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Cowslips Warren
Oct 29, 2005

What use had they for tricks and cunning, living in the enemy's warren and paying his price?

Grimey Drawer
So I might not be able to do it for Xmas, but then there is Mother's Day. What kind of desktop should I be looking at for gaming that also has built-in wifi, or is that even a thing (we do have an adapter for our router but it has spotty coverage sometimes). She doesn't stream videos but wants to, and her Farmville games are probably close to whatever kind of memory WoW needs. I just don't want to drop a grand on a desktop, but the computer she has is almost 7 years old. PC rather than Mac, but trying to figure out specs on Amazon is insane.

Maybe I should just get her a back-up camera for the car, but a new computer would make my life a lot easier.


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