In the Capitalist States of America, we relish nothing more than to throw our wages at the feet of our oppressive idols, the Bourgeoisie. If we cannot seize the means of production, then we might as well keep it producing. Though it is our purpose to forfeit all of our earnings, some of you may wish to do so in a way that will also benefit a fellow prole. Never fear, goonrade! Other goons are here to help. Please use this thread to ask for aid in all of your gifting needs. Whether it's for Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, SASSmas or for yourself just because, if you give us an honest description of your needs we'll give you honest feedback. (Or at least I will. I cannot make claims for other people.) What you have to do: Fill out as much of the following information as possible to give the helpful elves as much background as possible. You know more about this person than we do. Who is your giftee: Budget: Giftee's age: Known likes/interests: Known hates/allergies: Type of gift you are looking for: Ideas that you've had or gifts that have been enjoyed in the past: For Example: Who is your giftee: My Mutha Budget: $100 Giftee's age: 99 Known likes/interests: Being old, doing jazzercise, Taylor Swift Known hates/allergies: Technology, bright sunlight, kids on her lawn Type of gift you are looking for: Something practical but sweet Ideas that you've had or gifts that have been enjoyed in the past: She loved that rocking chair I got her, until I nailed it to the floor See, just that easy. And then we give you magical answers. We await your queries. ![]() ![]() If, however, you're that type of person who only knows what to get people once you've seen it, here are some websites that you might find helpful for browsing purposes*: Goon-Made Gifts in the SA Mart SA DIY forum –a great place to look for ideas Perpetual Kid - for goofy, mostly gag type gifts Serrv - There are many, many places (especially on the Internet) where you can buy Fair Trade and benefit loads of people, this is merely one. Hipcycle - For the eco-friendly Uncommon Goods - Bunch of random things that will usually spark a thought The Grommet - Unique and innovative products and sellers (their description, not mine, but I have found some fun gifts on here before) This is Why I'm Broke - Some serious gifts and some seriously awesome gifts for the billionaire in your life. Great place for ideas Scoutmob.com - Homemade gifts from smaller/independent retailers More sites to check And in case there's anyone who hasn't heard of it, Think Geek is at least the starting place for nerds of all types What not to buy If anyone has other great sites that they want to share I'll be keeping a lookout in the thread and I'll edit them into this post. Another tip: Googling “Gifts for 'x' lovers" will typically get you lists of ideas as well. Happy gifting!! And remember, kids: ![]() *I do not work for any of these companies, I'm just a friendly penguin who enjoys providing information. That being said, if you still don’t trust me and want access to a third party review from Consumer Reports, first, check your local library for both print or online copies, but if no luck there, PM me and I can get you access.
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 23:53 |
Thank goodness, I've been waiting for this thread. Who is your giftee: Husband Budget: up to $300 Giftee's age: 32 Known likes/interests: UGA football, coaches high school basketball, reads stuff on the internet Known hates/allergies: kitschy useless stuff... Type of gift you are looking for: ANYTHING!!! Ideas that you've had or gifts that have been enjoyed in the past: grill, rayban wayfarers, beats pill, ipad mini, nice engraved cufflinks, cool bar stuff (want to avoid stuff for the house because we're about to have a baby and i'd like to get him something for him) I am at a total loss ![]() Uncommon goods and scoutmob are my usual go-tos but I can't find nothing!
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Miranda posted:Thank goodness, I've been waiting for this thread. He sounds very familiar. ![]() Options - If the house is off limits, what about kitting out his car? - https://www.thrillist.com/cars/nation/15-best-car-accessories-to-buy-this-year Would he be into the whole wearables thing? No lame wearables but Garmin GPS ultimate ones? - https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/wearables/c10002-p1.html And since I seem to recall that he enjoys good food, what about a subscription to one of those dinner on demand services like Blue Apron or Hello Fresh, with a baby around it might be easier to have on hand meals ready to make without having to do the shopping - http://urbantastebud.com/best-full-meal-subscription-boxes/ And this is out of your stated price range, but it looks rad - http://thegadgetflow.com/portfolio/roav-dashtop-head-display-computer/ I know you'll find something good. You always do.
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I'm looking for useful and good quality things under 25 bucks that you could basically give to anyone and they'll get some use out of it, but they might not buy it on their own. Examples I have thought of so far: Aquapel applicators Whoosh screen cleaner Squatty Potty A motion-activated toilet light Trying to get away from the toilet gifts though
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signalnoise posted:I'm looking for useful and good quality things under 25 bucks that you could basically give to anyone and they'll get some use out of it, but they might not buy it on their own. Wallet sized multi tool (there are many, this is but one) Mobile Device Screen cleaner Ice grippers that go over your shoes And actually a lot of things on the list of $25 or less gifts from The Grommet: https://www.thegrommet.com/gifts/under-25 Hope this adds some to your list.
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a friendly penguin posted:Wallet sized multi tool (there are many, this is but one) Oh this poo poo is a gold mine signalnoise fucked around with this message at 05:07 on Dec 8, 2016 |
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Since everyone seems to be having no trouble with gift giving this year I'll bump this with some helpful lifehacker articles just in case anyone doesn't want to post. Thought doesn't count as much as giving something they actually want Make gift shopping easy with the want, wear, need, read technique Best gifts for people who already have everything Give a thoughtful handmade gift with these did projects
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I came here to post wtf should I get my dad like I do every year but now after reading the OP I will get him a dashcam. Thanks!
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So I might not be able to do it for Xmas, but then there is Mother's Day. What kind of desktop should I be looking at for gaming that also has built-in wifi, or is that even a thing (we do have an adapter for our router but it has spotty coverage sometimes). She doesn't stream videos but wants to, and her Farmville games are probably close to whatever kind of memory WoW needs. I just don't want to drop a grand on a desktop, but the computer she has is almost 7 years old. PC rather than Mac, but trying to figure out specs on Amazon is insane. Maybe I should just get her a back-up camera for the car, but a new computer would make my life a lot easier.
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 23:53 |
Cowslips Warren posted:So I might not be able to do it for Xmas, but then there is Mother's Day. What kind of desktop should I be looking at for gaming that also has built-in wifi, or is that even a thing (we do have an adapter for our router but it has spotty coverage sometimes). She doesn't stream videos but wants to, and her Farmville games are probably close to whatever kind of memory WoW needs. I just don't want to drop a grand on a desktop, but the computer she has is almost 7 years old. PC rather than Mac, but trying to figure out specs on Amazon is insane. I'm sending you to the experts: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3774409 But you can get passing gaming rigs for around $600 whole or by upgrading pieces. But it sounds like you might want specifics.
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