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  • Locked thread
Dec 24, 2004

Not a cuttlefish.
Thank goodness, I've been waiting for this thread.

Who is your giftee: Husband
Budget: up to $300
Giftee's age: 32
Known likes/interests: UGA football, coaches high school basketball, reads stuff on the internet
Known hates/allergies: kitschy useless stuff...
Type of gift you are looking for: ANYTHING!!!
Ideas that you've had or gifts that have been enjoyed in the past: grill, rayban wayfarers, beats pill, ipad mini, nice engraved cufflinks, cool bar stuff (want to avoid stuff for the house because we're about to have a baby and i'd like to get him something for him)

I am at a total loss :(

Uncommon goods and scoutmob are my usual go-tos but I can't find nothing!


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