars, with the cantina being I guess every restaurant. And the drive in from the south, on 41, gives you a view of a giant dusty scrap heap of rusting cars and a downtown vista no one wants to see. Jawas will also steal your car if it is an Accord.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

I feel like a 64 oz of kimchi would make me begin to sweat fermented and eventually no one would want to be near me.

I like the small jar of it from Safeway in my fridge :kimchi:

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Thinkin' bout them almonds

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Getting gas at the 'co, the only time I've been here so far when it wasn't straight pouring down rain

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

C. Everett Koop posted:

Listen I love the 'co as much as anyone else here (I think...) and even I think y'all are crazy for doing anything 'co related on the weekend.

Sucks when I could really go for a 1/4lb dog and drink with unlimited refills on a Saturday and I'm at least 36 hours from getting one.

I parked eight cars away from the entrance, it wasn't crowded at all, and my lines were only a couple people at both food and register. It was a miracle.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Coming here after a blood test fast so... ordered too much. Help.

Edit: I am a monster who ate it.

Dely Apple fucked around with this message at 19:58 on May 22, 2017

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

I think I'm going to die. Can they compost me here?

H5 buddy :toot:

Dely Apple fucked around with this message at 20:07 on May 22, 2017

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

I have an eye exam at the 'co today, is it legal to go this many times in a week?

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Discounted cargo shorts and cases of Monster, you'd think that would bring in some goon traffic.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

AmEx deserves to stay in the 20th Century with Diner's Club and whoever still uses Discover.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Working in the humid nightmare today on lawn work, when our friend shows up with miracle pizza

Let the KIDS!! eat what they want!

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Let the EVE DEVS!! eat what they want! Which I guess is 800 kroners


Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

I was going to get some more garden soil conditioning stuff until I realized instead of dying at Costco I could go to Fred Meyers

I'm sorry Costco, I am a coward

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