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Nov 7, 2016

Immersion chariot

boviscopophobic posted:

It sounds like he's claiming about $13k, not $45k (the value of 160k UEC is pretty negligible, relatively speaking).

I totally called it that the $45k refund was fake. I am now calling it that this guy's account is real and has spent approximately the claimed amount. Of course, he could conceivably be lying about asking for a refund, but I doubt that is the case.

yea, my bad; I thought 1,000UEC went for $5

it's $5 for 5,000 - so actually still in the 13k ballpark


Aug 10, 2013

go away,
spooky skeleton,
go away

Shadowlyger posted:

You know, I have to consider...

These NPCs, they'd be killable, correct? And just replacing them with a newly spawned NPC would be "cheating", under Chris Roberts' terms.

Therefor you could, hypothetically, kill all of the NPCs.

There are over a million NPC's, all going about their lives in real time. It would be impossible for anything less a hundred people to kill all million.

Then you have to consider their ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE will cause them to hunker down and band together to defeat your threat to them.

edit: so, try again Goonies.

Mar 20, 2002

Sillybones posted:

There are over a million NPC's, all going about their lives in real time. It would be impossible for anything less a hundred people to kill all million.

Then you have to consider their ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE will cause them to hunker down and band together to defeat your threat to them.

edit: so, try again Goonies.

I'm looking forward to the fidelity of taking out all the NPC shopkeepers, and then seeing the NPC business owners put help wanted ads in the space paper or for new shopkeepers. Then random NPCs get their resumes together and go in for interviews and the NPC business owners weigh their applications, and make a hire based on Chris's godly algorithms. And then the new NPC shopkeepers get taken out too.

Apr 9, 2016

What would be in the top 10 song you are not allowed to play in a CIG building?

I'll start with .....

Simply Red - Money to tight to Mention


In Living Color - Cult of Personality

Please, goons, put forth your suggestions.

p.s. Derek has dibs on The Doors - This Is the End

Mar 6, 2016

Free Money - Patti Smith

Mar 7, 2014

Slava Ukrayini

Clapping Larry

Kosumo posted:

What would be in the top 10 song you are not allowed to play in a CIG building?

I'll start with .....

Simply Red - Money to tight to Mention


In Living Color - Cult of Personality

Please, goons, put forth your suggestions.

p.s. Derek has dibs on The Doors - This Is the End

Burn the Evidence by Billy Talent

Mar 1, 2016

Erasure - ship of fools
Shirley Bassey - Big Spender

Anything by Derek and the Dominos

Dec 17, 2005

The game is split up into 24-player instances, so if I kill a NPC in one instance, does he die in all of them?

Feb 5, 2016

Apr 9, 2016

Take The Money And Run - The Steve Miller Band

Regurgitator - Black Bugs (must see, its lyrics called it before Derek even picked up the phone. - Star Citizen in a song -

Kosumo fucked around with this message at 05:57 on Sep 22, 2017

Sep 27, 2015
Dire Straits:

Money for Nothing and Ships for Free.

Feb 21, 2016


Fun Shoe

Mr.Tophat posted:

Can anyone recommend me a podcast or stand up comedy I can listen to while refactoring my home? I need to listen to something to get poo poo done and I'm running out of material.

Quoting from a few pages back, but I used to have a CD with the radio play of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' that I'd listen to in the car. If you can get hold of it, that's an option.

Or for extra comedy, you could listen to episodes of ATV.

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

You can listen to Rigor Mortis

Sep 7, 2006

All your friends are me.

Mr.Tophat posted:

Can anyone recommend me a podcast or stand up comedy I can listen to while refactoring my home? I need to listen to something to get poo poo done and I'm running out of material.

The Dollop is a good one, you will learn so much about Americas hosed up past.

Apr 10, 2017

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Bumbler posted:

The game is split up into 24-player instances, so if I kill a NPC in one instance, does he die in all of them?

No, he's dead in all of them at all times.

Jan 23, 2006

I Saved PC Gaming


Dec 22, 2004

This week they're sweeping even more bugs under the rug

Jun 17, 2016

Tokamak posted:

This week they're sweeping even more bugs under the rug

Stop spreading FUD. Chris is back from vacation and spend a night or two bugfixing, and 3.0 is right on track. He is the saviour of PC gaming after all!

PS: could I interest you in this fine JPEG?

Nov 24, 2014

Mr.Tophat posted:

Can anyone recommend me a podcast or stand up comedy I can listen to while refactoring my home? I need to listen to something to get poo poo done and I'm running out of material.
A bit late but...
I wouldn't recommend starting at the beginning though, it took them a while to "get into the groove" in my opinion. Some of my favourites are #60: Comet Panic, or #192: When The Cars Came, or #237: Jet Pack Madness.

Everyone reading / posting in this thread would probably get a kick out of listening to Episode 152: The Car Known as "The Dale". It's practically about Star Citizen, if you change some of the names around.

Apr 7, 2007

You clearly don't understand joke development :justpost:

Ponzi posted:

Quoting from a few pages back, but I used to have a CD with the radio play of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' that I'd listen to in the car. If you can get hold of it, that's an option.

Or for extra comedy, you could listen to episodes of ATV.

Awesome, thanks for the recommendation

Sandweed posted:

The Dollop is a good one, you will learn so much about Americas hosed up past.

Nice, American history is always interesting to me, so I'll check this out

I can't sleep. Clown will deskeletonise me.

Strangler 42
Jan 8, 2007


Tokamak posted:

This week they're sweeping even more bugs under the rug

3.0 was left to fester too long and has gone gangrenous. it's time to start amputating.

Apr 26, 2017

ComfyPants posted:

I'm looking forward to the fidelity of taking out all the NPC shopkeepers, and then seeing the NPC business owners put help wanted ads in the space paper or for new shopkeepers. Then random NPCs get their resumes together and go in for interviews and the NPC business owners weigh their applications, and make a hire based on Chris's godly algorithms. And then the new NPC shopkeepers get taken out too.

Now this is a little bit of theorycrafting of course but I think Chris Roberts may have something really special in mind for players that are attentive to detail: true progression of NPCs! What do I mean? Well...

Imagine if you will, George the Janitor. George is an AI in Star Citizen - and while he never complains, you know he's unhappy with his job. You might first meet George in a Space Bar, but after talking to him, you might inspire him to become something greater - a Space Hero! So from now on you will not see him in the Bar anymore, rather, he will be found working more shifts, saving up money for his first Space Ship! If you play the game for a few years, you may see him rise through janitorial and corporate ranks - and then one day you fly through space and an Idris hails you. Who could it be? It's George! George from the Janitors Unite corp where he and hundreds of other former janitors fight for freedom against the evil Vanduul invaders.

It's small moments like this that will make the game so much more special than the rubbish AAA games that the greedy publishers push down on us today, and I am willing to wait as long as it takes for CR to create this Magnum Opus!

Oct 6, 2016

Hell march - Frank Klepacki

Dec 22, 2004

Tokamak posted:

Star Citizen: ATV Preview - Air Traffic Controller

Man have I got egg on my face. They really delivered on the segment this week! A whole ten minutes to explain what an air traffic controller does, and saying pcap and subsumption a bunch. Apparently Star Citizen is a sponge cake, and the air traffic controllers are the icing.

Mar 6, 2016

STRAP YOURSELF IN and prepare to dive inside CIG's well-oiled development machine.

Around The Verse Sep 21, 2017

@ 01:20
UK Leads Meeting

Matthew Webster (assoc producer):
Erin is very keen to go to Evocati THIS WEEK, um... so what we've done is, em... is severely cut down the PTU 'must fix' list, those 21 issues are the ones that we really need to focus for... like, the focus for this initial push to Evocati is the experience of the first HOUR, TWO HOURS or so...

The... the directors and the executive took a REALLY good look at what they wanted to do for our first release to Evocati cos... cos we're REALLY keen on getting this out to... to the Evocati group and start... for them to start testing things.

LA Project Leadership Meeting

Erin Roberts:
...basically the idea is to get JIRA right, get JIRA used properly...

Chris Roberts
Yeah yeah yeah, a hundred percent you should... JIRA should be used right and... labelled right and timeline should be a juror so anyone can open the JIRA and see more details in the comments.

What I want is... a... like very QUICK top level view from the producer of their group, calling out like what their kinda ISSUES are

UK Project Leadership Meeting

Rickey Jutley:
The thing that I asked QA to do today in the leads meeting is, I wanted them to just HIGHLIGHT the ones that THEY think are BIG... em... ev ah... Evocati issues that aren't on this list and send that filter to YOU, we'll recommend what we think out of the thirteen issues that they've highlighted, we think probably should be fixed... I think there's one or two that we think, 'you know what it's worthwhile', but ERIN, it's for YOU to make that CALL, then, um, you can let us know if you wanna add them or not

LA Global Leads Meeting

Erin Roberts:
I can just sit with the guys locally here, I don't need 20 people in there I just need to sit wif... one or two guys and then we'll just go through the process... cos I'm more interested in right now just how fuu... how... how... it FEELS when you get out, get... get a SHIP... take off... go to a place... and I DO think... if we can get the fix in for um... for the ah... for the em... for the ATC markers in, then that will be GOOD.

LA Directors Leads Meeting

Erin Roberts:
Please, just be careful of what you're checking in, don't just get on, on Friday night, check something in and go home... that's for your own... I'm not having a go at U.S., but also just sort of take care, make sure you get, you know CHECKED and so forth and things cos that costs us more time than anything when basically the build BREAKS and then we gotta (inaudible)... you know it kills you HERE, it kills us in the UK, you know we come in in the morning and we've got 4 hours at LEAST before we have to find the big fix and then by the time of the end of the day we've got a build and... so we need to make sure that everyone is being really CAREFUL when doing that stuff and I'd rather everyone took an EXTRA HOUR and make sure the BUG'S FIXED and then um, then try and rush on to the next one.

SomethingJones fucked around with this message at 08:37 on Sep 22, 2017

Mar 6, 2016

UK Project Leadership Meeting Sept 18th

Sep 30, 2009

Tokamak posted:

This week they're sweeping even more bugs under the rug

Lol holy poo poo that bug reclassification.

"Good thing 80% of the must fix bugs could be fixed in a single day!! Surprised they didn't get round to doing that earlier!"

Oct 4, 2015

Herald of the Stimpire

big nipples big life posted:

Star Citizen, not working, sounds about right to me.
tru dat

Vincent Van Goatse posted:

That's just truth in advertisement. Good on them.
I see, it's just a jpg.

intardnation posted:

did it not take you to this:

with facerig in it? Bundled with a bunch of other produced and delivered games. I mean that is what they are selling right face rig only just a different avatar.
It didn't. Ah well whatever, I'll read the pricing of this non-game add-on later here in the thread.
Thanks for the info, guys.

Beexoffel fucked around with this message at 07:40 on Sep 22, 2017

Apr 7, 2007

You clearly don't understand joke development :justpost:
SomethingJones, you are a hero and I will sing your praises often

his nibs
Feb 27, 2016

:kayak:Welcome to the:kayak:
Dream Factory
Grimey Drawer

Mr.Tophat posted:

SomethingJones, you are a hero and I will sing your praises often


Also, CiG's Openest Development Ever is good for lols Star Citizen

crisp roberts
Oct 13, 2016

Deathsquid posted:

If you play the game for a few years, you may see him rise through janitorial and corporate ranks -

Its me, the rear janitor.

Jun 17, 2016

Wait...the build breaking check-in is neither rolled back, nor does the guy who did have to buy free beer for the rest of the team if he didn't roll it back? The next office who does the checkout has to search the cause for the broken build, and fix it, to continue working? What kind of company is this?

Normally, when you do your final check in, you wait for the build system to either give you a green thump up, or a red cross meaning you just broke the rolling build. That's why you normally factor in the time the build takes before going home (of course, during crunch this is not always possible). If you are sure your check in won't break the build, and it does and you are already home/no rollback is done, you normally have to buy everyone a beer.

This of course assumes there is a central build system, not every developer relying on his machine's build.

I have to consult my heart on what I believe is the case for CIG

e: deadly sea octocatte tax

tuo fucked around with this message at 08:14 on Sep 22, 2017

Apr 5, 2003

Sic transit gloria. Maybe we'll meet again someday, when the fighting stops.

SomethingJones posted:

Erin Roberts:
...basically the idea is to get juror(?) right, get juror(?) used properly...

Chris Roberts
Yeah yeah yeah, a hundred percent you should... juror should be used right and... labelled right and timeline should be a juror so anyone can open the juror and see more details in the comments.

Are they saying JIRA?

[edit] I think they are saying JIRA, the issue-tracking platform.

Esposito fucked around with this message at 08:16 on Sep 22, 2017

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Hell of a swim.

Jul 14, 2016

You should have backed Transverse!

tuo posted:

Stop spreading FUD. Chris is back from vacation and spend a night or two bugfixing, and 3.0 is right on track. He is the saviour of PC gaming after all!

PS: could I interest you in this fine JPEG?

Counterpoint: Chris is still on vacation and without his leadership hampering the developers--work is actually getting done.

And a quick question about the Saviour thing--was Jesus a Saviour before or after he was put on a cross? Asking for a friend...

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Jun 2, 2006

Didn't they have a customer support summit or something at Turbulent?

Feb 26, 2017



I say yes, evocatis will be reduced or specially selected, so all the accounts will be tightly controlled by cig.

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

SomethingJones posted:

Erin Roberts:
...basically the idea is to get juror(?) right, get juror(?) used properly...
Jew roar?


Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Daztek posted:

Didn't they have a customer support summit or something at Turbulent?

Maybe, I wonder how much they've spent on airfares over the last 6 years. Someone should invent a long range communication device, which would remove the need for most of this expensive travel.

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