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Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Samples. Lots of free samples.


Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

You can buy a barrel of Jack Daniels for $10k.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Costco goon meet tomorrow?

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Seashell Salesman posted:

I live in the actual Kirkland, like from the pictures on the packaging. AMA.

What is the annual fee to live in Heaven? :allears:

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Anderron Shi posted:

Just went to Wal-Mart :( can't wait to get to the socioeconomic prestige level of Costco membership

You ever see a nature documentary where a swarm of piranhas eats a live pig in a manner of seconds and leaves nothing but bones? I once saw that happen at Walmart with a pallet of $2 Coca Cola 24 can boxes.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

What's the pizza like in the Japanese Costco? As I understand it, there is barely any cheese in Japan.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

thathonkey posted:

i buy one of these like 4 times a year. charmin, natch, only the best for my bung. if i didnt live with a FEMALE i could probably stretch that to once or twice a year

Went shopping at Costco a few months ago and there was only a thirty cent difference between the Kirkland regular toilet paper and the Charmin ultra soft two-ply with twice as many rolls. It was amazing.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

FogHelmut posted:

Costco gas should be 24 hour.


Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Does Costco even do gas at those baby states where self-serve is illegal?

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Uncle at Nintendo posted:

Costco doesn't have gas at all in NY and self serve is legal there.

Makes sense. I hear nobody drives in New York.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Just gassed up at Costco at 7:30am and not a single person was there. A++ would recommend.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

uli2000 posted:

Mostly cashews, which I hate

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

I bought my current phone from Costco a couple years ago and installed the Awful app while eating a slice.


Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Math You posted:

Just had a nasty reminder not to buy anything anywhere but Costco.

loving $350 breville toaster oven died 1 month out of warranty. Probably the only thing in my kitchen that was not from Costco :bang:

That sucks. But at least you'll be able to buy a toaster that you can play Doom with.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Costco should add medical insurance to their membership and have doctors on staff.

There, I just wrote the wrote the Healthcare Reform bill. YOU'RE WELCOME, REPUBLICANS.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

kloa posted:

I ate the hot dog too quickly to snag a pic, but got a shot from the parking lot as proof. Trip alone was worth it for the hotdog and soda :burger:

This photo could have been taken in any state. Costco is the true American ideal. :911:

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Costco really should find a way to get me a dog combo while I'm filling up at the pump.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Someone's got a gun to your head and you got a choice. You kill the love of your life, or you raise the price of the hot dog combo by $.25.





Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

I'm waiting in line for gas at Costco. I can't see the price because other cars are blocking the sign, but I know it is a better price than anywhere else.

Praise be!

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

I forgot to make an edit of my post yesterday, but they upgraded the screens at the gas pumps to be bigger and easier to see on bright days. So clear and glare free.

Anything to make the shopping experience better.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

FCKGW posted:

I never get gas at Costco because the lines are ridiculously long and I'm only saving like 8 cents over my local arco

I save nearly thirty cents on average and usually don't have to wait more than two minutes depending on the day.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Idiocracy is a heretic movie.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

I just sent an email to Costco telling them to put the burgers in my city's food court.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

The Sicilian posted:

If stco were to unveil a bunch of stores as competitors to 7/11 or trader joes I would be immensely happy. Imagine it, popping in at the corner for some $1.50 dogs and a drink and then going mad on that Kirkland snack food. Please Costco, don't fail us.

Like some sort of Costco Mission. Spreading the good word from place to place. PBUC.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

The $1.50 Hot Dog combo is basically the Portrait of Dorian Grey.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Teikanmi posted:

What is the portrait in this analogy then?

The price of the dog. It stays the same price as time goes by. But if they decide to examine (raise) that price, then Costco will die.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Commissar Of Doom posted:

Costco gifted me with a free contact lens when the left one I purchased there 3 weeks before got stuck on the lid and dried out. It let me see the glory of my next $1.50 dog and drink with pure clarity. COSTCO CLARITY! Truly I am blessed.

Also ChorCut Elk and Pork brauts are loving delicious.


I'm gonna have to buy more contacts soon and I'm definitely doing it at Costco this time. PBUC!

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Costco is the world's most elaborate hot dog stand.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

I still have to have two fans blowing at me to get a decent night's sleep, so sadly I won't be having any use for the coveted Sherpa Throw this year.

However, I bought my first new car on Saturday. Then on Sunday I went to Costco and bought a set of Goodyear floor matts for $15. And then at the register, they took another $4 off. PBUC!

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

I thought about that, but I went with the dealer since he's a family friend from the old country.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

I always feel kinda crappy after drinking the Kirkland beer. I've tried it multiple times and it just doesn't jive with me.

Their liquor is quality though.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Gravitee posted:

My faith was tested last weekend, friends. The food court was closed.

I got some sherpas for gifts though so my faith was only shaken.

Let us know when the court has risen.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

So a couple weeks ago I went to refill my gas and a friend joined me for sacrement. I told him about the Costco Kimchi and he tried it. He actually kinda liked it. Said it's not something he'd eat again.

We went last week and he made more.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Costco will be around forever. Fortunately the lines will be much shorter in ten to twenty years.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

SirPablo posted:

Just returned with a loads of goods. PB is on sale, time to stock up. Also those pita chips are still amazing.

No burgers in Phoenix.

I emailed them about getting the burgers and chili and got a generic "we're looking into it." I've done my part. You figure chili in the southwest would be a no brainer.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

Coredump posted:

Who is doobie.

It was at this moment that I realize that I am old.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

So I am very confused. I took my car for an oil change at the dealer. I've been mostly been filling it with Costco gas since I got it in October. The dealer recommended I not fill it with Costco gas.

The gently caress? :raise:

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

I have free oil changes from the dealer for 5 years. Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered going there. The thing is I didn't mention that I use Costco gas. So I'm baffled as how they knew. They don't have their own gas.

Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

There really ought to be a national nail and screw registry. My two back tires got punctured by a few screws last month.


Detective No. 27
Jun 7, 2006

My dad returned a recliner to Costco he bought a few years earlier because a random spring on the seat broke through. He didn't have the receipt. They looked it up on the computer and gave a full refund since they stopped carrying them. It was a completely painless experience. PBUC.

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